Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A New Start

Chapter Eight

by Battery_Star 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-11-15 - Updated: 2011-11-15 - 1028 words

I pranced about the kitchen, singing along to the Misfits that was playing full-blast out of the speakers. I hadn't seen Frank since the incident, three days ago, and I was determined for the house to be spotless by the time he got here. I darted around, picking up stray clothes and pieces of rubbish, placing them back in their rightful spot. I shut the back door as the icy winter wind began to nip harshly at my semi-naked body. I wiped down the counters quickly before deeming the kitchen suitable for Frank to see. I looked down at my socks, then down the hallway and a grin spread across my face. I bit my lip before running across the kitchen and sliding down the laminate flooring of the hallway. I giggled quietly at my childishness before loosing my balance and falling face first on the floor. I stayed there for a while, staring dumbly at the floor, dazed. I lifted myself off the floor, groaning as my head began to spin. I gripped the radiator that was thankfully turned off, and hauled myself the rest of the way onto my feet. I brushed myself down, grinning at my batman boxers, before retrieving the pink feather duster out of the closet to continue to clean the house.

A few hours later, the house was clean and I headed upstairs to make myself presentable for Frank. "Nope. No. Definitely not. Maybe. No. nope. Too casual. Too classy. Too smart. Too… Why do I even own that?!" I turned around staring at all the shirts I had discarded across the room, none of them good enough. I picked up one of the shirt I hadn't thrown around and looked at it. "Perfect!" I slid the shirt over my head before choosing a pair of skinny jeans to match. I smudged a little kohl liner around my eyes, knowing that Frank likes it when I wear it. I shake my head violently, letting my tousled red hair fall into place before deeming myself acceptable.

1:55. five minutes until frank was supposed to be here. I sat at the foot of the stairs, hands clasped tightly around my freshly made mug of coffee, staring at the door. I gnawed on my chapped lip, my leg shaking subconsciously. I hope I look okay. Wow, Gerard to teenage, love sick, girl in under three seconds.

I didn't know how long I was sat there for, but I knew full well it was longer than five minutes. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, keeping my eyes fixed on the door and dialled Frank's number; which I knew by heart. "Hey! You've reached Frank! but you probably know that… since you called me… well, I cant pick up right now so, like, leave a message after the tone and ill get back to you soon… bye.." answer phone, just what I fucking need. I tried again, but got the same response. Where the heck is he?!

Throughout the day, I called Frank thirty-seven times, text him forty-five times and rung Mikey to see if he knew of his whereabouts, I even got him to check starbucks for me, to see if he was working instead. By the time I picked myself up from the stairs, finally giving up, it was late…very late. I had almost been sat there for twelve hours, mindlessly hoping he would turn up. I sighed in disappointment before dragging my sorry ass up to bed. It was probably the whole vandalism thing, probably scared him away. I'm obviously not worth it. I sighed and wrapped myself up in the covers, mentally cursing Lindsey for ruining this for me. It took a while, but eventually I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Frank's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes, and quickly realised the room was actually darker with my eyes open than closed. I instinctively tried to bring my hands to my face, to rub my eyes, but soon realising that they were chained to something metal. After a few minutes or so, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I could vaguely make out my surroundings. I was in a small room that was bare of any furniture what-so-ever. The floor was made up of large wooden panels and the wallpaper on the walls was snot green and peeling off. Someone's lounge maybe? My kidnapper's? I tipped my head back and confirmed my suspicion of being chained up to something metal; a pole to be exact. I slowly became conscious of the fact I was stark naked and had multiple lacerations across my chest that had long stopped bleeding. I pulled myself up into a sitting position, my muscles screaming in protest. I slam my head back against the pole, groaning as a headache began to form. "Where the fuck am I?!" I whispered to myself, half hoping that I would be heard. I tried in vain to pull at the restraints, but only managing to cut my wrist on the metal. "fuuuuck" I whispered to myself, trying to block out the immense pain from my wrists. I closed my eyes in an attempt to ignore out the nagging voice in my head, telling me that I'm going to die here. No such luck.

I must have been sleeping as the sound of creaking bought me back to harsh reality. I slowly lifted my head and bought my attention over to the far corner where the sound had come from. A small beam of light came from the now open door in the corner. The door opened further, the screeching of rusty hinges becoming louder the more it opened. A shadow of a person stood out against the white of the light as it entered the room. The person, whose face was shielded by the darkness, took one look in my direction before striding back out of the door. "The boy's awake," a gruff voice shouted before shutting the door firmly behind him, plunging the room back into the darkness.


finally got this done. not sure where i wanna go with it though. I would apreciate idea's:3 R&R
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