Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save yourself, I'll hold them back

Just to get high

by Ajay21 2 reviews

A different side to Frank?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-21 - Updated: 2011-10-21 - 2253 words

Gerard reluctantly came out of the bathroom some twenty minutes later to find Frank sitting on the sofa having helped him self to food and drinks, watching some shitty cartoon. Frank didn't seem to notice the older boy appear as he was too engrossed in the - in Frank's opinion, utterly awesome - animated characters running around the screen.
"Ahem!" Gerard was trying to act casual, but just really felt embarrassed about the fact that his hair way now practically white.
Frank was awoken from his daze and he slowly turned his head to gain eye contact with Gerard. It took him a few moments to realise who the boy standing in front of him way when suddenly he had an outburst of:

Just for those that couldn't get that.. it was: Oh my god Gerard your hair looks so fucking awesome I can't believe how fucking hot you look you've gotta let me cut it for you you're gonna be like the best looking guy in the whole fucking universe I am such a genius for making you look so utterly amazing! ;)

Frank didn't pause for breathe and seemed to go higher pitched as he continued his little.. Episode. Gerard just stood there and raised an eyebrow at the scene before him, then bursting into a fit of giggle at how totally gay Frank sounded.
He stopped laughing and Frank just stood there, arms crossed across his chest waiting for the boy to calm down. When he had finished he actually realised what Frank had said during his little outburst.

"What the fuck? You are NOT cutting my hair!"

"Oh come on! Just a little bit, so like it's at least above your ears!"

"Nope, nada, uh-huh, no way man, not gonna happen! It's too short as it is!"

"Either sit down and let me cut it or I’ll tie you to the chair. Your choice dude." Frank added his signature smirk, which Gerard was getting to know and like so much.
Gee muttered what sounded like 'for fucks sake' and took his place in one of the chairs in the kitchen. Frank got out some scissors from one of the draws and Gerard panicked a little, realising what he was getting himself into. But he trusted Frank right? So he let him work away at the freshly whitened tufts on his head.

After about 15 minutes - Frank liked to be accurate with his work - he was finally finished and Gerard was allowed to go have a look at himself.
He looked in the mirror which was in his living room and didn't even recognise himself. He looked hot! Although obviously he'd never say that out loud about himself. He loved his new look and was grateful that Frank knew how to handle a pair of scissors! His hair was much shorter now and neater too, it just generally looked a lot better in both their opinions.

"Frank, I fucking love it! You fucking rock!"

"Good! I wasn't lying before when I said you look fucking hot dude, man I could just jump on you right now!" Frank added with a wink to show he was joking. He was joking, right?

Gerard chuckled slightly nervously and added "Well Mikey will be home soon, so maybe later!" He stuck his tongue out at Frank as he walked past him back into the kitchen to grab a drink.
The two boys spent the rest of that night just watching Frank’s shitty cartoons, eating junk food and drinking. Soft drinks obviously. They had the odd smoke here and there too which Gerard wasn't really supposed to do, but who gave a fuck?
It was a Friday and Mikey and Bob were both stopping at Ray's house - Bob had become a good friend of Ray's recently and they seemed to get on like a house on fire, it was as if they'd all been best friends for years, not a few weeks.
This meant it was just Gee and Frank for the night. For some reason Gerard felt slightly nervous at being left alone with the younger boy but just shrugged it off. The pair was on the sofa just chilling, listening to Kerrang! when they realised it was like 1am and they were both slipping in to unconsciousness. Frank adjusted his position so that he was practically lying on top of Gerard, who was in too much of a sleepy state to even care.
They were to be found in this position by Mikey when he came home the next morning, who smiled at what he thought could be something pretty special.


The next afternoon, when everyone had woken up, and gotten over the initial shock of the eldest Way's hair, the five guys decided to go to the mall for a bit, Ray needed some new strings for his guitar and Bob wanted some more drum sticks. Gerard and Mikey had seen some CD's and films they wanted and Frank was just going for the hell of it. They all piled into Bob's black car, which was a bit of a squash for Mikey, Ray and Gee in the back.
"How come the smallest of all of us gets to sit in the front?!" Ray asked from the left hand side of the car, it came out quite muffled as he was stuck between the door and Gerard.

"I called shotgun dude. Gotta get in there quicker!" Frank replied with a smug grin on his face.

"The fucking boot will have more room in this! I'm coming back in there!" Bob just raised his eyebrow at Mikey, almost challenging him to carry out his statement.

When they arrived at the mall Ray and Bob ran off to the music store like a couple of childish school kids who had just been let loose in the play ground or something. Frank just rolled his eyes at the pair and walked along with the Ways.
Eventually the brother's arrived at the music shop they wanted and wandered inside. Frank had told them he was gonna wait outside for them as there was nothing he really wanted and he didn't have much money anyway.
He found a bench not far away from the store and went and sat on it putting his I-pod on quietly and watching the world go by. He suddenly felt the presence of someone next to him, looking up he saw that none other than his old school friend had come and sat to his right.

"Hey Bert! Long time no fucking see! How's it going dude?"

"Hey Frankie boy, good man! I saw you come sit down so thought I'd come say hello!"

"Awesome, it's been month’s man!"

"I know, it's been too long babe!" - Frank was used to Bert’s random names for him.

"I'm having a party at mine tonight if you're interested? All the guys will be there and obviously loads of random fuckers!"

"Sure man, hey can I bring a few friend along? I think you'll like them!"

"Totally!" Hey, here's a little something to get you started." Bert leaned closely to Frank ear, talking quietly so no one would hear.

"It's gonna be fucking awesome!"

Frank smiled as he took the little bag of pills from his old friend hand and they exchanged knowing looks.

Gerard looked out the window of the store to see Frank sat talking to someone. Someone who looked like he hadn't washed or shaved in weeks! This guys looked pretty gross and Gerard was shocked Frank knew someone like that, but thought no more of it, aside from the slight pang of jealousy he felt in his stomach, but he'd never let that show!

The brothers continued looking around the store when Gerard heard his brother call him over.

"What's up?"

"Who's Frank talking to?"

"I dunno Mikes, lemme get my crystal ball out and ask it!" Gerard replied sarcastically.

"Sommmmmmmeoneeeeeee's jeaaaaaaaaaaaaalouuuuuuuuuuuus!" Mikey said in a sing-song child like voice.

"Whatever!" Gee turned to walk away but was stopped by Mikey grabbing his arm.

"Mikes, what th.."


Gerard watched as the scruffy looking guy whispered something to Frank and hand him a bag of what looked like.. pills? No, it couldn't be, could it?
Gerard felt bad for even having that debate with himself mentally. Frank wouldn't do drugs, no way. He decided it wasn't what it looked like and he and Mikey decided to say no more about it.

Mikey had decided he didn't want to squash down into the boot of the car so decided to retake his place in the back as they started their short journey home. Frank had announced that they were all going to be attending the party which he was so very excited about. Mikey and Gerard looked at each other, both obviously thinking the same thing. He went on about how awesome this 'Bert' guys party's were and what a great time everyone was going to have.

"So we'll meet at mine and Bob's at half eight and all walk over to Bert's together, yeah?"
The other four nodded and all mumbled in agreement. And they all went their separate ways to get ready for 'the best night of their lives'.

Soon enough it was twenty past eight and Gerard and Mikey were just leaving their house to walk to the other two's flat across the street. Ray had decided to meet them there as he lived closer to Bert than he did to Frank and Bob.
The four boys were making their way to Bert's house no sooner than Mikey had knocked on Frank’s door. When they were about five minutes walk away they could all hear the faint sound of music, the closer they got to the house the louder it got and Gerard realised he was in for a crazy night. But he promised himself and Mikey that he wasn't going to go stupid, and was gonna be sensible when it came to alcohol.

They arrived within minutes and were all lost amongst the crowd of people both inside and outside the house. Many people were already absolutely off their heads, people were practically fucking - fully clothed mind - in corners, on chairs, under tables and anywhere else you can think of. Gerard went outside the back to try and escape the rowdiness of it all. He'd already lost his friends, but figured while he was sober he was fine. He felt a tap on his shoulder and spun round to see a smiling Frank behind him.

"Hey Frank. This is ace!" He wasn't lying, it was a pretty cool party, and he just felt a bit out of his comfort zone is all.

"I fucking know man! Let's getting fucking wasted!" Frank replied drunkenly while handing a drink to Gerard who looked at it wearily.

"C'monnnnn! Don't be such a fucking pussyyyyy! Drink it!"

'Pussy' - how many times had he been called that in his life? But hearing it from the person supposed to be his best friend hurt the most.


"Just do it!" Frank's eye's locked onto Gerard’s who was now actually quite scared of the young boy in front of him. He figured one wouldn't hurt right? So he quickly drank the drink, mainly just to get Frank to back off a little. But no sooner had he finished swallowing the liquid did he have Frank lips on his, messy, sloppy and rough kisses being thrown at Gerard who was quite frankly in too much shock to do anything but stand there.
He soon came to his senses and pushed Frank off him.

"What the fuck Gerard?"

"Frank what the hell is going on?"

Frank stood so he was as close to Gerard as possible without physically touching him, it was only now that Gerard noticed the complete difference in Frank's eyes. Their usual soft brown colour was gone, they were misty and faded - clearly he was stoned. Gerard felt so disappointed in the boy in front of him. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he was suddenly shoved hard in the chest.

"What the fuck Frank?"

"You're so fucking useless Gerard! All I want is a good fuck, but noooooooooo! Mr sensible here has to ruin it for me!"

Tears started to brim in Gerard eyes as Frank threw more hurtful words at him. He knew Frank had no idea what he was doing because of the drugs, but it didn't make the words hurt and less. He simply stood there and took the verbal abuse, before turning around and walking through the sea of people to the front door. Leaving Frank in the back garden to eventually sober up and face the consequences of his actions.

You guy's have no idea how sorry I am that it's taken me so long to get this up! Really I can't put into words how bad I feel. It's just bad things have been going on at home and I just needed to take a break from everything for a bit. I hope you haven't given up on me! Please R&R and let me know what you think, I really need people's support at the minute and I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that, I just need to know that you guys are still there and support me and want me to continue with the story! Loves Aj xo
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