Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > for anyone who reads sarahkilljoykid's stories...

for anyone who reads sarahkilljoykid's stories...

by blood-stained-bandit 4 reviews

I have some bad news...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-10 - Updated: 2011-12-10 - 136 words

something, of which she would probably not appreciate me posting on here, has happened, and she is feeling like absolute shit right now, everything she writes turns out to be dark and depressing and generally ends with suicide, so she will not be writing again for a while... I've just spent the entire day trying in vain to cheer her up, but nothing seems to be working, so I was wondering if her readers could reveiw this with kind messages to her to try and cheer her up?

she said that she isn't angry at the person who caused this, but I am. If that person is reading this : how could you do that to her? You basically tore her heart out... She is one of my best friends, I cant stand to see her hurting...
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