Categories > Original > Romance > I love you,Mcdonnell.

Lets Sort Pokemon

by mysteriouskilljoy

sorting pokemon isnt working. How about something in Charlie's pants.

Category: Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-10-23 - Updated: 2011-10-23 - 205 words

Charlie peered into Alex's room, and saw him right where he had guessed, sorting his old Pokemon cards. Charlie knew him long enough to know that when he got stressed about something he would pull out his box of cards and sort them out over and over until he liked what he saw. Though this time, Charlie figured the cards weren't working and decided to give him a better stressed reliever. Silently, Charlie unzipped his pants and Alex turned around, only to be greeted by a smiling Charlie and his beautiful cock.
Alex gasped. "Suck,bitch." Charlie spat.
Alex obeyed, bemused. "B-but Charlie-" Alex gasped through licks.
"What about Tom and that video!?!"
"That doesn't matter. What does matter is me shagging your face." Charlie answered forcefully. "Now suck Mr.Coollike."
Charlie knotted his boney fingers through Alex's hair as his flat mate deep throated his foot long.
"Charlie!" Alex gagged, gasping for air. "I-if this..goes on... I'll need a..S-shower...a Very,very cold shower." He was almost hyperventilating at this point but Charlie took no mind.
"Oh no that won't be necessary." Charlie replied coolly, already teasing rubbing Alex's growing bulge.
short chapter yeah i know but just wait for chapter 6
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