Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Never Dies


by Dead1724 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-07 - Updated: 2011-12-07 - 2143 words

My eyes opened to a dimmed down chandelier.
"Gerard?" I whispered. Everything was silent. I rubbed my eyes, climbed down from the bed, and walked out of the room. My parents were sitting to my kitchen table.
"Evi?" My dad said in a concerned voice. My mom just looked mad.
"What...happened?" I asked, terrified from my mom's expression.
"You passed out," she said coldly.
"After having a seizure." My father looked miserable. "We got a doctor; he said you would be okay. How do you feel?"
"A seizure?" Looked like the awkward model was right, "I'm fine...just confused."
"You startled everyone, they'll be happy to know your okay."
"What happened exactly?" I asked my father.
"A boy said he was talking to you when you had your seizure. When you woke up you tried going somewhere but then passed out."
"What did he say about the person who caught me when I passed out?"
“He didn't say. I assumed that he caught you.”
"Oh," I said, disappointed. Did I just dream all of this?
I noticed my mom hadn't said anything to me showing any signs of concern. "I'm sorry for ruining the party mom," I said solemnly.
"Don't talk about it…" she said as she turned her head away from me.
"Um...I'm going to bed." I said quickly.
"Okay," my father said, still concerned, "would you like to go home tomorrow?"
"No, no. I would love to stay for the entire week." I smiled, kissed my dad on the cheek and went into my room. I purposely ignored my mom. I was sick of her and her hatred for me. I was her daughter--she was supposed to love me no matter what was wrong with me...wasn't she? I could feel the horrible feeling crawling up my throat as I tried not to cry. But that idea was hopeless.
I crawled into my bed and cried myself to sleep.


When awoke my room was still dark. I could tell my eyes were all puffy and blah, but I did my best to not remember how I had fallen asleep. I got up and grabbed a pair of pajamas, beings I was still in my horrid pink dress. I walked to my bathroom to take a shower. I stayed in there longer than usual since it seemed to relieve my headache the longer I was in there. When I finally got our, there was a soft glow from the sun shining through my bedroom window. I crawled back into my bed and curled up into a ball.
Gerard. That was his name. Was he really there last night? Why did I remember fainting in his arms, but...I didn't? ...Was he REALLY there last night? What was that strange dream I had about a masquerade ball? Would I ever see him again? Or was he gone forever? Did I have schizophrenia or something?

I wondered what happened next. I was so happy yesterday, just by being in Italy. And seeing the guy from my dreams… was insane, but strangely exciting and…strange. It all seemed like a dream…or a nightmare. How was such a thing possible? I hoped it really was--and I wasn't going insane. I loved his so much… and he was..alive. I might just be able to actually taste his lips, run my hands through his hair and wrap my arms around him. I could actually hear his angelic voice through my ears, I could feel his touch… Maybe this would be the end of my fantasy world.
Just thinking about it made me want him with me now. I had to find him--somewhere. Perhaps he could be somewhere around here-- it wasn't very likely, but I at least had to try. Perhaps fate could help me out a bit here.
I got up and then picked out an outfit. I called a cab to pick me up and take me to the building from last night. When I arrived, it looked very different than last night. I walked inside to see no one but a few janitors and told the stewardess I was going to look around. She surprising didn’t give me a strange look or ask questions, she just said okay.
Without all the purple and blue lights, and masses of people, I could tell that this was the place from my dream. This was definitely the place I was at in my dream. The same stone, same columns, same stone floor with the diamond in the middle. I walked out into the balcony--it had a different view than what was in my dream...things had looked older... I closed my eyes, just relaxing while feeling the summer breezes hitting my face. I wished I could escape to that dream again. If only I could have stayed there…
Well, there wasn't any Gerard here, but…I did feel like I was connecting the pieces of some sort of puzzle. I turned and went back out of the building, telling the woman thank you as I passed. I was determined to find somewhere else where he could be. He had to be somewhere… I had to see him again and make sure that this was actually, somehow reality.
I didn't know where to go from here, so I began to walk. Looking at everyone I passed and at every building, statue, and signs--hoping that they would give me some sort of clue.
After about 15 hopeless minutes, I came to a part of Milan that wasn't so filled with people and buildings. It had many hills, one with a single, evergreen tree on it. I saw a dark, far away figure walking towards it. It was almost like a gravitational pull, or maybe it was yet another déjà vu feeling…
I began walking towards it calmly, studying the person ahead of me. It was a male, I could tell that. They walked with their head down and hands in their pockets. When they reached it, they sat down with their back against the tree and stared up. As I was getting closer, the feeling of anticipation made every nerve in my body tingle. What if it was really him? …I had to brace myself. It was about a one-in-million(or however many people live in Italy) that it could be him.
I tried to keep my breathing steady and to keep quiet, but the person turned around and saw me anyway. I was too far away to tell if it was him, but when they took off running. I went after them; I wasn't going to let him go this time. But he was running unusually fast, it was pretty much impossible to keep up.
I stopped after a few more seconds; he was too fast of a runner. Why was he even running away from me? Did he know me too? Did he...have dreams about me? If he did, why was he running?
There were so many questions; I didn't know what to do. I sat down with my back to the tree, and my arms around my legs. What was I even going to do if this was Gerard...and I did get to talk to him? "Hi, if just wanted to tell you that I think your the guy I dream about every night! Bye!"
This definitely needed some thinking, kind of like a master-mind plan. But I had no idea when I'd be seeing him again...I needed coffee.
I gasped.
I had been too busy arguing in my head to actually notice what was right in front of me.
The tree. The tree that had been in so many of my dreams… It was here. Just about 20 steps in front of me. Just by seeing it made me…cold. It freaked me out. Italy was freaking me out. I stood there, as if frozen, though I wanted so badly to just run away from here.
So, I had to face some facts sooner or later. My dreams took place in Italy. He was here, this was here. I was scared to see what was next. Looks like I had figured out more pieces of the puzzle...
I was shocked at myself for being so freaked. It was just that I pretty much I accepted that my dreams were just…fiction. Just a fantasy world I would only be able to visit while I was asleep. I always thought of it as a gift from God, to rescue me from the hellish life of reality. And now that this was real. It freaked me out. No, I didn't exactly understand why, though I did know just how bad I wanted to get out of here… I turned around to leave, throwing it a few last glanced. I decided to go through with my coffee plan.

I looked for the word "caffè", which meant coffee...obviously. There were a few bakeries around here, in this little part of Milan. The scent of freshly baked bread filled the air, practically making my mouth water.
I finally saw "caffè" on a big sign on a cute, tiny building with little tables with umbrellas in front of the windows.
I walked in and saw on a sign above the cashier's heads. Under caffè was: Nocciola, Vaniglia francese, cannella, and mattina si fondono. I was pretty sure they were flavors...I just didn't know what kind. When I was in front of the cashier I asked for a 'mattina si fondono' beings it was the easiest to pronounce. After one short minute the very tan girl handed me a coffee cup and said, "un euro" I gave her the money and began to walk off to find a seat somewhere. I looked down at my coffee and breathed in it's amazing sent, when I suddenly crashed into something. I looked up before I apologized, too make sure it was a person--I intended to run into a lot of walls.
…It was him. The face that made my knees weak even thinking about it. It made my lungs stop working, and made my heart pound. Only now his beautiful face was twisted up, and his hazel eyes were looking down. My scorching hot coffee covered his use-to-be perfectly white shirt.
I could only seem to stare in horror and what I had done. The coffee was also all over the floor. The little splashes on me burned, but Gerard seemed...okay.
"I...I'm sorry." I stammered. Speaking to him was going to be harder than I thought. My mind just went blank.
He looked at me in the eyes, not like he was angry or in pain, just like he was searching for something. And then he was gone. He took off, walking quickly. Once he was outside of the shop he started running.
I headed for the door too, throwing the rest of my coffee in the trashcan. I called another cab and decided to just be taken back to my hotel--beings I was covered in my mattina si fondono coffee. One my way back to the hotel, I had too much thinking time.
I had six more days in Italy, he was bound to give up and talk to me sometime! I hoped... The whole mystery of this was just...insane. That word completely described all of this. My dreams-insane. Me being forced to go to someplace in Virginia called Westover- insane. Me seeing a guy who I believe MIGHT be the man from my dreams- insane. How he kept running away- ridiculous.
I noticed the dark clouds that used to be in the distance were getting closer. And of course, as it started raining, I arrived to my hotel. I ran inside but still managed to get drenched.
My hotel room was dark. Through the open windows I watched the rain pour down for a second, which was just making me sleepy. I quickly changed out of my coffee-covered clothes and slipped into my soft pajamas. I slipped back into my bed and closed my eyes to simply listen to the rain and relax.
As tired as I was, I started getting the girly sixth-sense that someone was watching me. I opened my eyes and jumped. I thought that I had seen something black move quickly away from my door and behind the corner.
"H...hello?" I asked with my heart hammering. Nothing. My eyes must have just been playing tricks on me. I lay back down and closed my eyes and soon drifted off into a deep sleep.
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And remember guys-- every snowflake is different-just like you ;D (If you saw the video of MCR's song for Yo Gabba Gabba you would know what I was talking about :PP Most adorable thing EVER)
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