Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
Your Heart is Broken, My Voice is the Glue
4 reviews"This is what being a big brother is all about." Read, review, rate and feel my love :P
Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) KobraBlaze 2011-12-06
Yay! This chapter is awesome. There conversation is so heart warming yet heart breaking at the same time. I wonder what will Gerard think. I can't wait for more. Your updating is really good by the way. If I was to write a story I probably would update it like only every week if ever. But you always have one up the next day and you never leave a story unfinished. So well done for putting so much effort into these fantastic storiesAuthor's response
Thank you very much! I'm very pleased that you liked the conversation; I struggle with dialogue so it's very nice to know that you thought it was alright.
I do update a lot, I just hope that people don't find it annoying! When I write a story I get really obssessed by the idea and find it hard not
to write, so that's one part of why I update a lot. I also just really enjoy writing!
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to review; you've made me smile! :)Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) youcanstakemyheart 2011-12-06
AWWWW!!! it's so sweet! this has a tone of finality to it...NO ME GUSTA. anyway, you're an excellent writer and I really like all of your stories. so yeah! keep up the good work!Author's response
Thank you sooo much!
This story is far from over. What is that they say? Calm before the storm, I guess.
I'm really glad that you like what I write; it really does mean a lot, especially because I love your work!
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) Lizzeh 2011-12-06
AWWWW YAAY! so sweet i love your writing :DD
SURPRIISE! at the end ahaa :') wow i's so cool how fast you update it's amazing no one else i've read has ever updated like you, it's perfection. Amazing story, amazing writing and really fast updates = HAPPY ME YAY! thank you for gracing us with your amazingness :) Lizzie XOAuthor's response
Thank you very much; I'm pleased that you liked it!
I'm relieved that you like my updates, I was worried that it would annoy people.
Thank you for gracing me with such a lovely, kind review; it really does mean a lot! :)Fate's Cruel if Life's Great
(#) SyraStrange 2011-12-06
It's so funny how people nowadays forget how to actually talk to one another. What with facebook, texting, and other stuff... God... I wonder if Mikey even knows about Gerard and Frank... That'll break him for sure... Please update soon!Author's response
People are like that, sometimes technology can be of a curse than a gift I guess.
I'll try to update tonight (homework permitting).
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)
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