Categories > Original > Drama > I Need You.

I Need You.

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

I need you. Featuring the Midnight Beast.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-12-08 - Updated: 2011-12-09 - 804 words - Complete

I was running. Running from all the shit I have been through in my life. "BLESSING NICOLE BERRY!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" I kept running from my mother, who had always been abusive to me and my sister, Journey. I laughed as I got onto the train. It pulled away, leaving behind my mum, and everything I have ever grown to be scared of, or hate. The train pulled up to another stop, and three boys, all quiet handsome, got onto the train. One was tall, with almost black hair, the next one was a little taller than the first, and had a ginger-blonde hair colour. And the third one was a shorter height, with very curly brown hair, and dreamy brown eyes. I looked at my phone, to keep from staring at them boys. They were all laughing, and talking. I stared at my dead phone, trying to keep my eyes off of the boys, but it was very hard, considering they were all... well... hot. I felt eyes bearing into me, so I looked up, into the curly-headed man's eyes. He looked... worried about something. He kept looking at me, noticing my tear-streamed face. I blushed, and looked away. He blinked, and shook his head, and continued to talk with his mates. The ginger-ish boy whispered something into to his ear, and he nodded. He turned to me and looked filled with concern. He coughed, and spoke to me. "Are you alright?" I nodded and tuned on my iPod. He sighed, because he knew I was lying. I shuffled through the artists, and settled on Eminem. I cranked up the volume, trying to forget what I just did. I only had around £300 with me. I'm only 16... but I know how to take care of myself. The train pulled up to my stop, and I stood up. The boys stood up too. Shit. I quickly picked up my bag, and guitar, and got off the train. I started to walk away when some one started to speak to me. It was the curly-haired man from the train. "Oi!!! You alright?" I nodded, and kept walking. "I know you're lying." I stopped, and turned around to face him. "What's it to you?" He shrugged. "I'm not a prick like some people." I nodded, and turned around again. "Wait!!! What happened. I'm sorry if I sound... nosy." I felt a tear going down my cheek. "Dyu really wanna know?" He nodded innocently. "Well... my mum's abusive to me and my little sister, and I get the shit beat out of me at school. And as soon as I turn 18, I'm going back for Journey." He nodded, guilty he even said anything. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" I stopped him. "It's fine, I'm not trying to hide anything anymore." He nodded again, and I started to walk away. "Hey!!! Wait!!!" I stopped again, frustrated I had been stopped once more. "What?" He looked at his feet, and looked up into my eyes. "Dyu need a place to stay? It'd be fine if you stayed at ours'." I swallowed, and stared at him. "I don't even know your name." He smiled. "Stefan. Stefan Abingdon. You are...?" I smiled. "Blessin', Blessin' Berry." He smiled again, and shook my hand. "So... dyu need a place to stay?" I blushed, but nodded. "You're welcome to stay with me and Ash..." He turned around and pointed to the blonde-ish ginger. "Ahh... so who's he?" I pointed to the dark-haired man. He smiled. "That's Dru." I nodded, letting this sink in. "So... wanna drop off your stuff at the flat?" I nodded again, and walked with him towards Dru and Ash. "Oi guys, this is Blessing, she's going to stay with us, Ash. Ash nodded, and smiled at me. Dru reached out, and shook my hand. I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you Blessin', I'm Dru." I nodded at him, and Ash surprise-hugged me. I gasped, and looked at him. He looked worried. "Sorry, I'm a hugger." I laughed, and Stefan offered to carry my guitar. I let him, and we started to walk into a busy town. We walked up the steps to a taller building, and Stefan opened the door, and held it open for me. "Thank you." He nodded, and smiled at me. I walked into the flat, and smiled. It was like my child-hood dream land. I ventured into the living-room, and set down my bag. Stefan walked in, and put my guitar by my bag. He looked at me and gestured to the door. "We were goin' to the studio... dyu wanna come along then?" I stared at him. "You're in a band? What's it called?" He smiled. "The Midnight Beast. We're comedy..." I giggled. "Yeah I'll go." He grinned, and led me to the door.
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