Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Experiment

The Experiment

by reynoldssye 2 reviews

Gerards world is turned upside down when Frank is kidnapped by a scientist

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-16 - Updated: 2011-10-16 - 593 words

Ah, the school holidays, a smile made its way across my face as me and the most amazing person in the world stepped through the dull gates of school, our hands entwining as our pace became faster. I couldn’t wait to get home and spend an entire two weeks with Frank, we had been dating for a year now and everything was going perfectly, our parents had been shocked that we were together but accepted us nonetheless, ever since then we pretty much as close as we could be, spending every moment of spare time we had together, he barely went to his house anymore, instead he just stayed at my house all the time.
We were about to turn the last corner of our journey and we were the only ones there, not many people really took this route but me and Frank wanted to get home as soon as possible, so we took the shortcut. A van pulled up next to us, the driver’s window opening to reveal a very old man, looking like a stereotypical science teacher, Poking his head through the window, he looked us both up and down, tightening my grip on Franks hand, I slowly backed away, Frank following my lead. The man smiled at us before saying
“You’ll do” My eyes widened as he looked straight at Frank whilst clicking his fingers, almost immediately the side of the van slid open to reveal two muscular men. I gasped in horror and began running as fast as I could, Frank not too far behind, thanks to our entwined hands. We got about five steps before I felt a very heavy weight tackle me to the ground, I squirmed to face upwards to see that one of the men had pinned me, I looked to the side to see the other man had done exactly the same to Frank.
“Let go!” I screamed, kicking and punching as much as I could though the man only laughed and didn’t move an inch, after I had stopped squirming he grabbed my head and forced me to look in the direction of Frank, The man he was being pinned by had a syringe in his hand, both mine and Franks eyes widened as he forcefully pushed the needle into Franks bare arm, almost immediately his eyes began to droop as he went limp “No!” I screeched “What the fuck did you do to him!?” With all my might I punched the man that was pinning me in the windpipe, he winced in pain and began gasping for air. I took my chances and pushed him off of me, making my way to Frank, the man that had been pinning him had now gotten up and went to the van. “F-frank?” I whimpered, gently brushing the hair from his face, he made no response; I tried to hold back the tears as I went to feel his pulse. My eyes widened when I realised it was still there, it was weak but I could still feel it. A sharp kick to my stomach caused me to roll away as realised the man that was pinning Frank was back, he rolled Frank onto his stomach and handcuffed his hands together before carrying him bridal style back into the van, the other man coughing and also getting into the van.
I watched with teary eyes as the door slid closed and the van sped away, leaving me with an excruciatingly painful stomach and a broken heart, then everything went black...
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