Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > You're Not The Ordinary Type

Author's Note...Enter Dramatic Music

by ChemicalKissez11 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-01 - Updated: 2011-12-01 - 149 words

Yes I am still alive!!! retarted happy dance
Ok, on to the author's note-
I am discontinuing this story...Sheilds head so I am not hurt by angry readers throwing things.
I just don't like it :\...i feel like it's going nowhere, and I just cannot think of a GODAMN ENDING MOTHERFUCKER...I may take it up later when I regain intrest, but for now, I'll lay this one in the grave...
ON THE OTHER HAND I HAVE ANOTHER STORY THAT MIGHT REGAIN YOUR INTREST IN ME...It's called 'Till Death Do Us Part', and it is a story that you guys auditioned for :3

IM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY THAT I CAN'T UPDATE FAST ENOUGH...just damn high school creeping up on my ass and my shitty mood swings...BUT I'M WORKING ON THE SECOND CHAPTER :D

And that's about it....

Aloha my lurvs
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