Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It Was Just One Night


by i_bleed_neon


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-26 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 3609 words

Melody's POV

Just two weeks remained of my pregnancy and I was more than thankful. My back and feet ached nearly constantly and it seemed I had to pee just as often. I hadn't been able to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time and most of the time I felt queasy after eating. My stomach had swollen so much I couldn't see my feet and none of my clothes fit anymore. Frank had had to buy me new pants with a stretchy waistband and larger shirts. It still depressed me sometimes but Frank helped me through it, promising me he would love me no matter how much my belly grew or how many stretch marks I got.

Frank and I still hadn't thought of a name for our daughter and it was becoming increasingly frustrating, to say the least. It seemed as if nothing was good enough. Most names were either too plain while others were just too out there for either of our liking. For weeks we had tried to come up with something suitable but nothing came to mind. I was starting to worry our daughter might never have a name.

I was lying on the couch watching some movie I had long since forgotten the name of when Frank descended the stairs, yawning loudly. His hair stuck up in odd angles around his head and there was an impression of his hand across his cheek where he must of slept on it. I couldn't help but laugh at the adorable sight. He smiled as he crossed the room and lay down on the couch next to me, pulling me close and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Mmm, good morning. Couldn't sleep again?"

"No. I couldn't get comfortable."

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish there was something I could do for you."

I snuggled into his chest, sighing in content. "It's okay. Just two more weeks now."

I felt him smile against my hair. "Yeah. I can't wait to hold her in my arms. It seems like I've been waiting a lifetime."

I smiled as he rubbed my tummy and received a kick in return. "I know. I can't wait either. She's killing my ribs and back and it feels like she's sitting on my bladder."

He laughed. "Just two more weeks, baby. You can handle it."

"I know. I'm more worried about the fact she still doesn't have a name."

He sighed, frowning deeply. "I know, baby. I promise when I get home tonight we'll sit down and see what we can come up with."

"Where are you going?"

"To the studio. Gerard has a couple of new songs he wants us to work out. I should be home around four or five this evening."


"I promise, though, as soon as I get home we'll figure it out, okay?" I nodded. "Do you need anything before I get in the shower?"

"No. I'm okay."

"Okay." He kissed me on the lips and wandered back upstairs.

I heard the shower start and I settled back down and closed my eyes, doing my best to get some rest. It seemed like just moments later but in reality was an hour later Frank sat down on the edge of the couch and brushed my hair aside. My eyes fluttered open to see him smiling down at me.

"I've gotta go. Will you be okay or do you want me to call Leesh?"

"No. I'll be fine, Frankie."

"Okay, baby. You call me if you need anything and I mean anything."

I smiled up at him. "I will."

He nodded and kissed me sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Frankie."

After he left I fixed myself something to eat and used the bathroom for what felt like the hundredth time that day. For once I didn't feel as if I would lose my breakfast. I counted that as a small victory on my part.

After eating I lay back down on the couch and managed to get a nap. A knock at the front door startled me from my slumber and I slid off the sofa and made my way to the door. Alicia stood on the other side with a wide grin and what smelled like Chinese takeout.

"Hey, Mel. I brought you something to eat."

I smirked back at her as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Did Frank send you?"

Alicia's smile faltered and she averted her eyes. "No. I just wanted to hang out."

I lifted an eyebrow at her and she sighed. "Fine. Yes, he sent me. He was worried about you being here alone with it being so close to your due date."

I sighed as I stepped aside to let her enter. I closed the door and followed her into the kitchen where she was mumbling about Frank getting her into trouble. I laughed as I took a seat at the bar across from her.

"It's fine, Leesh. I guess I can't really fault him for being a good boyfriend and father, can I?"

"No. I guess you can't. He really is going to be a good father, Mel."

I smiled as I remembered decorating the nursery with Frank. He had insisted on nothing but the best for our baby and I had, for once, agreed with him. He had been like a kid in a candy store when we had gone shopping for furniture and bedding. Frank led me from store to store searching for the perfect accessories for our little girl's room. We found a beautiful black painted nursery set which included a sleigh style crib with a matching dresser, changing table, and bassinet.

It wasn't until the seventh store we came to did we both find a set of bedding we both liked. The set included a reversible black blanket with white polka dots and a light pink pattern covering the middle decorated with girly pink and black skulls on one side and black polka dots on the other. There were matching bumpers with the pink and black skulls as well as matching crib pillows, sheets, crib skirt, and a mobile. It was definitely the cutest set I had ever laid eyes on and Frank even managed to spot a matching diaper bag, diaper stacker, bassinet bedding, and a set of curtains. Of course, he insisted on buying it all and I couldn't refuse him this time. It was too perfect for out little girl.

Our final stop was at a little baby store where we found a car seat and stroller set with handmade black covers that were covered in skulls with tiny heart-shaped eyes and tiny pink and black polka-dotted bows and pink trim with black polka dots. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen and I happily agreed it would be perfect for our daughter.

Alicia snapped her fingers in front of my face, effectively pulling me from my thoughts. "Are you even listening to me?"

"I, uh...sorry."

She sighed and crossed her arms. "What was so important in that head of yours?"

"I'm sorry, Leesh. I was thinking about the shopping trip Frank took me on last week. We got the baby furniture and a lot of accessories."

"Awe, really?" I nodded. "I want to see."

I laughed as I hopped down from the stool and led her upstairs and into the nursery. I heard her gasp and 'awe' as she laid eyes on the newly assembled crib with its bedding and the matching dresser, changing table, and bassinet with its own matching bedding. She inspected the bedding and the matching curtains as well as the new black painted rocker in the corner. I even pulled the car seat and stroller out to show her how well it matched with our little theme.

"Mel, this is all so cute. Where did you guys find this stuff?"

"We found the crib set at that small furniture store beside Starbucks and the bedding we found at that new baby store in the mall. The car seat and stroller set we found in Newark at a store that makes handmade baby accessories."

"It's all so beautiful and just...perfect. I couldn't imagine anything better for her. She's so lucky."

"Yeah. With Frank as her father she really is."

"Hey, she's lucky to have you as a mother."

I frowned. "I don't know, Leesh. I already love her so much but I'm so young. What if I mess up? What if something happens to her and I don't know what to do?"

Alicia sighed and pulled me into her arms. She pushed me back by my shoulders and gave me a serious look. "Melody, you are going to be a great mom. You love this baby so much and she's not even here yet. And you will have Frank and me and Mikey. There are so many people that will be here to help you along the way. This little girl is going to grow up surrounded by people that love her and nothing will happen to her. There are too many people looking out for this precious little girl for anything bad to happen to her."

"I know. I guess I'm just paranoid. I've always been the baby in my family. I never got the chance to help with anyone's baby. This is all new to me."

"It's new to all of us but I think with all of the Aunts and Uncles she is going to have she'll turn out okay. Unless you let Pete babysit. In that case she might come home with a hot pink mohawk. Then again, if Gabe is anywhere in the vicinity it might be purple."

I laughed, a genuine, belly-shaking laugh. "Oh god! With my luck Frank will get to her before those two can."

Alicia chuckled. "Maybe." She nudged me with her shoulder. "Come on, let's go eat before it gets cold."

She laughed as I waddled back down the stairs and I flipped her off with a chuckle. We talked about the baby, Mikey, Frank, and everything else in between as we ate and enjoyed our time together. Once we finished eating we wandered into the living room where Alicia put on a movie for us and we shared a bowl of popcorn as we watched.

About halfway through the movie my cell rang which scared us both and sent the bowl of popcorn tumbling to the floor. We both laughed at our own jumpiness as I checked the phone to see it was only Frank calling to check in. I answered with a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Frankie."

"Hey, baby. How are you feeling? Did you get some sleep?"

"Yeah. I took a nap earlier before Alicia came over. How's work? How are the guys?"

"It's going good. The new songs are sounding great. Everyone's great. Gee is working on his vocals, Mikey is practicing, and everyone else is outside smoking."

"That's good. You know you didn't have to send Leesh to look after me. I am a big girl."

He sighed down the line. "I know, baby. I just worry about you being there all alone. You could go into labor any time now. Please don't be mad. I'm just afraid you'll go into labor when I'm not there."

"It's okay, Frankie. I'm not mad. I can understand your worry but you can at least tell me when you're gonna send me a babysitter."

"I'm sorry. Next time I'll tell you, okay?"

"Okay. When are you coming home?"

"Gee said we should be out of the studio by six at the latest. I'm gonna stop and get takeout so it should be no later than seven."

"You don't have to, Frankie. I can make dinner."

"I know but I want to. We'll have a movie night. Just you and me."

"That sounds good. I can't wait."

"It won't be much longer, baby. I've gotta go though. Chris is rushing me."

I laughed as I pictured Chris doing something totally random like jumping up and down and motioning for Frank to come inside or making a crazy face at him. "Tell him I said hey. I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll see you soon. Bye, baby."

"Bye, Frankie."

I closed my phone and turned back toward the movie. I heard Alicia 'awe' from beside me and I glanced at her with a roll of my eyes.

"You two are so fucking cute."

"Like you and Mikey aren't?"

"Yeah but Mikey isn't as open with the cuteness as Frankie is."

"You and Mikey are so cute sometimes it hurts. Like, when you're not looking he watches you with this smile on his face like he has never been happier. He looks at you like only you two exist in this world."

"You mean the way Frank looks at you?"

I shook my head. "No. It's this smile he reserves for you and you alone. Before you came into his life he never smiled like that. It's special. It's your smile, Leesh."

She smiled fondly and I could tell she was thinking of Mikey. "Really?"

I nodded. "And don't think I don't see the way you look at him. Your eyes get all bright and you never stop smiling when he's around. I'm surprised your face doesn't hurt constantly."

She laughed. "I don't even notice. I am happy when I'm with Mikey. No one has ever made me happier."

"I know how you feel because Frank makes me feel the same way."

"You know Frank looks at you like that too. It's like he's drawn to you. Even when he's talking to someone else his eyes follow your every movement and a smile never leaves his face. It's not his usual big, toothy grin or that trademark know-it-all smirk of his. It's this really sweet, barely there tug of his lips. You are his world, Mel. You and this baby mean everything to him and it shows."


"Yeah. Mikey says you've changed him so much in just a short time. He said Frank used to be a real dick and he only cared about himself. Well, he cared about his friends and family, obviously, but everyone else didn't matter. He took what he wanted from girls and left them but not you, Mel."

I frowned as I remembered the first time I met Frank. He had only cared about his needs and no one else's. "I remember when he was still like that, Leesh. He did take what he wanted from me and hadn't cared. I thought I hated him for that but really I only hated myself for letting him do that to me. I'm glad he's not like that anymore. You know, I think he actually hated me back then, Leesh. It's crazy how much things have changed."

"He never hated you, Mel. He was just scared." I shot her a look of skepticism and she sighed. "Look at it from his point of view. Imagine you are young, in your early twenties, and you're a popular rock star. You can get almost anything and anyone you want. Your biggest worry is getting to your show on time. Then, along comes a beautiful girl and you want her more than anything and, lucky you, she gives you exactly what you want. You take what you want and she goes about her way. You're living your life, doing as you please with not a care in the world but that beautiful girl comes back into the picture. You've already got what you want from her but she comes bearing news that could potentially tear your world to shreds. You're wild and young and care only about yourself but then you learn you've made a child, a human life. You know nothing about caring for a baby, all you know is drugs, sex, and music. Your world is slowly crumbling around you. You can no longer party without a care in the world because there is a young girl who is just as scared as you are with a child growing inside of her. Your child. A baby you are now responsible for even though you're not ready. You feel as if you are too young and this baby will change everything. You want to resent this baby but you can't because he or she is a part of you. Instead, you take it out on that young girl because, even though you know deep down you have to take responsibility for your actions, you feel as if it's her fault. She told you a little white lie that has changed both of your lives dramatically. There is no going back now. You could run away, hide from the truth, but the truth is you're not a complete scumbag. You can't walk away now that you know of this baby's existence. Your baby's existence."

"I-I..." I trailed off as her words replayed in my mind. My heart clenched in my chest as I fought back the burning tears threatening to fall. "I've never thought about it that way. I just thought...I thought he hated me, Leesh. I thought he was a coward; a sleazy douche-bag. I feel...horrible now. Why didn't I see it? Why couldn't I see how scared he was?"

"Because, Mel, you were scared too. You couldn't see past your own fear to see his and vice versa. He couldn't even begin to imagine what you were experiencing as a pregnant teenager just like you couldn't entertain the idea of just how much his life would change."

"You're right, Leesh. I never stopped to think about how much Frank's life would change because of this baby. I was only worried about what would happen to me."

"I know, Mel, but it's okay. Everything worked out for you guys."

"Do you think Frank ever regrets us? Or her?"

"No. I think what happened was supposed to happen. Think about it, Mel. Where would Frank be now if it wasn't for you or this baby? Where would you be now? Would you be happy? Would Frank be happy?"

"I...don't know. " I gnawed at my bottom lip as I contemplated her questions in my mind. Would I be happy? Where would I be right now? "I don't think I would be all that happy without Frank. My life wasn't horrible before him but I wasn't happy either."

"If you want my opinion, I think Frank feels the same way. Sure he had all the drugs and sex he could ever want but it was all a facade. Those drugs only made him temporarily happy. He didn't have someone to come home to; someone to love who loved him in return. I believe your paths were meant to cross. This baby isn't a mistake nor was she ever a mistake. She was meant to be born, Melody. She was meant to bring you and Frank together."

"Do you really believe that?"

"Yes. With every fiber of my being."

"Thanks, Leesh."

"I'm only telling you the truth."

"I think I needed to hear it."

"Yeah. I think so, too."

I felt much better after our little talk and now I felt as if I finally understood Frank's actions in the beginning. It saddened me I couldn't see it before but it renewed my faith in what we were doing as a family. Me, Frank, and our baby as well as our friends. I had no doubt in my mind we could do this. We could raise this little girl together and be happy.


"Mel? Melody?!"

The sound of my name being called pulled me from sleep and I opened my eyes slowly to see Frank hovering above me with a wide smile spread across his face.

"Wake up, baby. I have some good news."

A yawn slipped from my mouth as I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "What is it, Frankie?"

He smiled as he took my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. "I have the perfect name for our daughter."

I felt my eyes widen and I squeezed his fingers tight. "You do? What is it?"

His smiled widened. "Harmony. It's perfect, Mel."


"Yes. It means peace and unity. She brought us together, Mel."

I smiled back at him as I thought about the name he had picked out. It really was perfect. It was only because of her that Frank and I had made it this far. "It's perfect, Frankie."

"I think so, too." He pulled me into his arms and placed a kiss to my forehead. "Are you hungry? I brought Italian from that little restaurant in town you like so much."

"I don't know why you even ask anymore because you know my response is going to be the same. I'm always hungry."

He laughed. "I know, I know. You're eating for two and all that."

I laughed as he went to the kitchen and retrieved our food. He put a movie on as we ate and once we had finished we crawled into bed and held me close. I smiled as he rubbed my tummy and we talked about our daughter; our daughter that now had a name. Harmony.

I know it has been FOREVER and I am so sorry. We've had two deaths in the family and I just haven't been able to sit down and write with all that has happened because of it. Hopefully, now that things have started to calm down I will be able to get back to writing.

xo britt
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