Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Orphan

"What's she doing here?" Lyn-z asked, looking at her and Emily's therapist who was sitting on their sofa.
Gerard rolled his eyes "We need to talk about what happened this morning."
Lyn-z took a seat on the opposite sofa. She was about to say something when Gerard pulled something out from under his table "The girls found this and gave it to me." Gerard said, putting the bottle of red wine on the table.
Lyn-z glared at him "You mean Emily found it and gave it to you."
"Alright, fine, Emily found it. Does it make a difference? And Emily also found the other empty bottle."
"I didn't drink it!" Lyn-z cried "I poured a glass but I chucked it all down the sink."
"I want to believe you Lyn."
"How dare you!" Lyn-z yelled "You dunno how fucking bad I wanted to drink that! But I didn't because I remembered what happened!"
"After what happened with this morning..."
"I know for a fact that I put the fucking handbreak on!" Lyn-z snapped "I swear, it was Emily who took it off!"
"Gabriella said she didn't."
"Gabriella is covering for her!"
"Lyn-z, this isn't the first time you've blamed Emily for one of your mistakes." The therapist told her "Maybe you simply forgot this morning but that doesn't matter. You managed to Gabriella's life at risk for a second time."
"Oh don't start that shit with me." Lyn-z glared at her therapist "I did not drink that bottle of wine."
"I think maybe you should check yourself into rehab." Gerard told her.
Lyn-z sighed and leant back against the chair "There is no way I'm going to rehab and leaving Emily here alone."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know there's something not right about her!" Lyn-z screamed "Think about it Gee! Things were fine until she showed up!"
"Oh were they?" Gerard asked. He stood up "I'll give you two days to go to rehab Lyn. And if things don't change, I'm leaving. And I'm taking the kids with me."
Lyn-z got up and continued aruging with him. Gabriella was standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at her parents and trying to lip-read what they were saying. Suddenly from behind her, someone tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. It was Emily "I'll shoot Mommy," Emily said right into Gabriella's ear "If you tell anyone."
Emily walked away and Gabriella started shaking. What was she supposed to do?
Not standing to watch her parents fight anymore, Gabriella ran back into her room. Ryan poked his head out of his room and wandered into Gabriella's room. Gabriella had pulled out some of her old drawings. Ryan shut the door behind him and tip-toed over to her "Gabriella," He said and signed "You have to tell me, did Emily kill Sister Megan?"
Gabriella's eyes welled with tears and she nodded.
"We have to tell Mom and Dad!"
'They can't help.'
"Why not?"
'Emily said she'd kill Mommy.'
Ryan thought about it for a second "Is that why you guys were in the tree house the other day?"
'She hid all the bad things in there.'
"All the bad things?" Ryan asked and signed "What do you mean?"
Gabriella showed her older brother a picture that she'd drawn. It was of the inside of Ryan's tree house, some see-through floorboards and Gabriella's backpack. Since it was drawn by Gabriella, it wasn't the most detailed picture but it was enough for Ryan to know where they were hidden. "What was in there?"
'Bad things.'
"Don't worry about it Gabriella." Ryan said out loud and signed "I'll get the bad stuff and we'll show Mom and Dad. Then they'll have to believe us."
Ryan was confident that his plan was a good one. But unfortunately for him, him and Emily weren't the only ones listening to the conversation. Emily was standing outside the room in her nightie with her ear pressed to Gabriella's bedroom door. She smirked.

The next day, Ryan went under his bed and found a crowbar that he'd hidden there a long time ago. He picked it up, hid it under his jacket and ran outside. He was planning to break into his tree house and get Gabriella's backpack so he could get Emily out of the house once and for all.
Once he was there, he gripped the crowbar in one hand and used his other hand to climb up the two large ladders that led up to his tree house. It was a bit of a shock for him when he got to the top and saw that it was already unlocked. The lock was still there but it was hanging open 'Maybe Dad found the key,' He thought 'But forgot to tell me it was open. Oh well.'
He pushed open the hatch to his tree house and climbed inside. Instantly he lifted up the wonky board and looked inside. All that was in there was his magazine collection. "Looking for this?" Someone asked from behind him.
Ryan jumped up and saw Emily standing there. She'd walked in through the door that led to a sort of balcony for the treehouse. Ryan noticed she was holding Gabriella's backpack "I know what you did." He said bravely.
Emily simply smiled and said "But Gabe did it too Ryan. She's just as guilty as me. So if I go to prison, Gabriella will have to go to. Is that what you want?"
Ryan gulped, not knowing what to say. Emily pulled out the blood-stained dress and hammer and dumped them onto the floor "I always think it's best to burn the evidence." Emily explained "Then nobody can prove anything, can they Ryan?"
From her dress pocket, Emily produced a small bottle of gasoline. She squirted it in random patterns over the dress, the hammer, around the tree house and some splashed onto Ryan. "What are you doing?" He cried "Stop it, are you insane?"
"I need to destroy the evidence so our little sister won't go to prison." Emily told him patiently, producing a lighter from her pocket "Goodbye Ryan."
Emily flicked the lighter so that a flame lit up and then dropped it into the gasoline. It instantly burst into flame, spreading fast. As quick as she could, Emily scrambled out of the tree house and clicked the lock shut behind her.
Ryan ran to the hatch and tried to pull it up but obviously he couldn't "Let me out!" He screamed "Let me out, are you crazy?"
Realising it was hopeless, he stood up, coughing and spluttering, and went as quickly as possible to the small window trying to avoid touching any of the flames. He pulled himself out, putting his foot on the window ledge and climbed onto the roof "Mom!" He screeched at the top of his lungs "Mommmy!"
By this time, Emily had managed to clamber down the ladder and was now watching what was happening from a safe distance. She smiled as Ryan screamed and tried to find an escape route, knowing that Lyn-z and Gerard were too far away to come and help him.
Ryan looked down. It was too far for him to jump but he couldn't stay up on the roof much longer, it would collapse. He screamed as he lost his balance and one of his legs broke through the wooden boards of the roofs. Luckily he managed to re-gain his balance and climbed back up. Desperately, he grabbed a near by tree branch and hoisted himself up, climbing across it. It didn't entirely help his situation much but at least he was further away from the angry flames. "Mommy!" He cried again, beginning to cry.
Lyn-z heard a faint cry from the kitchen and went to the window, to see what was wrong. From the distance she could see the tree house burning and screamed "Gerard! Call nine one one!" She yelled, running out the house without pausing to put on her jacket or shoes.
Emily smiled evilly as Ryan screamed louder. He was beginning to lose his balance and he was still too high up to fall safely toe the ground. Ryan kept screaming, hoping his parents would reach him in time. But he wasn't so lucky. His grip loosened and he fell to the ground, screaming. There was a loud thump as he hit the ground and then everything went silent apart from the crackling of flames.
Emily knew he wasn't dead yet, just knocked out. Remembering what had happened with the bird, she grabbed a large stone and walked over to Ryan "It's time to put you out of your misery." She smirked down at him "Pożegnanie."
She held the rock above her head, about to smack it over Ryan's head but something knocked her over. Emily looked up to see what had stopped her. It was Gabriella who gave her an evil glare. Emily was about to shove her off and continue with what she was doing, when she heard Lyn-z cry "Ryan!"
Lyn-z ran over "Get away from the fire!" She yelled at Gabriella and Emily "Get away!" Emily and Gabriella stood up and walked round to the other side of Ryan "Ryan Sweetheart, can you hear me?" Lyn-z sobbed "It's Mommy, everything's going to be okay now..." Lyn-z started crying hysterically, unable to handle what was going on.
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