Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco

My 'Bestfriend'

by xxPanicFanxx 5 reviews

Sorry guys I just needed to vent.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2011-11-02 - Updated: 2011-11-02 - 622 words - Complete

Ok so I'm just gonna start this. You ruined my life. You stole my friends phone and broke it, and announced to the whole school over the P.A that I might be bi because I'm really confused. First I just want to say you're a tease and guys only like you because they think you're gonna put out. Sorry hun but it's the truth. The way you were acting at your party doesn't help either. Those guys had girlfriends and you were bending over and putting your boobs in their faces. You disgust me. I thought we were friends. You knew all my secrets and I knew yours. What happened to you though honestly? You never used to be like this. You never acted like this until you got into middle school. "Nothing happened to me." You said "I grew up." You said. Yeah you sure did grow up alright. Now let's talk about guys shall we? About you-know-who. You know the guy you said was ugly but I said was cute? The guy I liked but then you said you liked him because he's funny. Well he liked me too but you said you'd change that really quickly, and you came out of the house in a mini skirt, tanktop, pushup bra, and high heels that you really couldn't pull off honesly. Do you even know what I want to say to you? How I used to cut myself because you would always call me stupid and ugly? How everytime we were around guys they would always pay attention to you? Maybe because they thought you were easy? I mean you kind of are. You're 13 and you got fingered by a 17 year old about 3 times and another 6 times by 6 different guys. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. I'm surprised you haven't had sex yet. Oh wait that's right you have morals right? Yeah you sure do. And then you cut yourself because no one understand you and because the 17 year old hungout with his friends and didn't spend all his time by your side. Hey remember when I used to smile? Like a real genuine smile? That was so long ago I can't even remember. Do you know that you're the reason I want to die. You're the reason I listen to 'emo music'. But you're just a fucking hypocrit. You used to listen to the same music, but then you became 'popular' and I became nobody. Yeah we would still hangout but only when you had no one to else to hangout with and you were bored. Well guess what bitch? I'm fucking done. I told you off and slapped you in the fucking face. I bet you didn't expect that did you? I was always the weakling so I was easiest to pick on. Well I only played weak so you thought you could overpower me easily and if we ever did get into a fight you would be surpised. Anyway when I slapped you did I make a mark or what? I didn't get to see because you ran off crying. Hah and you call me the weakling. Not so much of a badass now are you? Nope thought not. Then you had you friends jump me and I fucking kicked all their asses. Bitch if you mess with the bull you're gonna get the fucking horns so deal with it. When you went off crying you told your mom. Isn't that right? You said I started it. Well guess what you threw the first punch so shut the fuck up. And you know what? I'm glad we aren't friends anymore because all you are is a fucking little whore. Glad we cleared that up k thanks bye.
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