Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Halloween oneshot auditions

Halloween oneshot auditions

by AhoyMikeyo 13 reviews

Audtions for a halloween oneshot based on Sweeney Todd

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-27 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 117 words

Its gonna bea failt long one shot based on one of my most favouritest films Sweeney Todd I need a few victims a Mrs Lovette type character a Johanna a Lucy and a Toby type character (that doesn't have to be a boy)

Auditons will be open all night and close tommorow morning so that I can write all friday and get this up fro Monday HALLOWEEEEEEEEEN anywa this will be a modern Day rendishen and all the other characters will be covered by Mcr members... also Gerard is Sweeney cause well... it fits him so well in my mind


Your personality will be based off the actual characters :3

See you soon hoes!
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