Categories > Original > Romance > I Always Knew I Was Different

Chapter 2

by im_a_fanpire14 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Published: 2011-10-20 - Updated: 2011-10-21 - 892 words


I wake up with hot sunlight streaming through the window across my face. I disentangle myself from Brady's arms and move to close his window shades. He'll thank me for this later...Brady's soft snores break the peaceful silence of the morning. I walk out into the kitchen to cook some breakfast. I start thinking back to last night...Did that actually happen? Surely not....that had to be a dream... My brow wrinkles as I open the fridge in search of food.

There's no way all that happened... The memory of soft lips caressing my skin flits through my mind. My breath catches and I'm suddenly flooded with heat.

Oh it happened all right.

I can feel his warm hands leave trails of goosebumps across my flesh.....

"God! Get ahold of yourself!" I say out loud, shaking my head clear.

"Addie! Stop yelling!" I turn to see Brady walk drowsily into the kitchen holding his head in his hands. "What a night, huh?" he says with a yawn. He sits at the kitchen table and sets his head down and groans. "Addie. Coffee. Now." Brady says breathlessly.

"What do you say, Brady?"

He sighs deeply and says quietly, "Please."

"I would love to, and thank you for saying please," I say with a grin. I start on the coffee and soon the warm aroma fills the room.

"Mmmmm..." Brady says and stands up with his nose pointed upwards, inhaling deeply. He walks up behind me as I crack some eggs into the frying pan. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. I giggle and try and stay focused on the breakfast. "Thank you, Addie," he says, "You're the best friend ever."

I turn to look at him. His golden-brown eyes are tired but happy. "You're welcome," I say with a smile. He kisses the tip of my nose and goes to the coffee pot and pours himself a cup. "So what happened last night?" Brady asks as he sits in the chair at the kitchen table.

I cracked the egg a little too hard as images of last night flashed through my mind. I gasped ever so slightly. "You mean, you don't remember anything? At all?" I ask, not looking at him.

"Not a thing!" Brady says with a laugh. "I probably shouldn't drink so much..."

"Probably not," I say with a nervous laugh.

"Are you alright?" Brady asks, concern coloring his voice. " We didn't have, like, sex did we?" He laughs at that like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard...which it is.

"No! No, no, no! Nothing like that." We just made out a little bit and probably would've had sex if you hadn't passed out but, you know, no big deal.

"Good, you scared me for a bit there. That would've tarnished my "no sex with girls" record," he says and chuckles in amusement at his own joke. I laugh, hoping that it souds normal, and pay very close attention to the sizzling eggs.

"Oh, shit! Are those eggs almost done? I have to be at work at 9:30," he says, shooting out of his chair and downing his still hot coffee a little too quickly. "Ah! Hot, hot, hot! Shit!" he says jumping up and down. "God, why did I do that?!"

I grin and say, "Maybe because you're not the sharpest tool in the shed?"

"Hey! Let's not be mean, darling," he says and swats me playfully on the arm. He scoops an egg out of the pan with the spatula and eats it with his hands. "Bye! Thank you! Love you!" he says with his mouth full. Brady hugs me quickly, grabs his coat and heads out the door. The second he closes the door I collapse on the floor and put my head in my hands.

Oh my God. I'm such an idiot. He's gay! What am I thinking?! I'm not an option for him! He likes men. I'm a woman. That doesn't work out! I sigh and stand back up. I turn off the burner on the stove and put the pan in the sink.

I start to head out the door but then I realize that my bag is no where to be found. Damn. I walk through all the rooms in Brady's apartment before I remember to check the laundry room. I find it sitting next to the washer where I must've left when Brady came in and decided he wanted to make out with me. I rake a hand through my long, curly hair and sigh. I look at my watch: 9:29. I leave the laundry room and head out the door and lock his door with my key. He'll probably be calling me later to say he forgot his keys. I smile and shake my head. He's so scatterbrained...

I walk downstairs and out to my car. I slip the key in the lock and slide into the car, glad to be heading home. I lean my head back against the headrest and close my eyes. He doesn't remember...then I shouldn't say anything right? I don't know! God, this is all so confusing! I sigh and turn the key in the ignition and pull out of my parking space and head towards home, with memories of last night flashing through my head unwillingly.
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