Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Chronicles of the Mage

A Primal Revelation

by wiwuno 0 reviews

Existance, it seems like ours is the only one. That there is nothing else beyond our tiny world. Thats a lie. the word Multiverse doesn't even begin to describe it. Planes of existance more numerou...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-10-20 - Updated: 2011-10-20 - 2574 words

Chronicles of the Mage

AN: I've spent the last several weeks immersing myself in the lore of the Magic:The Gathering Multiverse and I have to say I am shocked both that I never knew about it before now and that so few people see the potential play ground that lies in this. Why the crossover opportunities alone are near endless. This is a Collaborative work with a friend of mine Rekmond who is also writing a story within the same multiverse as my characters though I cant promise when his will be out.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is about Wizards and Magic: The Gathering is owned by Wizards but they don't own each other and I own neither. I'm feeling a little ripped off here.


Dead, Cedric was dead. His friend, his rival, he seemed so strong, so young, to young. It was so sudden. One second they were reaching for the cup about to share victory for all of Hogwarts and the next, nothing he was gone, just gone. No battle, no big send off, his killer didn't even seem to notice him after the killing blow. Just dead all the life in him that vitality you only see in someone with so much future ahead of him, with so much still to do and live for. And it was all taken in just a breath. It seemed so wrong, so pointless. What was the point to it all if someone so young so full of promise could be snuffed out on the whim of another then why. Why did they even bother, what reason was there to even try.

These thoughts tore at the mind of Harry Potter. A boy still only fourteen and trying to grasp the meaning of life. A feet unattainable for men twice his age and a centuries more experienced. But he still tried. He needed to try to find some reason, some point behind it all. Watching Cedric die was more than traumatic, it very nearly broke the boy. He had only really known him for a year, a year where they were enemies, rivals in a tournament that at the time seemed so important. At first Harry was just trying to survive the whole thing. Cedric, just another competitor. But the kindness he showed, the compassion and honor displayed by the puff had slowly earned Harry's respect and admiration. And seeing him die had caused Harry to question the nature of things. Just how could it happen, it didn't make any sense.

He finally got his answer, and from a place no one would even think to look. Not even last. The Dursley's were off on a celebratory Vacation, the end of term grades came in earlier that week and Dudley had managed to pull off a solid C- in gym. It was the highest grade he had ever gotten, and so his parents had packed them up and taken him to Adventure Island to encourage Dudley to keep up the 'good work' leaving Harry with the house to himself. He was sitting in the Living room watching a nature program on the telly while contemplating the only thing he had been thinking about this summer, and one theme on the program stood out to him. Predator's and their prey. Young spry animals being taken down by bigger stronger animals. As lively as they were they were still dying. And Harry realized, that's what it was. Despite his youth, his strength, his sheer vitality Cedric was not a predator. By any stretch of the imagination he didn't have the instincts necessary, but Voldemort did. He wasn't just any predator, Voldemort was truly an apex predator. A fierce unrelenting hunter who killed his prey with neither mercy nor hesitation. And his prey of choice, Harry realized, was him. No he refused to be hunted. He would not me prey. He would hunt he would fight he would make Voldemort his prey. And he would watch as his prey died. Life was a jungle and Harry was determined to be at the top of the food chain. He would be a predator.

And then it was like something within him clicked a fire ignited in his soul coursing energy through his body. A rush of pure unfiltered power, alive and primal flooded his every sense. His vision began to blur and he was overcome with a feeling of falling and running at the same time. Like he was traveling somewhere he'd never been but knew the way to by heart anyway. Then just as suddenly as the feeling had come it was gone. Harry regained his senses in time to see the severe shift the world had taken around him. Vast jungle surrounded the Teen who swiftly began to panic. Darting his head around trying to take in all the sights around him. Vines hanging down form tree tops, High canopy's blocking the sky itself, vegetation everywhere lessened only slightly by well traveled game paths, and the roar of large beasts in the back ground set him even more on edge. After a few brief moments a familiar trill sounds behind the green-eyed teen and the sight of a brilliant red phoenix fills his vision. The magnificent bird flying toward him in all its burning glory. Harry follows the fire birds trail past him and onto the shoulder of a familiar old man. His Long beard, Half-moon spectacles, and signature brightly colored yellow and neon green robes allowing Harry to quickly identify the man.

“Headmaster Dumbledore! Whats going on where are we.?” The raven headed teen inquired looking around him once again in bewilderment. The jungle itself still refusing to answer him.

“Ah Harry my boy. I'm afraid I am not quite sure the name of the realm you have brought us to myself. I unfortunately do not posses the spark of the Planeswalker like yourself. To be honest were it not for Fawkes' nature I would not have been able to follow you through the... Oh what was it he called them again?” The Headmaster began questioning to himself before snapping his fingers in realization. “Ah yes the Blind Eternities. That's what they were called. Quite poetic if I do say so myself. Gives a real sense of mystery. But like I was saying Harry I myself cannot 'walk' between planes myself and am therefore unsure of the name or even nature of this particular one though I am quite sure it is a fairly lively place. Rich in green Mana.”

“Wait wait wait.” Harry protested not being able to keep up with the old man's confusing explanation. “What are you talking about. Mana, Planeswalker's, Blind Eternities. I'm sorry if I sound rude sir but I'm lost here.” The bespectacled young Planeswalker questioned hoping to get things sorted out.

“Of course Harry pleas forgive an old man. I do get excited and forgetful sometimes perhaps we should have a seat this could be quite a long discussion.” The old wizard said indicating a fallen tree nearby which the pair soon found a seating position upon. Taking a few moments to decide that they were as comfortable as they were going to get sitting on a tree the Head master decided to begin from the beginning as was only logical. “I guess you need to understand this Harry all of my knowledge is second hand. In my youth I met a man. He was powerful enough to have rivaled Merlin at his peak perhaps even overpower him entirely if one understands the possibility of Merlin's stories being exaggerated. After many years working with this man and gaining his trust he revealed to me an immense secret. Ours in not the only plane of existence. There are an infinite number of realities. Universes existing alongside yet completely separate from our own. This 'Multiverse' is connected by an endless AEther of nothingness called the Blind Eternities by those who have walked them. Normally it is impossible to travel between these planes however there are those born with what he referred to as 'The Spark'. The potential to become something far greater than the normal man no matter the race a Planeswalker. These people are rare in and of themselves but the number of people born with this spark and realize their true potential are even less. A Planeswalker as was described to me are nearly gods in their own right. Possessing an unaging body which they can shape and alter to their will, the require none of the life giving necessities of normal people. Traveling endless distances with out food, water, or even sleep and yet never weakening. Their magic is immense able to perform any feat which they deem worthy of doing from the simplest of levitation to the creation and destruction of entire planes. Combined with the ability to tap into the living Mana within other planes and they are truly the most powerful beings in existence. The man I met warned me that not all Planeswalker's were good people either. They are a varied and different and any other person is from another. The different planes that the walkers visit are made up of the five base forms of Mana. White mana represents faith, loyalty, defense, and spirituality. Blue mana represents Intelligence, deception, cunning, and planning. Red mana represents Passion, rage, intensity, and raw emotion. Green Mana is the form of life, growth, community, and instinct. And Black mana is the essence of Death, Decay, Rot, and Corruption. Like anything in life the practitioners of these forms of mana very greatly possessing the potential for both acts of great good and great evil. For example at their best White mages are kind self sacrificing heroes who would defend even the weakest of people. While at there worst they can be vicious religious zealots who are likely to butcher an entire village children and all for believing differently than themselves. Black mages as well at their worst are vicious self-interested necromancers who would gladly slaughter that same village on the whim of raising them as undead servants. But that same necromancer at his best my very well be a diviner of spirits. Calling up the long dead to seek out the wisdom of the ages to solve crises for their kingdom or perhaps use their knowledge of plague spells to work out a cure for a disease claiming the lives of many around him. And most mages themselves fall more in between these two extremes.” The headmaster concluded looking Harry over for any signs of disbelief.

“And you say I'm one of these Planeswalker's? But how can that be. I cant change shape or create entire planes of existence.” Harry protested heavily trying to deny the fact that he was very far from a normal person.

“Not yet you can't Harry that requires practice and knowledge. Two things which you lack. Your powers will become abundantly clear soon. Your spark is only freshly ignited after all. Tell me what were you doing before you found yourself here?” Dumbledore asked his curiosity getting the best of him.

“I-i was thinking about the final task sir. And what happened afterwords.” Harry began getting a sympathetic nod to continue. “It really hit me how easy it was for Cedric to be killed by Voldemort and I didn't fully understand it at first. Then I was watching a program on the telly about wild animals and nature and I had a epiphany. Cedric and Voldemort were like a prey being taken out by a predator. Despite his vitality Voldemort was the stronger of the two. He was the predator. I decided I wouldn't be prey any longer. I was going to make myself into a predator and Hunt Voldemort as my prey. Then I had this feeling like something suddenly clicked in my head and I wound up here.” Harry concluded hoping to get more of an explanation from the old man in front of him.

“Ah I see. While that doesn't properly explain what plane this is it does help figuring out the nature of it. This is a plane where the food chain is very important, where predator and prey alike thrive and grow in abundance. Your epiphany ignited your spark and pulled you into a plane where decision would allow you to flourish. However you cannot stay here for now I'm afraid. You must first learn how to use Mana properly your wand would be useless to you on other planes without the Atlantean source feeding it so I'll be teaching you everything I know about the ways of the mage what many people call wandless magic. But first we must leave. Please Harry if you would be so kind take up home if you will.” The wizened man asked as if it should be second nature to the teen.

“Um how do I do that sir?” Harry asked confused as to his meaning.

“Well from what I was told you simply need to know that you want to go home and then let your self go there. Though I'm not sure how one would go about visiting planes they've never been to before well just have to figure that out later. No please Harry do be prompt. We cant just dawdle around here there is much training to do.” Dumbledore finished looking to Harry expectantly. Closing his eyes nervously he began focusing heavily on where he wanted to go. Home, to Ron and Hermione, home, to the Weasly's, home, to Sirius, home, to Hogwarts. When his intentions were fully focused upon his home that same feeling of Falling and Running overtook him once again and quicker that his first trip he found himself sitting in the Great hall of Hogwarts the Headmaster appearing in front of him moments later holding onto Fawkes' tail feathers. He had done it. With just a thought he had traveled between realities. The thought was overwhelming, the idea that he held such power was so difficult to comprehend so utterly bizarre that Harry could respond in one way. He freaked and passed out.

AN: And here we go. A brand new story for you all to sink your vicious little teeth into. Everything I said about Planeswalker's is true. And I know some of you are worried giving Harry so much power is gonna make him this unrepeatable uber god but I've always believed that a hero can't be overpowered if his opponents are just as strong as him or even more so. Please feel free to leave you questions, comments, love, or hate in the form of reviews of PM's and I will do my best sate your curiosity without revealing anything story wise. I've already worked out a plan for the entirety of this story but if you can think of any anime/manga/game/movie/TV show worlds you think would be fun or interesting to see Harry visit between now and the conclusion feel free to suggest it. This is going to be exploring the crossover potential of the MTG Multiverse as well as spanning lifetimes of experiences and adventures to reach the end. If by some miracle this winds up being good enough to warrant others wanting to write in this verse feel free. Just let me know so I can read your works as well. OK that's long enough (Maybe to long) so I'm gonna go. Ta-ta.
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