Categories > Original > Romance > I love you,Mcdonnell.

A secret is revealed.

by mysteriouskilljoy 0 reviews

Charlie has a talk with Tom.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-10-16 - Updated: 2011-10-16 - 444 words - Complete


Alex stopped and moved quickly away from Charlie, who, also scooted away. They both stared at Tom in shock.
"How...How did you get in?!" Charlie snapped, getting up off the bed, making his way to Tom.
"The window, silly." Tom didn't smile, he looked a little broken hearted. He nibbled his lip, holding the camera in his hands as if he didn't know what to do with it.
"You better not post that. Who knows what will happen..." Alex could hear a bit of fear in his voice. Tom wouldn't do this to us! He's a close friend of ours and he's straight...Right?! So many thoughts were flowing through the man's mind.
Tom set down the camera and pulled Charlie out of the room, shut the door, and left a confused and scared Alex in his own bedroom.
Meanwhile, in the living room, tom and Charlie had a little talk, they were whispering so Alex wouldn't be able to hear them.
"Why would you pick him?" Tom whispered, sounding more hurt now.
"Because Tom i didn't know you were into me until today! And I always was kind of attractive to Alex, i didn't want to admit it but i did, and still do." Charlie whispered back, putting a soft warm hand on the blue haired boy's shoulder.
"But...that one night Charlie. I told you i loved you! You said you loved me back! I really did think what you said was true, but i guess that was a cold hard lie." On the verge of tears, Tom held them in, not wanting to look weak. Charlie looked shocked, dropping his head from Tom's cold shoulder.
"I-I was.."
"What? Drunk? No. You didn't have a single drink that night."
What have I done, Charlie thought, feeling bad for the man. He didn't want to say anything. He couldn't say anything. Without thinking, Charlie pulled Tom into a tight hug. After a few silent minutes later, Charlie let his grip around the other man go and looked him in the eye.
"I do love you Tom. But I'm in love with Alex." He bit his lip, waiting for an answer.
"I get it...Also if you looked closely i wasn't recording, the cap was on." Tom flashed him a small smile. Charlie smiled back relieved and said a thank you and gave him one last hug.
Tom quickly left and Charlie felt a little happier now. Just then he remembered there was a little scared Alex in the bedroom behind him. Turning around, he smirked. Charlie knew what they were going to be doing in that room in just a few minutes.
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