Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together
It had been three weeks since Amy went back to Fulham. Amy got let out of the hospital. When she went home, there were TONS of roses and balloons. Amy just smiled. But then almost immediately, she was depressed again. She needed Ella and her mum to help her upstairs because of her broken leg. When she got into her room, she almost cried. Letters from every pupil that attends her school. But the she saw a big letter, HUGE letter. When she opened it, it had a picture of her, Stefan, Ella, Ash, Dru, And Charlotte. She smiled at the photo, thinking everything was so perfect then. Then she read the note, it was in Stefan's scratchy handwriting, but she could still read it. Amy, I know you must be angry, sad, and confused at the world right now, but it will get better. I wanted to let you know there are tons and tons of people who care about you and are trying to find out who did those terrible things to you. Oh, and one more thing, my brothers say cheers :) , Stef.
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