Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Dirty Little Secret...

Your Life Will Never Be The Same

by yorgismorgi 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-24 - Updated: 2011-10-25 - 556 words

I lay there un-tied. The window was my only escape, and the only thing stopping me was Frank with his gun pointed at me.
Just as he was setting his finger on the trigger, Bob grabbed his arm and tried prying the gun out his hands. "BOB WHAT THE HECK, MAN?! I'M TRYING TO SHOOT!" Frank shouted.

"I can't let you do this, Frank! For the past six years you've captured innocent people that did nothing to you, then take their money and you only kill them just so you won't get caught by the police!!!" Bob yelled. Why was he defending me? "You're heartless, Frank. And I've wanted to say that ever since you dragged me onto your side." Bob said. "Maybe I'd have a heart if it wasn't ripped out my chest and torn apart by my dad who ruined me." Frank said, tears filling his sad hazel eyes, then rolling down his cheeks.

Bob quickly tackled Frank to the floor and held him down, then turned to look at me and said "Go out the window now!" I leapt up and made a run for the window and smashed the glass enough for me to climb through. I hoisted myself up and jumped out the window, landing on my feet as it was only a short drop. I felt bad for Bob risking his life to free me and then just leaving him there with a psycho, so I got on my knees and watched the scene unfold from outside.

Bob got off of Frank, clearly not aware of his mistake as Frank just stood there. In a flash, the sound of gunfire pierced the air. And as Bob's lifeless body fell to the ground I was paralyzed with horror, then I did the dumbest thing ever. I stepped on a stick. He quickly turned around and made a run for the window while I ran as fast as I could towards the entrance to the neighborhood. I dared myself to look back and Frank was very close behind, and he still had his gun.

I ran until I lost him and found myself at a gas station. I had to somehow get back to Belleville which was where we lived. My only chance was if I stole a car and drove it home, so I hid behind a bush and watched cars come and go until one woman left her car running and went into the gas station. This was my chance, so I ran over to the car and jumped in and drove on and on until I reached a familiar landmark: the grocery store. I knew the way home from here, finally! When I reached the house at around 6:45am I knocked on the door, praying that Mikey would be home. To my luck, he was home and the very second he saw my face he burst into tears of happiness and wrapped me in a hug. We spent the rest of the morning talking and me explaining all what happened.

The one thing I didn't tell him was the kiss. I didn't even want to think about it! I went over to the kitchen and gazed out the window while filling a glass of water. Someone running towards the house from the woods in the distance caught my eye...
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