Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

I'll Miss You

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

Bye Mum. I love you.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-22 - Updated: 2011-11-23 - 1027 words - Complete

Amy's phone buzzed in her pocket. ELLA "Hey Ells. Are you still at work?" "Nah, I got the rest of the week off... owner of her own company, remember?" Amy laughed. "So you coming to see mum? She's not doing to well..." "Yeah I just want to bring her something. I'll see you in 34.5 minutes!!!" Amy smiled. Ella was the taller, blonder, nerdier version of Amy. Amy had fallen asleep on the lobby.... Stefan's point of view... Amanda smiled at me. 'If she goes soon... I think I'll be hurting just like Amy.' This was an very serious manner. "Stefan, just promise me she will be safe with you. I already talked to Ashley, I'm giving him my wedding band so Ella can wear that. He wants this just as much as you do. Make her a happy girl, Stefan. Love her more than yourself." "I will. I promise with all of my heart and soul." Amanda reached out for a hug. I gave her one. "Should I go get her?" "Only if you want Stefan, I think I'm going to sleep for a little bit. Up to you." She smiled once more and I stood up to get Amy. "I think I'll get her. She must be freaking out by now." "Alright Stefan. Don't let her see that ring until the day you propose to her." "I won't." I walked out of the room. I really do want this, don't I? I walked into the the lobby of the hospital and saw Amy. She looked really cute, actually. She had fallen asleep in one of the chairs. I checked my phone. 7:30 A.M, Wednesday, October 26 I smiled. Amy had woken up early today. She had stopped school after she graduated high-school. She was pursuing her music carer, and doing pretty damn well with it,too. She turned the song 'Broken' into a featuring artist with Seether, one of my favorites, and she had learned electric guitar. I was in a new band, Icarus Burning...Amy's point of view... "Amy!!! I haven't seen you in like a week!!!" "Shhh she's sleeping!" "Oh sorry I didn't mean to Stef. I'm going to go visit mum now." "Ok... see you Friday." My eyes flickered open. "Hey Ells. What time is it? Is Ash here?" "Ermm... he's in the car, getting out some things for me. He'll be in here." Ella smiled at me. Her teeth were blindingly white. She has mum's eyes. Hazel. She walked off down the hallway towards our mum's room. Ash came in a second later. His muscled arms were filled with photo albums and what appeared to be the newest book of mum's favorite series of books. "Hey... is Ells in your mum's room? She couldv'e carried something..." Stefan jumped from his seat and took half of the photo albums from Ashley. "Thanks. So is she?" "Yeah she just went in." Ashley smiled at me. Stefan walked back with Ash to set down the things Ells thought were necessary. They kinda were though. Mum only had so little time left. Stefan came back a minute or two later. "Want breakfast?" Stefan was beaming this morning, which was kinda strange. He was usually one to say 'fuck off, I'm going back to bed'. "Ummm... sure yeah." Stefan lit up and took my hand. It was so soft. He smiled down at me, because I'm extraordinarily shorter than average 16 year olds. He smiled back down to me and we got a taxi. We ended up at some Italian place, I can't spell it... but we went in and I smiled. It reminded me of when I was little. I remembered this place somehow. "Do I remember this place...?" "Yeah, we used to come here when we were kids." I smiled at how he remembered after so long where we used to eat as kids. "Whoa Stef..." I smiled even wider. He sat down in a booth and I sat next to him. Someone that looked dangerously close to Mario gave us a menu. I tried not to laugh, but dammit, I wanna have fun to. I was choking back bursts of laughter. Stefan was too. He walked away after Stefan ordered two orange juices. "He looked like Super Mario!!!" I was shaking with laughter. "I know!!!" He kissed me. After breakfast, we went to his flat and cuddled on the couch. "I love you, Amy. More than anythin' in the whole damn world." I felt my eyes water. I knew he meant it. I tucked into his shoulder. "I love you, too." He kissed my head lightly. I felt my eyes closing. I felt peace settle deeper into my soul. I was being lifted up and laid down onto his couch. A blanket went over my feet, all the way up to my chin. Stefan kissed my forehead and sat on the floor, by the head of the couch. I woke up to the sound of my phone. Charing Cross Hospital "Shit." I answered my phone and my stomach did a flip. "I am so sorry, Miss Harmon, but you mother passed away an hour ago. I am so terribly sorry for your loss." I hung up. I had no emotion showing in my face. "Amy? Who was that?" My phone dropped to the floor and the screen went black. I slid down the side of the couch and put my face in my hands, and wept. "Amy? Are you ok? Please tell me who it-... Oh God Amy... I'm sorry." He sat by me and let me cry into him. "Why did this happen to me!?!? I need her!!! I love her!!! What are me and Ella gonna do!?!?" I was panicking. I never have had to arrange a funeral. "What time is it, Stef?" He checked the clock really quick. "1:30. Wanna go to say bye?" I sniffed. "Yeah. What kind of daughter am I? I didn't even say bye!!!" "Oh Amy! It's ok!!! I'm positive she'll never forget you!!!" I looked at him. "Yeah?" "Yeah. I promise." He kissed me. I pulled away. "I'm not in the mood. Sorry." "I understand. Don't be sorry."
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