Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Walkers in the Night Are We

Baby, I'm Just An Animal

by Moribund 3 reviews

Gerard returns Frank to his parents.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-25 - Updated: 2011-10-25 - 2289 words

Halfway across the city, an unassuming truck rushed through the streets, winding its way to an undisclosed destination, with three very anxious men within its thick metal shell. Driven by the floppy haired leader of the RPD, James Dewees, while the resident muscle men Pedicone and Toro check and double check their guns.
“Just got word from Gerard; he says we’re up against some hench Faerie.” Pedicone called to the others after exchanging mild banter with the crimson haired creature on the other side of the radio. Toro looked up from his boots and directed a worried look to his accomplices.
“I don’t like the sound of that; Gerard’s not invincible, that thing could kill him if it gets lucky. And even if Gerard is only injured, that kid’s gonna be one hell of a tempting snack.” The curly haired man grimaced.
“Chill Toro,” reassured Dewees, “Gerard’s no fool and he does possess self control, he’d definitely ensure that the kid’s safety. Plus there’s also the emergency tranquiliser that he can use on himself should things go wrong.”
Toro shuffled on the bench in the back of the truck. “I know James, and Gerard is my best friend, so don’t get me wrong when I say this, but we can’t trust him like we trust each other; he’s a vampire, a monster, and he could easily turn around and kill us all whether he wanted to or not. He’s not human, and we can’t treat him like one.”
Dewees slammed on the brakes, bringing the truck to a screeching stop just behind Gerard’s car, right in front of the dilapidated apartment block. Pedicone and Toro sprang from the back in an instant and rush inside, climbing the rickety old stairs up to their destination. Bursting into the room, the two men complete a sweep of the apartment, and Pedicone secures the Faerie as Toro strides over to Gerard and Frank.
“You two okay?” Toro enquired as he knelt down next to the pair.
“I’ve got a scratch down my left side, but it’s already on the mend, but the kid’s just about ready to piss himself...” replied Gerard.
“Am not!” cried Frank indignantly, glaring at the older, more fearsome man beside him.
Gerard stood up and then bent down to Frank, lifting him effortlessly into his arms, surprising the boy slightly, as Frank was not accustomed to being carried bridal style by a vampire. Gerard smiled and clutched the young Incubus tightly, taking him down the stairs and out of the apartment, before settling the young boy into the passenger seat of his car, getting batted away when he tried to secure the seatbelt for him.
“I can do that myself thanks.” Smirked Frank as Gerard stood up from his crouching position in the doorway of the car and trotting over to the truck after being called by Dewees.
“Just a scratch?” asked Dewees dubiously as he cocked an eyebrow at Gerard, who glanced down at his blood soaked shirt as if only just noticing his wound. “C’mon you masochistic bastard, let me tidy you up.” James grinned as he grabbed the first aid box from the passenger seat of the truck and started to bind the vampires wound. “We can’t have you dropping off little Iero with his mother whilst bleeding all over the place; our budget doesn’t stretch to replacing carpets that you’ve ruined.”
“Thanks boss.” Smirked the red head, as he strolled back towards his car. Slipping into the driver’s seat, Gerard buckled himself in and revved the engine before setting off to return Frank to his home. Frank glanced nervously between the road and the man beside him.
“Please don’t carry me to my front door, by the way, my mum will think I’ve died or something.” Frank stated, shuffling in the faux leather seat.
Gerard grinned devilishly and simply uttered, “No promises.”
A few minutes of silence passed between the two creatures of the night, before the younger piped up again.
“I wasn’t really scared of you earlier. I mean, I’m an Incubus, we’re meant to be demon spawn from hell and all, so I can totally heal myself if you were to bite me, no problem y’know? ‘Cause we can be pretty powerful creatures when the need arises. Speaking of which, my dad will be at my house, so you’d be wise not to mention the whole being a vampire thing to him, he really does not like vampires at all.”
Gerard chuckled sadly, “Nobody likes vampires, little Frankie.”
Frank pouted and twisted his brow into a frown as he stared out of the window. “I like you.” He shrugged half-heartedly, “You’re a nice guy. I mean, with the way you act, you could pass for human.”
“That’s the idea.” Gerard laughed under his breath. “If they knew I was the monster that I am then I’d never get fed.”
Frank turned his frown to the scarlet haired vampire beside him; looking over the pale hands that were clenched around the leather steering wheel, and up over the equally ashen face to gaze at the vampires hazel eyes and at the lips behind which the only weapons Gerard really needed laid in wait for a vein or an artery to pierce and drain.
“Have you ever killed someone?”
Gerard’s eyes glanced quickly to the boy beside him and then back at the road in front. He frowned for a split second, before his face relaxed again.
“I don’t know. If I have then it was during my time as a newborn, and that’s pretty much a blackout in my memory.” He sighed low, and long, and sad. “All I really remember is the hunger; the mad, insatiable hunger that eclipses everything except the taste of blood in my mouth and the sight of it in front of me.” Gerard licked his lips slowly, flicking the indicator and turning the car smoothly into Frank’s street. “But that’s all it will ever be now, a memory, because if I so much as lick a drop of blood from a scratch on a human’s elbow I’ll be put to death, no questions asked. They let me live as long as I do as I’m told, but one toe out of line and I’ll be put down like a dog. Like the animal I am.” Gerard scoffed, “It doesn’t even have to be a full human that I hurt; if a drop of human blood, no matter how diluted with magic, passes my lips then I’m dead.”
“I guess you’ll just have to find someone who isn’t human then, won’t you?” Frank murmured.
Gerard snorted in laughter. “The way you said that it sounded like you thought I was looking for someone to love, little Frankie.”
The young Incubus blushed as the jet black car pulled up outside his house and the vampire killed the engine. Gerard opened the car door for Frank, and started to reach down to pick him up once again.
“My legs are working fine, thanks.” The teenaged demon grumbled. “My mum will freak out and think I’m dead.”
Gerard nodded silently in the moonlight and held the car door open for Frank before escorting him up the garden path up to the sunflower yellow house. Just as they reached the front door, Frank’s mother burst through the front door and wrapped her arms around her son in a hug, dragging him back into the warmth of his home, eyes welling up and spilling over onto already tear-stained cheeks. The two rocked sideways a little as Frank tried to regain his balance and his mom muttered words of comfort into his ear, suddenly she froze, staring at Gerard.
“You, you’re a...” she gulped audibly, eyes dancing over the dark red blood stain on Gerard’s shirt. “You’re hurt.”
“Oh, no, I’m fine ma’am. It looks far worse than it actually is.” Gerard smiled softly at the worried lady in front of him.
“Oh, okay then, if you’re sure.” Frank’s mother finally released her son from her grip. “I’m Linda please, come inside Mr..?”
“Way, Gerard Way.” The vampire flashed a devilish grin at the stout woman and stepped through the doorway into the living room of the small house. The interior was simple yet warm, with pastel furnishings set against magnolia walls and carpet, at the back of the large living room was a timber staircase disappearing up through the ceiling to the first floor of the petite home. To Gerard’s right was an archway leading into a blue kitchen where two mugs of strong coffee sat on a small round table; a dark haired fellow, middle-aged and fairly tanned, sat behind one of them, but upon seeing Frank stood up abruptly and rushed past Linda Iero and embraced his son tightly.
“You gave us a worry there, boy.” Mr Iero whispered into his son’s hair.
“I’m sorry Pa, I tried so hard not to be drawn in, but he was so strong.” He replied shakily. Frank’s father rubbed circles into the young Incubus’ back as Linda turned to Gerard and clasped his hand in her own.
“Thank you so much for bringing our son home safely, I was terrified of what could have happened to him.” She gushed as she shook Gerard’s hand. “He has a real talent at getting himself into trouble; he’s such a mischief maker.”
“Hey, I didn’t cause this trouble at all this time!” yelped Frank.
“Oh, I know you didn’t honey, now go clean yourself up and get back to bed.” Linda shooed Frank up the stairs, scolding him when he stuck his tongue out at Gerard on his way past. When the sound of running water could be heard from upstairs, Mr Iero turned to Gerard with a solemn look.
“How bad was it?” He murmured.
“Better than expected; Frank is unhurt, physically at least, and just appears a little shaken by the ordeal.” Gerard smiled reassuringly at the two concerned parents. “I’ll come ‘round tomorrow evening when we’ve all had a bit more sleep to assemble a more complete report; I’ll need to take statements from Frank and whoever was in the house at the time of abduction, and I’ll tell you what we know.”
Frank’s father shook Gerard’s hand firmly, thanking him earnestly, as he showed him out of the door. A light breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees as Gerard walked down the garden path back to his car, a thin blanket of cloud masking the stars from view. Gerard opened the driver side door with a dull clunk of the lock mechanism, looking back up at the yellow house and noticed Frank standing at one of the windows. The young man smiled and gave a small wave that the scarlet haired vampire gracefully returned before slipping into the car and driving away.
Entering the HQ, Gerard let his face fall as Mikey waved a stack of papers at him, a small grin playing across his face. Gerard grabbed the papers and looked them over dubiously.
“When are you ever going to cut your big brother some slack, eh?” Gerard grumbled as he dropped the paperwork onto the conference desk next to the large windows that delivered the office a slice of the Newark sky line like a piece of bad pizza. Mikey scoffed and leant against one of the chairs.
“When my ‘poor big brother’ stops stealing my coffee.” Mikey rolled his eyes as Gerard beamed whilst pouring himself a steaming mug of hot coffee. Gerard frowned as he looked up at the clock hanging on the grey wall, twelve o’clock at night; the witching hour.
“Whatev’s, I’m going to fill out this awful report in my bedroom.” Gerard waved over his shoulder as he left the room. “Holler if you need me, boy.”
Over the next few hours Gerard grew to hate the steady ticking of the carriage clock that sat on his desk as he slowly wrote out his report on the evening’s events and jotted down questions for the Iero family in his well worn leather bound notebook. It had reached that time in the night when the air was completely silent; even the owls had long since settled down into a peaceful slumber. Gerard leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms out above his head in a soundless yawn, and was contemplating going to bed and leaving the rest of the paperwork to the next evening, when the room’s atmosphere abruptly changed. The air felt like static on Gerard’s skin and a tingling sensation shot down his spine, there was a forceful tugging sensation behind the vampire’s navel before the stillness momentarily returned to the room. Turning to look behind him, to his large bed that sat in the centre of the room, adorned with an array of pillows and blankets spilling over the mahogany frame, Gerard let out a hushed gasp as a swirling red mist deposited a near naked Frank Iero onto his bed.


Sorry I took so long to update! I'm already started on the next chapter, which hopefully will be up by halloween (fingers crossed!) Please rate and review, leave me some constructive criticism too, I feed on that stuff!
xxx E
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