Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

I'm back

by LoveLustAndPixieDust 0 reviews

This story is back in buissness with a short new chapter *yay*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-20 - Updated: 2011-10-20 - 963 words

Gerard sat on the couch twiddling his thumbs Frank should be back any second now and he needed everything to go according to plan he had hidden a knife in his car and set up drinks for the others it was all now a waiting game. Gerard jumped as a key twisted in the lock and the front door swung open Frank and Bert appearing giggling like schoolgirls Frank stopped and frowned on seeing Gerard who smiled meekly “I thought you were out all day?”
Frank narrowed his eyes taking off his denim jacket Gerard shrugged “Change of plans”
Frank sighed he knew it had been hard for his friend to face the outside world since Mikey’s death and he couldn’t really be mad at Gerard for grieving “Oh whatever, Gerard Bert, Bert Gerard”
Gerard smiled sweetly “Hello Bert, boy have I heard things about you”
Gerard laughed his voice like honey Bert rubbed the back of his head looking down “All good I hope”
He mumbled looking from the crazy man on the sofa to his date struggling to take off his shoes Gerard laughed a little before removing all signs of emotion from his face he felt like he was going to throw up, tonight was going to be a long one without alcohol.

It was late when the guys decided to call it a night Frank was passed out lounged on the sofa and Bert sat nervously looking down at the floor Gerard beamed it was almost time now “Bert, wanna lift home?”
He offered kindly Bert looked up shocked then nodded “Uh, uh yeah cheers mate”
Gerard got up and made his way to the door “Glad to see you managed to keep your hands off Frank this evening”
Gerard noted as the two men made their way to Gerard’s car “What?”
Bert asked confusion on his face Gerard opened the car door and climbed in leaving Bert to open his door himself, once they were both in Gerard started the engine and pulled out of the drive way “Oh Bert, don’t play dumb with me”
Gerard laughed nudging the nervous man next to him Bert shook his head “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about”
Gerard laughed madly driving very quickly “Where-where are we going, I never told you where I live”
Bert had started panicking messing with his seat belt “You’re going to hell Bert” Gerard said coolly relaxing back into his seat her turned off the main road and down a dirt track he started humming to himself finally enjoying the evening “Bert do you know a Mikey Way?”
Gerard asked cutting the engine at the end of the track Bert swallowed “Sorta”
Gerard nodded “as I thought, you see I was very close to Mikey he was a very good friend of mine”
Gerard reached for the knife wrapping his fingers around the handle her continued talking “And you must understand that I don’t like people hurting my friends, and I like even less people abusing my family”
Gerard laughed a little and locked the car door Bert was edging away from him now having spotted the knife in Gerard’s hand “But Bert, you seem like a decent guy so I’m willing to make a deal with you”
Bert was crying now as Gerard played with the knife “yes yes I’ll do anything please”
Gerard nodded “Just a little bit of information, it’s all I’m after then you can go”
Bert nodded tears leaking down his face making Gerard want to throw up “Josh and Jacoby where are they?”
Bert sniffed before selling out his friends “They-they live above the Nook, that new bar”
He whimpered Gerard nodded smiling “Great thanks that’s all I need”
Bert broke down sobbing “can-can I go now?”
He asked Gerard smiled shaking his head he then took the knife and slid it along Bert’s neck Bert chocked on a sob and blood gushed out from his wound Gerard unlocked the doors and got out the car he opened Bert’s door and dragged him out of the car he chucked him in a river off the side of the track then made his way back to the car smiling.

When Gerard got back Frank was still passed out on the couch he smiled at his friend then went to find a blanket he tucked up the small man and stroked his hair “Night Frank”
He cooed softly before making his way up stairs as expected on entering his room Gerard could see Mikey in the mirror “Come here Mikes”
Gerard whispered and he felt his boyfriend’s arms wrap around him Mikey kissed passionately and Gerard could see into his mind, this time they were standing on top of a building the sun setting around them they pulled apart from the deep kiss forehead’s still pressed together “I killed him Mikes, Bert’s gone”
Gerard whispered Mikey smiled “Thank you”
Gerard shook his head “There was no way I could have let that bastard live and I got the address of the other two”
Gerard breathed kissing Mikey’s neck Mikey nodded then cupped Gerard’s face kissing him delicately “Now get some sleep my love, you’ll need all your energy for tomorrow”
He said once he had pulled away Gerard opened his eyes no longer able to see Mikey he climbed into bed hugging the duvet around him “Night Mikey Mouse”
He called before falling into a deep sleep.

A/N so shortish chapter to get me back into the swing of things I hope I havent't lost all my readers for being so bad! LOVE YOU xxxxx
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