Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Not a Story.

by X-ToxicRainbow-X 0 reviews

Just some information and some questions..possibly a slight rant.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-11-25 - Updated: 2011-11-26 - 178 words - Complete

Okay so I'm going to start working on my Ferard again since that was the most popular vote. Just thought you all should know that.

Now Questions/Rant: Does anyone know how to freaking update on this site!? There are so many stories that I get waaaay to into and then they do not get updated for like a month. When I submit the first chapter of my story, After that it will most likely be updated every weekend since thats the only time I'm really near a computer. Well I guess I dont really know what goes on in your personal life, I just realized that I sounded like a bitch there, so, sorry about that.

But yes, that is whats going on, I'll let chu all know when you can expect the first chapter of my Ferard story: Always. I'm really not sure when I will get it on here, I think to much about my stories and am kindly afraid of putting them on here. But it is time for me to end this.

-Rainboww :3
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