Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Guilty... Until Proven Innocent.

Part 4

by TheForgottenMCRmy 3 reviews

"Gum first, then we'll talk."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-11-20 - Updated: 2011-11-20 - 731 words

Mikey's POV
Day 2

"Mikey... Mikey... MIKEY!!!"

I shot straight up, "What, what, what?!?"

Pete, with nothing more than his upside down head visible, smiled innocently at me. "Morning role call."


Pete and I ate breakfast in the cafeteria, which reeked of rotten vegetables. We sat down at a table, and just like my freshman year of high school, I was paranoid that people were staring at me.

"There scared of you," Pete said in a way that I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not. As if he read my mind.

"... What?"

"I heard them talking, early this morning. They think you're some physco," Pete chuckled.

I laughed bitterly and poked my undercooked omlet with my fork.

"Hey, what's eating you?" Pete asked, noticing my change of mood.

"I believe the better question to ask is what's not," I sighed, and continued disecting the omlet.

"Listen, I'm here to talk. Told ya that yesterday, remember?" Pete said.

"Yeah. I would, but I don't understand everything myself," I said sadly, attempting to take a bite.

"Well, when you get it figured out," Pete said, and turned to his own food. A few moments later, he looked back up. "Hey, wait 'til recess. It always cheers me up."

Ray's POV

"Ray... Ray... RAYMOND!!!"

I sat up straight, scratching my hair. The desk in front of me wasn't going to let my neck forget about the night's experience. The journal, still opened to the first page I looked at wasn't going to let me forget the night, either.

Patrick stared down at me, hands on his hips. "Tell me you didn't sleep like this the entire night."

"Do you mind if I lie?"

Patrick sighed. "I came over 'cause I thought I dropped my packet of gum in your car yesterday."

"You sure Pete didn't take it?" I asked, knowing that it sounded exactly like something he'd do.

"No. He asked for some, but I checked my pockets and it wasn't there."

"You came all the way over here at this hour for a packet of gum? Couldn't it have waited until the sun at least came up?" I asked, in a near-whiny voice.

"Wow, you're really out of it," Patrick chided, walking over to the window. He pulled open the curtains, and the sun instantly shined in my face.

"Hey!" I protested, covering my eyes.

"To answer your question," Patrick said, closing the curtains, "It's 11:30, and yes, I came all the way over here for a pack of gum."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, what's that?" Patrick asked, eyeing the journal.

"What? Oh, nothing," I said, plopping the journal in an open drawer and shutting it.

"Whatever," Patrick replied, dismissing the subject.

"... So?"

"My gum?"

"Oh, yeah," I reached into my back pocket and retrived my car keys. I tossed them to him.

"Hey, you okay?" Patrick asked.

"One of my best friends is in jail, and the other two are dead. Do I seem okay?" I asked bitterly. I regretted it once I said it, but it was the truth.

"Do you think Mikey did it?" Patrick asked sympathetically, though he seemed to know the anwser.

"No," I said. "There's no way he could have."

"Then you'll find a way to convince himself, and everyone else. You have to believe you can do so, or else you won't find a way at all," Patrick said, and in my mind I cursed him for his truthful wisdom.

"But how?"

"Listen to your gut."


"Yeah, I remember that that's what got you fired, but you were right, weren't you?" Patrick asked.

I nodded meekly.

"Then you can do it again," Patrick said confidentally.

I smiled. "Okay, but I'm gonna need my partner," I told him, giving a pleading look.

Patrick rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine. But you handle all the field work, okay? I'll see if I can find some old files and stuff on my computer. And I think Spencer down at the Crime Lab owes me a couple of favors."

"Thanks, Patrick. This'll be just like old times, won't it?"

Patrick laughed. "Except you can't legally shoot people."

I raised my hands defensively. "I'm not a cop, why should I care what's legal anymore?"

Patrick went to the door. "Wait," I called after him, as he dissappeared outside, "Where are you going?"

"Gum first, then we'll talk," he called back.
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