Categories > Original > Drama > It was only just a dream...

The night out (2)

by Hazz 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-14 - Updated: 2011-11-14 - 359 words

It was roughly 10pm by the time Charlie announced we were all here and it was time to go get fucked (again, his words not mine). We were all pretty drunk already but managed to find our way to a small nightclub and were allowed in. Jas got ID'd which we all found hilarious and stood there laughing at her for about 5 minutes.
When we got inside I remembered just how much fun clubbing was. There were plenty of hot girls around who seemed drunk enough to dance with you, the smell of sweat and perfume and loud music playing. We all sat down at the bar, Jas's attention to me had obviously dried up as she was now talking to a random person at the bar. Dave was already out on the dance floor with a girl named Hattie which left the rest of us sat at the bar drinking. I had a few vodka shots with Charlie before he dragged me onto the dance floor. He began dancing with 3 girls who were obviously extremely drunk. A blonde haired girl began grinding on me and I danced with her for half an hour or so before stopping to get a drink. She followed me to the bar and began talking to me. My head was hurting and I didn't much care what this girl was saying. I looked up and saw Jas in the corner with a dark haired guy she'd obviously met on the dance floor. I laughed and shouted out to her "UUAYY JAS GET IN THERE!" She looked up, flipped me off and carried on kissing him. Still laughing, I noticed the blonde girl had moved onto the guy next to me and I just gave her a thumbs up and turned around. I got up and moved back onto the dance floor, moving uncontrollably to the music. I found Rob and began jumping around with him screaming at nearby people.
I can't remember much else that happened after that but I do know that the pure buzz of that night made me realise that I have the best god damn friends in the world.
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