Categories > Original > Romance > I love you,Mcdonnell.

'Move away from him now.'

by mysteriouskilljoy 0 reviews

Charlie tried to go and comfort Alex when someone appears.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-10-14 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 272 words - Complete


"Alex...?" Charlie softly knocked on the bedroom door, not wanting to barge in. He heard the faint sound of sniffling and slowly opened the door.
"Alex..." He said again, talking a little louder this time. He looked at the bed to see a lump in the covers and he walked over to it, sitting down. Alex slowly pulled the covers over his head. "W-what..?" There were tears in his eyes.
Charlie couldn't help it, he pulled Alex into a comforting hug, seeming to think that was what Alex needed most at that moment. Alex sank into his arms and looked up at him.
" aren't mad?"
Charlie looked back down at him. "Why would i be mad? Nobody can control who they have feelings for." He shrugged, smiling slightly. Alex nodded slightly, agreeing. Then Alex stopped nodding.
"Do you love me Charlie?" Alex mumbled softly, that made Charlie cough. I do love Alex. But he is clearly saying am i in love with him? Am i?
"I love you Alex. I love you with all my heart." The words slipped out of his mouth before Charlie could hold them in. It was the truth though. HE did love Alex more then anything. All of Charlies thoughts went away when a pair of lips locked themselves with his own. They were Alex's. Charlies eyes widened, but couldn't fight his urge and kissed back, rubbing his hands up and down the boy's back.
His hands were about pull Alex's shirt off when something interrupted them.
"Move away from him now." Tom shouted at both of them, holding a camera in his hand, filming.
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