Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Nolee's Personalised Story

Nolee's Personalised Story

by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

Nolee's Personalised Story

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-26 - Updated: 2011-10-26 - 684 words

“Hey, wanna come over to my place this weekend?” My best friend Ray asked “I’m having a party. It’d be awesome if you could come over.”
“I’d love to.” I replied with a small smile “So who’s going?”
“Oh Mikey, Gerard, Frank, Andy,” He suddenly lowered his voice “Bob,” He raised his voice again “Billie, just a few more people we used to hang round with at school-“
“Did you say that Bob was coming?” I asked. Ray gulped and nodded. I pulled a face “Well then I’m not coming.”
“Oh come on Nolee!” Ray moaned “You probably won’t even see Bob. He’ll be talking to some other girls…”
“I don’t get why you like him.” I said, disgusted “He’s such a jerk.”
“He’s not that bad.” Ray suddenly laughed “It’s just some weird effect you have on him.”
I nudged him and stood up “I’m going home. What time do you want me at yours on Saturday?”
“Come over at eight.” He replied “I’ll see you then.”
“I’ll see you then.” I repeated “Bye.”
“See ya.”
I waved goodbye to him and walked out of the bar. I needed a party. I’ve been so stressed recently. But I really didn’t want to see Bob. Why did he hate me so much? I really couldn’t remember doing anything wrong. He just hated me for no apparent reason.
I sighed heavily as I reached my red car. I pulled open the door and slipped inside. My phone beeped so I reached over to check what it said Can’t wait to see you Saturday ;) – Bob xx
I groaned. What was he planning now?

Bob’s POV…
“Are you going to do it this weekend?” Mikey asked me “You’ve been talking about it for ages but you never do anything about it.”
“I’ve just texted her.” I muttered “Telling her I can’t wait to see her on Saturday.”
“Let me see the text.” Mikey said firmly. I handed over my phone and he went to my sent messages. Mikey burst out laughing.
I got angry “Well, what?”
“It looks like you’re threatening the poor girl!” Mikey spluttered.
This only made me angrier for no apparent reason “Well it’ll be a bigger surprise on Saturday then won’t it?” I replied sulkily “… It doesn’t really sound like I’m threatening her, does it?”
“Yes!” Mikey was practically wetting himself with laughter.
I snatched my phone off him “Would you quit laughing?” I barked “You’re starting to piss me off.”
“Oh sorry Bobby Bear.” Mikey giggled “You were quite right though.”
“About what?”
“She’ll be really surprised Saturday night.” Mikey laughed again “The moment you go near her, she might run away!”
“Oh stop it.” I said, rolling my eyes.

Nolee’s POV…
Saturday came rather quickly. I hadn’t really thought about it much. I was too busy with college and baby-sitting in the evenings so that I could pay the rent. So when I realised it was Saturday I was quite relieved. Until I remembered the party.
I groaned the moment I remembered. I groaned even more when I remembered the text Bob had sent me. I made up my mind on the spot to phone Ray and tell him I was ill. Then instead of attending the party, I could stay at home and watch a movie. And I wouldn’t have to see Bob.
So I called Ray “Ray, I’m not feeling too good.”
“You sound fine Nolee.”
“Well yes. I sound fine. But I feel terrible.”
“Nolee, please come tonight!” Ray winged “I know that you’re feeling fine. You’re only saying this so that you don’t have to see Bob.”
“No I’m not!”
“Bob will only rub it in your face if you don’t show up.”
I hadn’t thought of that. “Okay, fine, I’ll be over at eight.”
I hung up the phone and ran off to get ready.
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