Categories > Original > Romance > I love you,Mcdonnell.

I love you too, Day.

by mysteriouskilljoy

Little sparks in the bed!

Category: Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-10-23 - Updated: 2011-10-23 - 552 words

Charlie sucked on Alex's neck, making a soft moan escape from Alex's mouth.
"C-charlie..Oh god." Alex's fingers tangled his hands through his lover's soft hair. Charlie smiled at his reaction, and slowly started to unbutton his pants. Hurrying to pulling them off, the boy started rubbing the bulge with his thumb. Alex bit his lip, not wanting to have any noised fall out.
"Oh you like this, huh?" He smirked, sliding his warm hand inside Alex's slightly damp boxers.
"I meet little Nerimon again," Charlie grabbed a firm hold on his lovers cock, pumping it slowly and the tip, making Alex gasp. Pumping harder, a smile grew on Charlie's face.
"Dear god, just give it to me Charlie. I can't take it!" Alex breathed, staring at Charlie, his cock aching. Charlie let out a little whimper. He liked teasing Alex, it was fun.
"Fine." He responded, he teared off the last of the pants over his feet, his pre-cum boxers right after. Alex licked his lips, he had been waiting for this for so long and it was finally happening, though he really wanted to know what happened that one night Tom was telling Charlie about outside the door.
"Is something wrong?" Charlie asked, breaking Alex's train of thought. Why would there be something wrong? I've been waiting for this for almost 2 years,thought Alex.
"Nothing is wrong. I just want you so badly." He licked his lips seductively, making Charlie moan. Alex pulled himself over, resting on his hands and knees. Charlie grabbed his harden cock and help Alex's hip still,pushing himself quickly and roughly inside. As he did so, Alex let out a loud gasp and pulled his head up high. I hope I'm not hurting him,Charlie thought in his mind, while grabbing a hold on Alex's waist and pulling him closer while he thrust. Alex on the other hand, looked AND sounded like he was having a great time and didn't sound like he was in pain.
"You sure are tight." Charlie smirked, thrusting harder. Buckling his hips and moving to the rhythm of thrusts, Alex replied, "Well this is my first time with a guy." Charlie slightly laughed at his response, curling his fingers into Alex's sides. Alex pulled his head back, moving his hips.
"It feels so good Charlie, harder." The boy gasped. He could feel his climax coming but he didnt want it to happen now, he couldn't have it end all the sudden. What if everything went back to normal? Like none of this ever happened or worse, Charlie changed and could never talk to Alex nor even look him in the eye.
"A-Alex, I'm going to...Im going to come!" Charlie raised his voice.
"Come in me. I want to have some of you inside me. I want you to scream my name when you come!" Alex told him.
"A-Alex.ALEX!" Charlie shouted, hitting his climax the same time Alex did. After, Charlie lay down on the bed, breathing hard. Alex crawled up to him and curled up on his chest, licking some left over liquid off his finger.
"I love you, McDonnell." He soothed, fingering imagination hearts on the man's bare sweating chest.
"I love you too, Day." Charlie answered, wrapping his arms around the frail body resting on him.
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