Categories > Anime/Manga > Hunter x Hunter > Surreal Symphony

Surreal Symphony

by The_Great_Poptart

When a soon to be 18 year old Gon recieves word that an incurable disease has stricken Whale island, he returns home to a dying Mito. However, Hisoka decide's that the fruit will soon be ripe and b...

Category: Hunter x Hunter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Erotica - Characters: Gon, Hisoka, Killua - Warnings: [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-06-15 - Updated: 2006-06-16 - 699 words

Disclaimer: I do not own HxH.

Summary: When a soon to be 18 year old Gon receives word that an incurable disease has stricken Whale island, he returns home to a dying Mito. However, Hisoka decides that the fruit will soon be ripe and begins the hunt for his prey. Can Killua save Gon from Hisoka's woven web, or will Gon's 18 birthday be his day of downfall?

Pairing: Killua x Gon; Hisoka x Gon; Hisoka + Illumi; One sided Mito + Jin

Warning: I am notorious for my lack of updates. However if I do continue expect lotsa shounen ai, yaoi, non-con, masturbation, kink ( All lemons will NOT be posted here, if I write any at all.), a hella lot of mind-fucking via Hisoka, and a lot of other disturbing themes. A/U, I'm taking a lot of liberties considering the series isn't finished.

Title: Surreal Symphony

The wind and rain beat across the window. High pitched howls as the very earth seemed to want to unroot the little house from where it stood. Distraught at the unwarrented attack the little house creeked back a reply at the wind. I am old, It says. I've stood through a lot in my younger years and despite my age you will not bring me down.

The dismayed wind howled back. The house wasn't going anywhere. It was a good house. However, a groan not associated with the house or the wind took large chocolate eyes off the window and pounding rain to the sleeping figure in the bed next to him. Concern graced his features as he gently brushed damp hair out of a pretty woman's face. The face itself had a few wrinkle, particularly around the mouth from either too much smiling or frowning. Creases exhisted between her eyebrows, too, from when she would get angry her delicate brows would come down to form frowns above her eyes. Old age did that. Still. She wasn't that old.

Not old enough to die.

The illness could be seen clearly in paled skin, it seemed to seep into the air around her. An illness where no cure exhisted. It had taken whale island by storm, already killing half the occupants in a matter of months. Gon himself had trouble finding passage back to Whale Island as all charters steered clear of the disease ridden isle.

He had tried long and hard when he got word of Mito-san being sick and finally arrived only to see pestilence wrecking havoc on his home from long ago. It almost seemed like a ghost town. Everyone shied away from each other, hiding in their homes, to avoid catching it.

Even the animals didn't seem immune.

The town and forest being unnaturally quiet lent Whale island and eerie appeal of a dead fearie land. Gon was uneasy. He couldn't help but remember a passage from mito's old bible as he went along the dark path home.

'Though I walk in the valley of the Shadow of Death'.

Another groan, this one harder and longer, brought the young man from his reverie as he placed a damp cloth on the ill woman's forehead. He knew it wouldn't do any good. But he hoped. He prayed.

One day at a time.

That's all he could do was go about it one day at a time. He stayed by Mito-san's side sense his return a week ago. Always in the same spot. Sitting in the same chair as she slept on in her bed. And all he could do was take it one day at a time.

A shudder. And he knew.

Another look at the sleeping woman's face. A face that lay still and cold as it slept on. She'd never wake up again. That night Gon cried.

And once again he prayed, but this time for the whole of Whale Island.

Note: This story has started out slow, but decent for a prelogue. It'll probably be short too. I'm just trying to get my feel for this series. Huh. I already have the very end written, so I know the direction I want it to go, just what comes inbetween. Please allow me to view all thoughts on the matter. Thanks.
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