Categories > Anime/Manga > Love Mode > i woke in 1985?

Let's confront!?

by georgiaabingdon 0 reviews

She confronted him not what she was expecting though!

Category: Love Mode - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-15 - Updated: 2011-11-15 - 1653 words - Complete

I sat down on the sofa just like I had done this morning,
'you okay?'he asked me
'yes thanks why wouldn't I be? And are you ok?'I wanted to get straight to the point of this girl called day but I guess I should wait just a little while,
'good and great thanks I just wondered why you were here that's all'he smiled at me
I love his smile but I can't trust him after all he could have killed this day girl.
'Stefan?'I asked his name why did I ask his name,
'yea summer?'the way he said my name made me feel light headed he said it so poetically,
'who's fay only dru told me about her?'there I Sid it I got straight to the point
'she was some girl who I met and she was in love with me but we broke it and then she fell in love with some guy called Simon why? I mean why did you want to know and why dis dru tell you?'he asked me
'oh I don't know why he told me and I was just being noisy sorry,'
'nah don't worry t'is all ok'he smiled
I nodded maybe dru just wanted to bull shit me? You know tell me
Something that's not true and see if I believed it?
'I'm sorry'i said once again
'like I said dont sweat it'he smiled again then added
'just he bull shits alot'
I nodded,that's weird why has he just told me he bull shits alot why not when
I asked him the question I shook the though out of my head
'you got a Job?'he asked
I nodded,
'I work for the police'he nodded
I never knew I worked for the police but like I've been saying this is all a dream
And il wake up soon to find my self back in normal life not bothered by any of this,shit I need to find out more about fay maybe I should say I need the toilet and look in his room shit just do it girl!
'Stef I need toilet it's upstairs right?'I asked
'yeah third on the left'
I nodded them walked upstairs I opened a few door until I found his room I walked in and began to search through his draws I puns some
Things but nothing to do with fay,until I checked the book shelf there was a small box and some photos inside on the back of one it said 'fay 1983' so this was taken
Two years ago, oh okay then I think?
Maybe dru had a crush on her I mean she's very beautiful her long blonde hair and diamond brown eyes no wonder Stefan was in love with her,I checked the time id been up here five minuets I ran quickly yet quietly over to the bathroom
And pulled the rust chain, then ran the tap and washed my hands I then ran down stairs and sat on the sofa,
'sorry I got lost I though my left was my right's began to laugh at me,
Unsurely I smiled back then laughed alittle
'spoon aren't you'he laughed
I nodded.
'shit I have work in half an hour see you soon then stef'i smiled them ran out the house he waved as my car drove away me driving
It of course I had and idea seen as I worked for the police
I could obviously get alot on this fay shit I didn't know her last name il text dru maybe he
I grabbed my phone and rang dru, my phone been around 15 inchs tall and rather thick,he finally picked up I asked her name he told me it was fay riley,
I went home and got ready for work,
'afternoon ma'm' One of my colleeges said to me
I did a small wake then carried on walking I got to the main desk
'can you get me all the information on fay riley please?'I asked
'yeah of course sign here please sum'dolly replied
I grabbed the pen neatly wrote my name then she pulled the pen from my grasp and placed it back in her pocket
'come back in ten minuets il have it them'i nodded ad walked away
All I did was wonder about all I'd find.
"ma'm ma'm"
I turned around to see sandra,
"oh sorry hello"I smiled at her then she pointed over to the front desk,
I nodded then walked over to the woman,
"I have this about her how come you need it?'she asked
"oh thank you,and I was told she was a good officer I wanted to know more about her"she nodded then I walked away!
I sat at my desk the number 6754 carved in to Ive never seen haven't thing like this before
It was never there before so who's wrote it? I grabbed a pen and some paper I wrote down the numbers on the paper then opened fays file,
I read it she had a photo she was stood next to an old looking cabin,it was grey as the photo was in black on White there was a north west eath and south sign on it at the top it had a rooster connected to it it was pointing south,the woman was stood in an officers uniform she had her hat close to her chest a smile on her face her eyes were pretty big very beautiful,she had long soft looking her her face structure square but it rounded off on the end of her face,she was truly beautiful no wonder Stefan was in love with her but she was someone else now wait why isn't she still on the force,I read down the long list of words and sentences,I was almost at the end when I came across the sentence 'her car was found in a river,her body not there only her police hat and bag the back of the car had been set alight and still no word to this day,she had seen someone along the name Stefan Abingdon' I looked further down and saw Stefans statement was it really the Stefan I had met only a few days ago and the Stefan I had just left?
His statement read..
'I had seen fay,the following morning she was in her uniform
We had an argument then she stormed out of my flat. Then I watched her drive up into the street she turned around the left corner then disappeared that was the last I saw of her'
Thats funny I thought she left him a few years ago,then that would mean he lied to me she left him before this happened so why has she been to see him? Wouldn't she have gone to see this so called 'boy friend?'
I pushed the file in to a draw then locked it I shoved the hey into my bag then went back to the main desk
"well I never know she died I was told she had quit it's pretty sad don't you think?"I asked the woman maybe I could trick her into telling me more about this fay,
"it's a shame love,she was a good police woman always had a nice smile on her face until the day before her accident she never said what was wrong it's a shame it happened"she answered I needed to ask about Stefan so I breathed in and let the words flow out of my mouth
"whos Stefan? It had his stagnant at the bottom?"I asked she sighed then looked at me
"they were in love and I mean they were smitten with eachother they always wanted to do everything together,then they had an argument a few weeks before this accident he stormed out on her she was left in tears and well that's all I know then she found someone else you know about a week and half after well and then that's when her accuser happened it's true she was at stefans he had something he needed to tell her then she disappeared along with her boyfriend"
She confused me a little but I grasped what she meant so it was true she was with Stefan yet they split up but then she had a new boyfriend but then she went missing there was nothing about her parents maybe they didn't live in this park of London anymore?
But I really she confront Stefan about it,
"do we still have her hat I'd like to see if I could find our how she went missing do we have any evidence? Like gun marks or tire tracks? Or clothes fibres? Or DNA samples?"
She looked at me confused like she hadn't ever heard of DNA samples and she just shook her head
"ma'm what are these things you are talking about? All we have is her hat and a blood mark on the seat we cut it off and we have a lighter and a picture if a burn out mark from a tire that's all so good look trying to find something out, I shall get them ffor you though and a hand book il get someone to tell you when I have them"
I nodded them mouthed the word thanks she smiled then I walked away,hopefully the things she gets me will lead me to get evidence on who commuted the crime yet I still had Stefan to talk to and most defiantly dru!
I walked over to my desk and sat down I noticed the numbers again maybe they were a case file?,or maybe it's a place where a crime was committed? Or it could be the set points on a map? Well soon I will find out!
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