Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Death Or Victory

by MCRmySoldier6 1 review

Crime has taken over Arlum city. And we will. not. take. it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-11-08 - Updated: 2011-11-09 - 959 words

Okay guys, I'm extremely sorry for not even writing this, but y'know... School...

Imagine Gotham city, from Batman. Okay, you know the narrows, right? Falcone, a gang leader, filled the alleyways with drugs and crimes. Well, imagine more alleyways, even dirtier, and another gang leader, ten times worse. His name was Howard Entson. He was ruthless, almost bloodthirsty. He almost ruled Arlum City. No one arrested him, because he had paid up with the right people, and as long as he kept the bad people rich and the good people scared no one would touch him. And I had seen him face to face, once to many times.
 /"DON'T YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" "LIKE WHAT? WHAT?" My parents barked at each other, just like last night, and the night before, and the night before... I stepped out onto the deck of our apartment in the "Narrows", which was really just a bunch of dirty apartment buildings built too close to each other. The air was cool, and rain poured from the clouds that blocked the moon that night. I leaned against the wooden, now soaked, railing, and took in a breath of the cool, moist air. I looked through the glass at my parents. My father's face was red, and my mother looked even more mad than the time I cut my own hair in kindergarden. Their shouts were muffled through the glass now, thank the lord. I looked out across the way, looking past the wet laundry people hung on sagging telephone wires, at the other building. Then, a shatter echoed through the glass door. I ducked quickly, sheltering my face with my arms as glass flew from the door. But it was neither of my now silent parents who had broke it. I stared in horror as three tall, dark men in suits, with guns, stood in the doorway. My mother began to yell for help. The men shot her. Blood spurted from the wound as she fell to the ground. My father yelled her name, and his voice cracked halfway through. I stood there in shock of the reality. One of the tall men pointed his gun at him "Money. Jewelry. Fast." he demanded. "Y-Yes." my dad stuttered. "Wait." the man to his left said, I took note of a long scar running down his left cheek. The others looked at him puzzled. "Her." he gestured in my direction. "No. Please! You already took my wife! Please not-" he never finished that sentence. But a man's gun did it for him. I screamed in horror, as two men approached me, stepping ontop of the broken glass. They roughly grabbed my arms, and lifted me a good foot off the ground. The other man pressed his gun against my chin. "Oh.. You're a pretty one! Hey, how do ya like her, Howie?" "I say she ain't got till mornin'. " the tallest of all said gruffly. I squirmed, trying to break free, but it was no use. They only tightened their grip. "C'mon, don' look at me like dat! You'll see your ma and pa again!" he laughed. I felt tears brim in my eyes. They began rushing me out the building, and lucky for them, I lived on the second floor. We somehow made it out with no one stopping them. I continued to squirm, hoping that maybe they'll accidentally drop me, but if one loosened his grip, the other would tighten his. We were in the middle of the parking lot when out of no where, two bodies fell from the sky, and landed on their feet. "Put her down." one of the men spat. They stood in a fighting stance, the one on the left was tall, skinny, and he was wearing a Black body suit, with a yellow 'BB' on the chest, with a yellow belt at his hips. The other had on a black body suit as well, but with 'BL' embellished on the chest, and a red utility belt. "Or what?" Entson said, almost laughing. "Oh... You shouldn't have said that." 'BB' said with a smirk. Then, all hell broke loose. There was fighting, and the two men dropped me. "GO!" 'BL' shouted. Then, just after I felt my feet hit the pavement, I was swooped up, and I felt my stomach leap into my throat. 'Acid' picked me up, and in both arms, flew into the clouds. I screamed, realizing we were already up so high. The entire city looked like it could fit into the palm of my hand. "WHAT THE HELL!?!" I screamed, clinging onto the man's shoulders. "Calm down! You'll be okay! I promise!" he said, and for some crazy reason, I believed him. "We just have to wait for BladeSong." he added. "Bladesong?" I questioned, still holding on for dear life as he hovered just above the clouds. "Not here." he replied. Then, 'BladeSong' rocketed up from the clouds. "Taken care of." "B-But... He- He had guns!" I stuttered looking at the dark man. He knocked on his chest with his knuckles and replied, "Bulletproof." then he turned to 'BB' and said "Lets go." I felt my stomach leap up again, as we dropped down, through the clouds and closer to the city, but then we ended up over the countryside. Acid landed on his feet, then BladeSong, onto the wet grass. The rain had stopped, but the clouds remained. "What's your name?" Acid said, setting me down. "M-Melanie. But y-you can call me M-Mel." I said, shaky from the airtime. And the shock. I was now an orphan.

Okay! I promise I'll update soon! The next chapter everyone else will be getting in, but first, I need a name for the super hero league!!
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