Categories > Original > Drama > Forced


by isquiteweird 0 reviews

Enjoy :)

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-14 - Updated: 2011-11-14 - 716 words

The last few notes of 'Best Shot' lingered in the air, before finally fading, lost in the wind.
I sighed again.
He had walked away nearly 4 hours ago, leaving me here, utterly alone.
I hadn't spent the money yet, only using the coins for food earlier, but the note, I didn't want to spend, it still had the spiky black letters in the corner, and until I found some way of remembering it, I wouldn't spend the money. Seeing as I didn't have a phone anymore, I had no-way of remembering it, nothing to write it on, or anything to write it with.
It was pitch-black now, the streets were quieter, but there was still the odd crowd of people hustling by, kicking my legs out the way.
My legs creaked as I stood up, shaking the dust off my blanket, slinging my rucksack over my bag, which contained my iPod and my ukulele, pulling my hoodie over my head, I walked down the dark road, hands in my pockets, searching for a place to sleep.
I was walking down a dark road, the lights were all on in the flats next to me, they looked so warm and inviting, and I was here, alone, in the cold, outside. I found a quiet door-way, the door was boarded-up, the building was old and unused, I sat down on the concrete floor, pulling my hood up, snuggling down under my blanket and using my rucksack as a pillow, I tried to drift off into sleep.
Three days later, there was no more kindness from anyone, and I was slowly being forced to spend the note, all the coins were gone, I didn't want to give up his number though.
Until, on Tuesday morning, when I was walking down Oxford Street, carrying everything I own, when I noticed it.
I looked around, no-one had seen it yet, no-one had moved to get it, it was sitting there, calling my name.
Without hesitating, I leaped forward, threw myself at it, held it in my hand, unable to believe that this was now mine.
I was holding in my hand, what looked like, (blame my maths skills) near enough £200.
I looked around, no-one had yelled at me, no-one had even noticed how much money I was holding in my hands, most of it was near-enough stuck together, but with a few moments of tugging, yep, nearly £200. Even if it sounds weird, I am so glad that someone dropped this here, to me, this is a few months worth of money.
The first thing I did?
Run to the nearest shop, and bought a cheap phone, credit, and added Stefan's number into it.
Clothes. Seriously. Half-sprinting into Topshop, I searched through the racks of jeans, tee's and skirts, finally settling on some black skinny jeans, and an over-sized black sweatshirt.
At least now I have a change of clothes. After lunch in a cafe (my first decent meal in over a month) I changed into my new clothes, storing my old ones in my rucksack, and heading out into the world once more.
Somehow, the air seemed better, more positive, probably my day had got lighter because I still had over £100 in my rucksack, new clothes, and a phone now, with the most important number in the world embedded in it.
With no-where to go, and no-one to see, I headed to Hyde Park. I usually spent my days here, sitting on the grass, daydreaming, thinking up storied inside my mind.
I sat in the shade, and got my phone out, it was laughable, like a brick, you know, one of those £15 ones from Tesco? The ones mums' have? Yep...that's my phone.
Highlighting Stefan's number, I hesitated for a second, what if he didn't remember me?
Feeling brave, I slowly tapped a message to him.
'Hey there, you probably don't remember me, it's Georgia x', and before I had time to think, it had sent, all there was to do now was wait for a reply.
Crisps and a sandwich from Tesco for dinner, then it was back to the doorway, pulling my blanket over me, checking my phone one last time (nothing), before once again falling asleep under the stars, my breath forming mist in front of me.

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