Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I need some Titans

Closed and here are the results!

by LoveLustAndPixieDust 5 reviews

ba ba da daaaa

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-29 - Updated: 2011-11-29 - 365 words

Hay players hows it hanging?

Every audition was great and I feel totally less sad now I know that you guys are like as obsessed as I am and that I may not be the only person crushing on Raven C:

Ilovefrankieieroxx and Zombieslayer13x I shall be using your characters as thines main titans and you will probaly get your own pov chapters since I will be writing each chapter like an episode

ALSO Vengful scout, I will perhaps put you in a few chapters as a kind of special guest as I did like your audition olot too!

Rosie I'm making you my characters sister if thats dope with you since our powers and stuff are very similar as are our back storys though I will alter yours a little if thats okay unfortunatly Raven wont be in the story though :/

And Alex (sorry if thats not your real name) I'm having you in a sort of awkward love triangle with both Mikey and Gee and that all works out well in my head so you will see when I start writing!

ALSO IMPORTANT IMPORTANT RTDRTDYYTRFTJ Can you guys give me your characters looks please since I'm an idiot and forgot to make a section for them facecrotch

And this is my character, in my mind she is pretty dope

Name: Umbra (But pronounced OOOOOOmbra)

Power: Can controll shadows and the night

Costume: Black slip on boots black leotard with a black minni skirt with a slit in (kind of wrap around) an upside down crusafix neclace and a black cloak and silver wrist cuffs

Personality: Dark moody a bit of a loaner sarcastic and mean likes peace and quiet

Back story: One of the daughters of a dark alain king who belived himself to be a god she and heer sister were sent to rule over earth but when they got there realised there was olot more to life than just ruling planets and became heros

Love interest: Frank mother ducking Iero

Anything else: Bitches love me cause they know that i can rock

WELL Wasn't that some larks anyhoo please give me your looks in s much detail as you like!
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