Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > more auditions

more auditions

by PurplePeopleEater 10 reviews

What the title says

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-24 - Updated: 2011-10-25 - 137 words

Hey guys. I need auditions again for a killjoy story here is what I need

Girlfriends/boyfriend's for all of the mcr guys
Korses daughter
My best friend (its going to be in my point of view)

Why are you a killjoy/bli worker
Your life before bli
Who you want to be
Anything else

Thanks guys

P.s. I might not publish this until this weekend cause a lot is going on in my life and its not all great. Good news is today I got a boyfriend. My best friend danni. As happy as I am he is in a bad state right now and needs me there and I haven't exactly told my parents that I am bi sooooooo I will publish as soon as I can.
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