Categories > Anime/Manga > Love Mode > just a fanfic

heavy drinking leads to a shit hangover!

by georgiaabingdon 0 reviews

the day after the drinking and well they feel shit!

Category: Love Mode - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2011-10-19 - Updated: 2011-10-19 - 811 words - Complete

it was around ten in the morning and the only one who was up was zara, gee was laid on ash and holly was laid on dru she had drus hat over her face.
stef was still crashed out but he looked peaceful he was laid on zaras stomach she started to play with his hair..
"bloody hell what happened here?"gee asked as she rubbed her eyes and tried to stop her self from yourning
"morning sleepy head,dont you remember well i think we came back here after the club and started to drink then i think we all hucked up but i think thats what happened!"zara answered after deeply thinking about it
"take it youve got stef then well thats ok i have my ashley"gee said as she looked at him and smiled
"and holly got dru there a cute couple dont you think so are you and ash"zara smiled
"ha.thanks you and stef are to,and there perfect for each other"gee replied
dru woke up and when he did holly fell so that woke her up
"oo shit sorry holls you ok?"dru asked as he sat up
holly fully woke up and sat on drus lap "thanks for that dru but yeah im ok"she said as she kissed his lips it was now around half ten
"you girls want some bacon?"dru asked as he slid holly off his lap and stood up he walked to the fridge grabbed the bacon he then turned the oven on and grabbed a pan the bacon was done in about fifteen minuets so they all just sat and talked stef had woken up because of the sweet smell of the bacon the only one still asleep was ash dru got the bacon out the oven and put it on a plate they all had two pieces each seen as dru put the full ten pack in the oven
"i have an idea"stef said with a grin
"and whats this idea?"they all asked
"girls you got any make up in your bags?"stef asked
they nodded they went through there bags and pulled out all the make up they had and there was alot
"right lets give ash a make over"stef grabbed some foundation and put it all over ashleys face dru grabbed eye liner and drew all over ash's eye brows gee did his lipstick and zara and holly did his mascara
"got to say if he was a woman he wouldnt look half bad"dru said they all burst into laughter stef ran upstairs and came back with shaving foam and piece of tissue
zara instantly knew what he was going to do so she grabbed ashs hand and slowly opened it from the fist it was in, stef squeezed the bottle of shaving cream into ash's hand and then he tickled his face with the tissue nothing happened so he did it again ashley moved his hand towards his face and bang shaving cream was all over him they all began to laugh as a drunk and sleepy ash woke up to see what had happened
"what whats happened?"ash asked
dru was laughing to much but finally said "dude you haha have to see your face look in the mirror"
ash got up and looked at his face in the mirror he ran to the sink and pulled the tap up (there sink had one of those shower things so you could move it around!) and cleaned his face everyone was still in hesterics on the floor he turned the tap off but he was still holding it he put his hand back on the hob and turned around gee saw what he was about to do and darted behind the door just in time zara and holly did the same then BAMMM ash turned the tap back on and all the water hit stef and dru they were drenched the girls pecked around the corner but it was to late to run ash had drenched them
"ash we have no clothes you know thanks"holly said as she tried to drain the water from her top
"dont worry wear one of drus tops im sure he wont mind gee you wear one of mine and zara you wear one of stefs"ash said as he tried to stop him self from laughing the kitchen looked like a bomb sight they decided to leave it and do it later when all the water might have dried up..
it was around 15:00 and they decided to go to nandos for some tea they were not going until around six so the girls had enough time to get ready the girls left the boys flat and headed home they were going to meet stef ash and dru at nandos later.
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