Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
Bloody Brothers
4 reviews"Closer than sardines in a tin." Read, review, rate and feel my love :P
Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) youcanstakemyheart 2011-12-05
nawwwwwww. so sweet. i lovvvve this story. this isn't the last chapter, right? PLEASE, NO!Author's response
Thank you very much; I'm really glad that you like it! Don't worry, this is far from over. It's really uplifting to know that you like my rubbish this much! Thank you soo much for taking the time to review! :)Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) KobraBlaze 2011-12-05
This is such a sweet chapter between Frank And Gerard. I really liked it and I can't wait to see what Gerard says to Mikey and what will happen! It's EXCITING!!! Update soon pleaseAuthor's response
Thank you very much; I was worried that this was boring so I'm relieved that you found it exciting! I'll try to update ASAP (as always).
Thank you sooo much for taking the time to leave such a nice review! :)Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) MCRmilify 2011-12-05
oh god
wahhhh cliffhanger :[
my mind isn't making proper sentences.
as soon as I read the last words I wanted more.
I really want everything to work out well and Frank needs to sort his feelings out and Mikey is just beautiful and gah.
I really love this chapter and how Gerard thinks.
Update soon please :]Author's response
Thank you very much; I'm glad that you liked it! I didn't mean to do a cliffhanger, it just kinda ended up that way but I'm pleased that you liked it!
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to review! :)Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) SyraStrange 2011-12-05
I love both you guys. Seriously. Now let's all hug! Great chapter; I am still so amazed at your updating skillz. I mean- damn, girl! ;DAuthor's response
Ah, if only things were that simple ;)
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)
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