Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Savior of The Broken, The Beaten and The Damned

Chapter 5: Tears

by TheatreGeek 2 reviews

When Gerard doesn't show up for school, Jenny finds it hard to cope.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-12-08 - Updated: 2011-12-08 - 856 words

The next day, Gerard wasn't in school. I'd expected to see him around the corridors, or in the art room, but I didn't see him anywhere.
I sat alone that lunchtime, chewing on my vegetable lasagne which tasted of absolutely nothing. Where was he? Was he ill today? It may have sounded like I was over-reacting, but Gerard was literally the only friend I had. I was just about to leave when two of the popular girls and their boyfriends came and sat opposite me at the table . “ Ew, baby let’s move. I don’t want to catch freak disease off her.” The first, and also the prettiest girl said. Her boyfriend shook his spikey hair out of his face, using his hand to wipe it across his forehead. Why he thought that was attractive I had no idea. “Alright babe, let’s go.” He replied, picking up his lunch tray as if it had some kind of disease and sauntered over to another table. The other couple followed, and the pretty girl sneered at me. I rolled my eyes and gathered my things. I hurried down the corridor, finally dumping my bag outside my Chemistry classroom. I flipped open my folder to look through my notes before the test, only for all my sheets to fall out onto the hallway floor. “ For god’s sake…” I muttered, bending down to gather them up. Nathalie, one of the most popular girls in the school sauntered past, another girl I didn’t know walked with her, their arms linked. They saw me, and looked disgustedly down their noses. I stuffed my sheets in my folder, my head down. The two girls reached the double doors at the end of the corridor and let out high-pitched laughter, turning their pretty heads to me and pointing. I bit down hard on my lip, abandoning my bag and my folder and half walked, half ran to the girl’s bathroom. I slammed the lock on the door and inhaled the foul smell sharply. I clenched my fists tight, my long nails digging into my palms. After a couple of minutes I let myself out, avoiding my image in the speckled mirror and headed back to my bag. The tears started to well up in my eyes as I reached the hallway once more.
I stooped down to my bag, hoping to bury myself in some “last minute revision” to avoid anyone seeing that I was upset. However, this didn’t work. A guy I knew vaguely was stood on the opposite side of the hallway, “ Are you okay?” he asked, walking over and standing gingerly in front of me. I tried desperately to concentrate on the worksheet in front of me, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I looked up at this guy I’d only said the occasional “hi” to, and the tears began to let themselves drip down my cheeks. “ No. I’m not okay.”
The test was easier than I thought it would be. I managed to scribble down answers, though my eyes were stinging and my hands were shaking slightly. I only had one lesson left of the day, art. And I’d have to face it alone.
I went over to my seat, dumping my bag and silently going to my shelf to collect my piece. I’d nearly finished it now, I just had to fill in a few little details. I sat down and got out my pencil and technical pen. The empty seat next to me made me uneasy, I’d grown so used to having Gerard around to talk to, that even after one day, I felt like I was all alone again.
I just finished my piece as the final bell went. I carefully signed the back with my signature and the date and slid it onto the teacher’s desk as I left. With no one to chat to on my way to the school gates, I hurried to my locker and grabbed my folders. I trudged out the doors and put my earphones in. Just as I was about to select “ Welcome to My Life” by Simple Plan, I felt someone behind me. The someone tugged my earphones out, and flung their arms around my neck. I squealed in shock, all set to turn around and thump whoever was trying to attack me in the face.
“ Hi!” The person yelled, hugging me. I was still in shock at the fact I nearly just punched Gerard in the face.
“ ….hi Gerard….where were you today?” I stuttered, the air being squeezed out of my in his embrace.
“ ….I was at the hospital. No biggie.” He finally let go of me and shrugged his skinny shoulders. “ Is it okay if I come round to your house for a bit? I have something important I need to tell you.”
I nodded as we started walking home. I wondered what he wanted to tell me. I wondered why he’d been at the hospital, and I wondered why his eyelashes were spiky. As if he’d been crying.
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