Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fixing the Un-Fixable

Breaking the Broken

by DisenchatedDestroya 1 review

A brother. A possible lover. A glimmer of hope that he can be saved. But will he? There will be Frikey later on. Please read and review.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-10-31 - Updated: 2011-11-02 - 957 words - Complete

Fixing the Un-Fixable

Chapter One - Breaking the Broken

Gerard's POV

I'd had a rough day; two detentions, stolen lunch money, terrible lessons, sweltering heat and an overflowing school toilet. I was pissed off to say the least. The one small grace I had that day was the twenty minutes of pure silence before Mikey got back from his undeserved detention (which still makes my blood boil at the unjustness of it) and our parents were out until the following Monday on a business trip.

But no. A super-hyper Frank Iero had decided to invite himself around. Not that I minded Frankie, I was just unusually perturbed.

"Gee?" The younger lad hummed, tapping out an annoying musical pattern on the walls of the passing houses.

"Yeah?" I grunted in sub-zero tones, almost tripping over the uneven flagstone sidewalk, thus adding to my overly pissed-off-ness.

"What'd Mikester do to get an after school?" Frank asked hyperly, in a voice that didn't suit a black-haired sixteen year old with more than two facial piercings.

That question riled me even more. Mikey hadn't done anything, other than get beaten up in a fight that he couldn't ever win.

"Nothing." I stated harshly, daring the excitable kid to question my superior authority on the matter.

Well, Frankie never was one to shy away from a dare.

"But he musta done something, Gee!" His underdeveloped voice protested, making me wish, not for the first time in his presence, that I was deaf.

Just then, a little kid ran smack into me. A little kid carrying a huge ice-cream. A huge ice-cream that went splat onto my favourite Misfits top. When the brat looked like he was about to blame me, I all but growled at him and he ran, practically screaming, in the opposite direction.

"Well, Gee? What'd Mikes do?" Frankie relentlessly probed, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was just micrometers away from severing my dangerous red detonating wire.

"Gee! Frankie! Wait up!" I heard Mikey's familliar voice yell happily. We stopped and turned to see my little brother weaving through the street with a huge grin on his face.

"Hey, Moikey! Thought you had an after school!" Frank greeted enthusiastically when Mikey finally skidded to a stop in front of us. The pair exchanged a youthful high-five, the sound of their palms meeting penetrating my ears and causing the beginings of a horrific headache.

"Mr White was ill today and his cover wanted to go home, so here I am!" Mikey practically sang, full of the joy that only a regained Friday can deliver. He turned to me as we resumed walking homewards. "Heya, Gee."

"Hi, Mikes." I replied emptily, rubbing my head to try to allieviate some of the day's crushing stress.

"Don't worry about Mr Grumpy, Mikes. Gee's been like it since we left school." Frank explained in response to Mikey's slightly hurt expression.

"No piggy back then?" Mikey begged wistfully, a playful grin on his innocent face.

I don't know why, but that particular statement just made me snap. It was the straw that broke the camel's long-suffering back. I abruptly halted, let out a gutural groan of frustration and turned my most haggard look on the stationary Mikey.

"No, no fucking piggy back!" I screamed at my suddenly shocked and scared little brother. Frank just gawped like his lower jaw was a deadweight. I knew that Mikey had probably had a rough day too, the poor victim always did, but I found myself unable to stop. "Do you know what? I wish you'd had your fucking detention, at least then I would be free of your annoying fucking voice for a while! Can't you ever just leave me the fuck alone?! Whenever you're scared or hurt it's always motherfucking Gee that has to make it better for poor little Mikey-wikey! Well, news flash, bro, if you weren't such an antisocial fucktard than maybe people wouldn't beat you up. Fuck knows I want to!" I screeched mercilessly at my defenceless baby brother, at my world.

My guilty eyes had somehow found the ground and when I looked up, Mikey was crying, shaking in fear and Frank looked like he was about to punch me.

Fuck, Mikey looked so heartbroken, so destroyed and I had caused it. I loathe myself for that.

I looked helplessly as Mikey started to back away from me, his glasses full of tears. He only stopped when he backed up right into Frank, who put a defensive arm around his quaking shoulder. Mikey flinched away from the unexpected contact; in the mind of a constant victim, especially an anxiety filled one like Mikey, any unexpected contact could well be a threat.

Fuck, he looked so lost, so alone, so frightened. He looked like everything I was supposed to protect him from being.

"Mikes... I..." I tried to apologize, but shame and guilt got the best of me.

"Gerard. Say sorry." Frank ordered sternly, in a serious tone that didn't suit the, normally, jolly teen. A horrible silence stretched out between the three of us, filled only by the sounds of the street and Mikey's broken sobbing.

"Mikes, I'm so sorry." I whispered, taking a step towards my trembling little brother.

He bolted. He ran faster and harder than I have ever seen anyone ever run before.

"Mikey!" Frank yelled, starting after the youngest of our trio, not before shooting me a murderous glare.

I just stood motionless, barely noticing the sudden rain spitting disgustedly at my face and mingling with my guilty tears.

A/N: I do have more chapters in which Frikey shall ensue. Is it worth uploading anymore chapters?? Please review and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading! :)
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