Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

Amy's Mind

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

What's rushing through Amy's mind as she's being 'put back together'.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2011-11-17 - Updated: 2011-11-18 - 390 words - Complete

Where am I? Amy couldn't think about what just happened. Why can't I breathe? Where's my Mum? Where's Stefan?!?! Why can't I open my eyes?!?! Why can't I MOVE?!?! "Get her in IV'S!!!" What the hell? Why can't I speak? Why can't I tell them EVERYTHING hurts?!?! "Put her in a splint! That leg ain't gonna put itself back together!!!" A striking pain shot through Amy's leg. "MORPHINE!!!" After a few minutes, Amy went numb. Her brain went still. She shut down. "CLEAR!" A shock sent Amy twitching. "CLEAR!" She started to work again... kinda like a a toy who's batteries had just been replaced. Her chest started to rise and fall normally. "Thank God, we can start stitching her chest back up... I'm surprised we replaced her lung..." Amy could start to hear things again. LUNG REPLACED??? It seemed like minutes... but it had been 3 days. "You can go in and see her before we air-lift her and her sister back to Fulham." The nurse was addressing Mark. He jumped to his feet. "Uh yes... yes I would." The nurse led him into the room. Amy was being un-hooked from the machines, and she was awake, but barely. "Hey Amy. How you feeling?" Mark was being overly nice. "Shitty." She sounded like she had strep throat. "Well at least you're alive right? That's an amazing thing, Amy." Mark was trying to cheer her up, but she wasn't in the mood. "Yeah, praise the 'Lord'. A lot of good he's done me." Mark just stared at his feet. He felt terrible. The first day she had been in America, and she almost died. He felt entirely responsible. Ella walked in, and sat by Amy's bed and took up her good hand. "Amy they said they're ready to fly us back to Fulham." Ella sounded depressed that she had to leave her father. Amy lit up for a second, then went back to her depressive state. "Yeah, that's good, but can you get me a drink of water? My throat hurts." Everything on Amy seemed to be hurting, but Mark wasn't surprised. She had almost died 4 days ago. "Yeah sure Ams." When Ella got back with the water and Amy had finished drinking it, they were boarded onto the helicopter. "Fulham, here we come." Ella said... Amy had already fallen asleep.
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