Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The (Not So) True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys (And Their Cool Friends)

Chapter 8: Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back (Part 2)

by RebelDevil2019 0 reviews

Sorry for the wait, but it's finally here!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-20 - Updated: 2011-10-20 - 2385 words

“SHIT!” Poison exclaimed loudly as he finally noticed the Drac’s in the rear view mirror.

Everyone instantly sprang into action. Poison slammed on the accelerator, propelling us forward as Kobra grabbed his ray gun and began firing out of the window. Ghoul was struggling to hoist a large bazooka out from under the front seat whilst Jet had stood up to get better aim despite my protests of him getting his head blown off. Grace was attempting to help Ghoul with the bazooka, but I was attempting profusely to keep her on my lap. I did not want her anywhere near that thing (it had been known to backfire once in a blue moon).

Ghoul noticed her excitement and grinned, “You ever fired one of these things, Melody?” Both Grace and I shook our heads, hers in excitement, and mine in a dude-shut-the-hell-up-I-do-not-want-my-little-sister-knowing-how-to-fire-a-bazooka kind of way.

“Come on, I’ll show you.” Ghoul chose to ignore my furious expression and began to explain how the gun worked. I glanced behind us to check on the Drac’s progress. There was (thankfully) only one DracMobile, but flanking it were two Dracs on bikes and shots were raining down on the Trans Am. I saw one of the bikes take a hit to its front tire and the Drac performed a pretty spectacular forward somersault before the bike fell to the ground. The Drac didn’t get up again.

I suddenly realised that Grace and Ghoul were standing up with Jet, ready to fire the bazooka.
“Okay, you ready?” yelled Ghoul over the wind in their ears. Grace nodded eagerly. I covered my ears as she pulled the trigger.

The shot moved so fast I didn’t see it, but I did see the DracMobile explode in a huge fireball, sending the Drac driving it flying into the desert - on fire. I glanced up at Grace to see how she was taking this – and she was laughing her little ass off. Ghoul was laughing with her, still in awe of the huge explosion that had just taken place and with a quick shot from Kobra, the other Drac riding the bike went down into the dust as well.

We all sat back down in our seats, all a little breathless from the action that had taken place. It had lasted all of five minutes and we were all thinking the same thing.

Eventually, Kobra turned in his seat to face us all and voiced exactly what we were all thinking. “How the fuck did they find us?” Everyone was speechless for a moment, before Jet spoke up.

“Well, to be fair, we are driving the most recognisable hunk of junk out here. It could have just been a patrol car.” That was a good thought, but something didn’t add up.

“If it was just a patrol car, then why did it have two bikes with it?” My statement caused everyone to all silent again, a growing dread taking place over the victory we had been feeling moments ago.

Poison broke the uncomfortable silence. “We can’t let this stop us. It doesn’t matter how, we just have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Everyone nodded, still deeply worried. Grace shifted so she could wrap her arms around me and I squeezed back reassuringly. She knew I would never let anything happen to her. Ever.

The car was silent for a while, until we pulled into a gas station to fill up and get more supplies. Kobra needed a new ray gun and Ghoul had to clean out the bazooka so it wouldn’t get clogged up again.

As everyone else left the Trans Am, I watched Grace tread alongside Kobra to the nearest vending machine. She looked so frightened and small. I suddenly began to wonder what the hell I had been thinking, letting a nine year old girl come with me to one of the most dangerous zones in the world. She was still so young and already she had been involved in numerous gun fights, near kidnappings and illegal gangs. When put like that, I didn’t seem like such a great big sister. In fact, I was downright irresponsible. I sighed and pushed my fingers through my hair. What the hell was I thinking?

“You alright?” I looked up startled. Party Poison was leaning against the Trans Am, holding a nozzle to the fuel tank and staring at me with concern.

I nodded briefly and looked back over to Grace and Kobra struggling with the Vend-A-Hack.

“You sure?” Poison asked, putting away the nozzle and sliding into the back seat with me. “Cause I’m here if you wanna talk about it.”

I smiled gratefully and tried to begin. “I’m just worried that I made the right decision, bringing Grace along. She’s in so much danger here and it’s because of me. I‘m just feeling like a bit of a lousy sister right now.”

Poison sighed heavily before glancing over to Kobra and Grace. “You think you’re the only one who feels that way? Every day I wonder what the hell I was doing when I dragged him into all this,” he gestured over to his brother and smiled wistfully, “But then I remember what else could I have done? Left him at the mercy of Battery City? Would you rather have Grace stuck in that hell hole where she’s so drugged up she can’t think for herself? Or here with you where she can have something close to a childhood?”

We both looked over at our younger siblings, now laughing at some magazine Kobra was holding. Grace looked over at me grinning and I felt my heart soar. Poison was right. I’d rather have her here where she could be free and happy. It wasn’t the best of circumstances, but it was the best we could get.

Unfortunately, our contentedness wasn’t meant to last.

“Poison, down!” I didn’t bother to check who it was calling, just dropped down further into the Trans Am where shots fired over exactly where our heads had been moments before. Poison had already got his ray gun out and was out the door before you could say S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. I quickly followed him to behind the fuel tank and squinted at our attackers.

Dracs. At least five of them. All were firing at me, Poison and the rest of the Killjoys. Just then, the car they had arrived in reversed with a squeal and began to drive into the desert. I supposed the driver hadn’t got out after all. Confused, I followed the cars line of direction – and froze.

Grace was running away from the fight, through the desert, alone. And the DracMobile was headed straight for her.

I made to run after her, but was pulled back by Poison, “No! If you go out there, you’ll get shot before you even reach the car!”

“I don’t care!” this was probably very irrational thinking, but my mind was set on helping Grace.” I will not let those assholes get to her!”

“They won’t! Kobra and Ghoul are already on it.” I followed his gaze and saw he was right. I reluctantly turned my head back to the fight, which we were now losing tragically without two of our shooters.

“We need to get back!” Jet yelled to us from his position. “I say we make a run for the desert, then double back to the car.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Poison fired one more shot over his shoulder before taking off sprinting, followed by Jet and myself. We had taken out two Dracs, but the other three were fast approaching. I stumbled over my feet in my haste, but quickly righted myself and scanned over the fight that was taking place by the immobile DracMobile.

I saw Ghoul and Kobra taking on a Drac each, both of their weapons lying in the dirt, their batteries dead. I raised mine to fire at Ghouls’ but found that my battery had died too. I started panicking – where was Grace?

Suddenly a Drac appeared out of nowhere and landed a swift punch to the left side of my jaw. Enraged, I threw one back. And another. Add a kick to his stomach and he was on the floor. I may not look it, but when the time calls for it, I can kick some serious ass.

My triumph was short lived as I heard a low voice from behind the DracMobile. And that voice chilled me to the core.

“Give up Killjoys or I’ll blow her brains out!”

I froze, staring down at the Drac lying in the dirt. No, it couldn’t be. I looked up at the other Killjoys to see them all cease fighting and stare at the car. I turned slowly, to see the man – no, machine – holding a gun to my little sisters head.


He grinned at my terrified expression mirroring Graces, despite not having a gun to my head. I may as well have because seeing Grace at the mercy of that monster was enough to stop my heart beating.

“Well Jessica, it’s certainly been a while since we last saw each other. I must say I’m . . . disappointed with the company you have decided to keep. All the worse for you sister here I’m afraid.” He smiled down at her and I felt my heart break at seeing the tears in her eyes. I turned my gaze to Korse and felt my sadness turn to fury.

“Let. Her. Go.” The monster only smiled again and moved round from behind the car, dragging Grace with him.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You see, I’m not here to bargain with you. I’m here for Party Poison.” The others all turned to look as Poison stepped forward, but my eyes were trained on Grace. Are you okay, I mouthed to her and saw her nod her head shakily.

“What do you want, Korse?” I heard Poison speak from right beside me and jumped at his closeness.

Korse shrugged and sneered at him “The same thing I always want. To see you and all your precious Killjoys dead.”

“Well clearly that won’t be today, as you’ve obviously got an agenda to work with right now. Specific orders from the big boss, I’m guessing.”

For a moment, Korse’s face slipped and he snarled momentarily before resuming his composure.
“No matter, I can still attempt to see my dream realised. Surrender yourselves and I’ll let the girl go.” As if to prove his point, he shoved the gun harder into Graces’ temple, making her wince. I swore to myself there and then that I would live to see that bastard killed.

“Not a chance, Korse.”

“So be it.”

It took me a minute to realise what was happening, but as soon as I saw the two Draculoids pushing Grace into the car, I lost it.

“GRACE!” I began to run forward, but was dragged backwards by a pair of strong arms. They were holding me back!! Didn’t they understand that Grace was –

“GRACE!” I called out again as the door slammed shut on her terrified face. I fought against the arms holding me back. Why weren’t they doing something? Why weren’t they going after the car? I thought they cared.

I managed to get a lucky kick to the shin of the Killjoy holding me back and he released me with a gasp of pain. I didn’t care at that moment because I was off like a bullet out of a gun. But the car was already too far away, driving too fast down the dirt road. I sprinted on, not listening to the voices calling me back, not caring about the footfalls that meant someone was following me. I only cared about that car, which was moving further and further away into the desert. I saw it finally disappear over the horizon and screamed in anguish.

“GRACE!!” I finally stopped running and stared at the horizon where she had disappeared, sobbing. I had failed her. I had let her down. I had promised her I would never let them hurt her. And now I would never see her again. I collapsed to the dirt and hugged my knees to my
chest, letting the tears fall down my face.

I heard the Killjoy chasing me stop, heard his heavy panting, felt his hand on my shoulder. I didn’t respond, I just stared at the horizon where they had taken her, thinking only of Grace and how I had let her down.

“Rebel.” No response.

“Rebel!” No response.

“Jess, for fucks sake, look at me!” startled by my real name, I looked behind me to see Poison crouched in the dirt, hurt on his face. “Don’t you dare think we’re letting them get away! We swore to look out for you, you and your sister, so I’ll be damned if we let Grace go that easy!” I saw determination in his eyes and believed him. I would not let them take her away from me.

I nodded my head slowly and unfolded my arms. “Okay.”

Poison smiled encouragingly and helped me to my feet. We walked back the Trans Am in silence, Jet, Ghoul and Kobra already there. As I took my seat in the middle, I felt a moment of loss when I realised that Grace wasn’t there to shuffle around in my lap and accidently shove her hair in my face. I shoved my feelings aside. Grace needed me now and I had to be focused.

As Poison started the engine, I took a deep breath and said, “Will you guys promise me something?” the four Killjoys turned to look at me.

“Leave Korse to me. I wanna kill that fucker personally.” They only nodded, understanding my grief. As we roared into the desert, a determination set about us. We were getting her back. I looked to the darkening sky and thought Hold on Gracie, I’m coming.
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