Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

My Alley Way Romance

by I_AM_MIKEYS_UNICORN 5 reviews

Frank Iero encounters a mysterious man in the alley, and he knows that it isn't the last time they'll meet.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-11-08 - Updated: 2011-11-08 - 431 words


It was a dark, cold and evil night. Shivers were sent down my spine for seconds, and sometimes minutes, after I heard even the slightest noise. I could feel my heart beating faster as I turned my head, to the sound a can hitting the ground. The echo filled the air and I knew something wasn't right.

The moon light was so dim, and the stars were practically invisible.I span back around, as quickly as I could, keeping my stance strong and steady. Not even those self-defence lessons helped me now.

A dark shadow pushed me towards the wall. I couldn't make out a face, let alone realise what the hell was happening. When the penny finally dropped, I tried letting out a cry for help. The second my mouth opened, the strangers hand covered it.

The strong smell of booze filled my lungs. My attacker was more than likely a drunken male, who probably wanted to mug me for his next round or fix. I tried breaking free of his clutches, but his free hand wandered upwards, toward my hair. He played with it, seductively. I started to relax, as he soothed my scared ego.

"Shh..." his whispers caressed my ears, and I found myself looking deep into his eyes. If it wasn't so dark, I'd have been able to study his features more. For some reason, I was attracted to this mysterious shadow, more than anyone else I could recall to memory at that point.

He pulled me in, removed his hand and recovered my mouth with his, in a hungry kiss. I responded immediately, he'd surprised me. His mouth was warm, and his lips were softer that I could have imagined.

Suddenly, he pushed away, and ran off into the darkness. I slid down the wall, watching him make every step, before he disappeared. A hot fire of desire settled in my stomach. I didn't know who he was or why he'd kissed me, but I knew that it wasn't the end.


A/N: ohai guise :3 this is just the prologue of my story, so i can see what people think and whether or not to continue with it, because i don't have much of an idea of where it is going. I'll try to update next week :)
-Leaa xo

A/N2: i was thinking of doing this story for my creative writing project, at college, so i'll be able to add to it during my project hours and it'll update quicker. so i really need reviews for my feedback and evaluation! thank you~
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