Categories > Original > Drama > Forced


by isquiteweird 0 reviews

Enjoy :)

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-19 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 572 words

I sat on the chair opposite them, I didn't want to seem like I was intruding on their lives.
Putting my drink on the table, I looked up and smiled.
They didn't seem like rapists...
"Hi" I said, a bit too shyly than I wanted to.
"Hey!" all three of them replied, they sounded happy, and over-excited.
"Georgia, this is Dru and Ash" Stefan told me, gesturing to his friends in turn.
"Hey" I replied, smiling at each of them.
They carried on with their conversation, while I sipped my drink and listened to whatever they were saying.
My mind wandered, and I started daydreaming slightly, before I was suddenly jolted back into reailty.
I was being dragged over to the corner of the room, where people tend to dance when their are slightly too drunk, yep, this is where I was being dragged.
Laughing, stumbling, and holding onto Ash's hands, the four of us ran/skipped across the room, getting weird looks from the other people sitting there.
I could literally feel the music in me? As weird/sexual as that sounds, I could.
I was nearly constantly laughing, at myself, at their dance-moves, and at the other people, obviously jealous that they weren't having this much fun.
An hour later later. I felt dead. My legs were aching, and I could feel a sore throat coming on, making my excuses, I sat back down at our table, sipping my drink. It eased the rising pain in my throat.
I was there on my own for about 15mins, before Dru shuffled over, exhausted, he collapsed in his chair, laughing to himself.
"We're not usually this mental by the way, Stef's probably trying to impress you" he said to me, still laughing.
"I need no impressing, just being here is enough" I replied, thoughts of the street, creeping back into my mind.
"Why's that Gee?" he questioned.
Okay. Stefan must have not told him.
I laughed nervously.
"I don't exactly do this a lot really, I don't get a lot of chances to 'go out'" I mumbled, swilling my drink round in its glass.
"mm, yeah, Stefan did tell us how he met you" he mumbled, obviously sensing that this was a slightly awkward subject.
I focused on Stefan and Ash dancing together in the corner, they were actually mental.
Several moments passed, before I felt something on my hand.
Dru was holding it.
"Gee, if you ever need anything, text me okay?" he said to me, smiling.
In my hand, was a peice of paper.
I smiled.
The two of us chatted more, until Stefan and Ash finally stopped dancing and sat back down with us, the four of us laughed and joked, until, the night had to end.
The darkness consumed us as we walked down the dark street, I was thinking back over the night, when I remembered. My rucksack and blanket.
"Um..guys...I have to go...pick up my things" I mumbled, staring awkwardly at the floor.
"Sure, see you again Gee, yeah?" Ash replied, Stefan nodded and said 'Bye', while Dru smiled at me, moving forward and hugging me.
Dear god. I was blushing.
We laughed awkwardly, before I said a final goodbye, and turned back down the road, fast-walking through the darkness to collect my things from my 'locker'.
Yep. I think I finally got the night I deserve.
Well. So far at least.
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