Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Motions Of Life?


by OverRated 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-11-18 - Updated: 2011-11-18 - 596 words - Complete

Chapter Three

I looked around my room and its just how I like it.
My room is my sanctuary. Its the only place that allowed me to be me. Ive spent many hours just sitting on the floor, expressing my thoughts to the four walls that wrapped around me. If only they can talk back.

My room is simple. A bed in the middle, a desk next to the window and a wardrobe at the back. The walls are decorated with my artworks and posters of bands that somehow seem to be singing about my life.
My desk is overflowing with books that Ive read over and over again. I liked to read. Reading transported me to another place, a world faraway from reality where anything is possible. Reading is my escape.

I stared around my room. Although I had everything here, something was still missing. Its nothing material, its something in me thats broken.
My eyes dashed to the floor, where a photo album lay half opened. I simply stared at it, not moving. There it was. A picture of my dad.
The same dad that abandoned me, and walked out on my mum and me. The same one who caused me pain. He was the reason Im battling with myself. Because of him, I questioned my life.

I grew up thinking that the world is a magical place. Where love is non stop and happiness is radiating of everything. I grew up believing that my family would stay together till the end.
Here Iam now, realising how stupid I was. How naive .
I still dont know why he left, all I know is that when he left I broke apart.
But what hurts the most is that I still love him. I wish him the best and want him to be happy even though Im not. I would still give up my life for him, even though hes the reason Im alone.
I sighed and closed the album. I crawled into my bed and closed my eyes, hoping to catch some sleep.

Ive always been an early riser. I loved waking up early while the neighbour hood slept.
I changed out of my clothes, since I didnt bother last night. I put on simple jeans and a top, brushed my long black hair and gathered my sketch book and pencils and my way downstairs. I never bothered with makeup. Putting it on isnt going to make me any better.

I made my way into the kitchen, knowing my mum is long gone at work. I poured myself a glass of milk and stood there quietly staring outside the window.
We were in the middle of winter and it was cold.
But today was different. I mean its still winter, but the sun was out. I finished my milk and decided to go outside for much needed air. I slipped on my coat and made my way to the porch. It was fairly quiet. It always was. I sat on the front steps and opened my sketch book. I love drawing. It allowed me to express myself through pictures.
I sat there drawing random stick figures, never looking up. I dont know how long I stayed there.

The sun just happened to disappear. It was probley a cloud that moved in front of it, signalling that its going to rain. I closed my book and got ready to get up when I saw him.
There he was, starinv right into my eyes, like he could read my soul.

next chapter will be up soon...enjoy
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