Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personal Stories:)

Frankie walked into her friend Mikey’s party. He was one of her best friends and she was looking forward to the party tonight. When she walked through the door, several people stepped out of the way so she could get in.
Frankie was sixteen and one of the most feared girls in her entire school. She was a bully but had a soft spot for Mikey and all his friends. And there was a girl Frankie was madly in love with. Her name was Alicia and they were pretty good friends. But how could Frankie tell Alicia that she was in love with her? Frankie was pretty sure that Alicia was straight and since she was so upset, it made her even angrier with other people.
Frankie walked into the kitchen and suddenly she was being hugged “Oh, hey Alicia.” Frankie laughed, hugging her secret crush in return “Wow, you’re excited to see me huh?”
“I haven’t seen you in ages! Why haven’t you been in school for the past week?”
“I got suspended.” Frankie admitted, pulling away from Alicia “Apparently shoving a first years head down a toilet is considered bad.”
Alicia laughed “Hey, have you seen Mikey? It’s his party and he’s not round here anywhere!”
“I only just got here.” Frankie replied “Wanna go find him?”
“Yeah, sure…”
The two of them went upstairs into Mikey’s room. Sure enough he was in there with his brother Gerard and friend Frank. Gerard was already drunk, sitting in the corner looking out of it. Frank and Mikey were sitting on his bed taking shots, looking like teenage girls. “Hey, where have you guys been?” Alicia asked, going and sitting beside Mikey on the bed.
Frankie followed her, taking a seat next to Frank “We’ve been drinking, what does it look like?” Mikey laughed “Besides, Gerard was drunk when he got here. So we’ve been keeping an eye on him.” Mikey glared at his older brother and looked at Frankie “When did you get girls get here?”
“I’ve been here about an hour. Frankie’s only been here two minutes.”
“Want a drink?” Frank asked, handing each girl a glass.
Frankie didn’t usually drink but she couldn’t help noticing how close Alicia was shuffling towards Mikey. She downed her glass in five minutes and was soon demanding another one.
This continued for about an hour until she barely knew what was going on. Alicia was a lot more sober as she’d only had one glass “Frankie, you don’t look so good…” Alicia commented “Are you gonna puke?”
Frankie nodded before jumping up from her bed and bolting into the bathroom. Alicia followed her in, closed the door behind her and held Frankie’s hair back while she puked “Perhaps you shouldn’t have drank so much.” Alicia laughed, rubbing one hand up and down Frankie’s back “What’s wrong Frankie? You’ve looked really moody since we went into Mikey’s room.”
“N-Nothing…” Frankie muttered, sitting up and wiping around her mouth in case there was any puke.
Alicia shook her head “Frankie, I know you. We’re best friends, come on, you can tell me!”
“No I can’t!” Frankie started crying hysterically “How am I supposed to tell you?”
“You can tell me anything.”
“I can’t tell you this!”
“Yes, you can.” Alicia sighed heavily “I tell you everything. Well, except for one thing…”
“What is it?”
“No, I can’t tell you.”
“You can’t tell me that and expect me to tell you my secret! It doesn’t work like that Alicia!”
“Okay, fine.” Alicia blushed and looked down “I love you Frankie, okay? As more than friends. I… I’m a lesbian and I’m in love with you!”
“W-What?” Frankie stuttered, looking confused “But… In Mikey’s room, you were trying to get closer to Mikey.”
“No I wasn’t, I was trying not to fall off the bed!” Alicia laughed then her face immediately frowned again “You probably hate me now but-“
“But that was my secret too!” Frankie cried “I’m in love with you too Alicia!”
“R-Really?” Alicia asked.
Frankie nodded and the two of them looked at each other for a long moment before Frankie leaned over and kissed Alicia passionately. After a few moments, Alicia pulled away and laughed “I think that kiss would’ve been better if you hadn’t just puked in the toilet…”
Frankie laughed too “I love you Alicia.”
“I love you too Frankie.”
“So… Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course I will!” Alicia grinned “Let’s go back to our friends and tell them.”
“A-Are you sure they’ll be okay with it?”
“Totally! They’ll love us no matter what!” Alicia grabbed Frankie’s hand, pulled her to her feet and dragged her out of the bathroom.
Alicia shoved Frank off the bed, sat down and Frankie sat down next to her. Alicia wrapped her arm round Frankie and said “Guys, me and Frankie are dating. Deal with or don’t, we’re passed caring.”
Mikey shrugged “Oh well. My brother’s gay and my best friends are lesbians. Doesn’t really bother me.”
“Doesn’t bother me either.” Frank smiled “I think you guys are perfect for each other.”
Frankie smiled and leaned her head on Alicia’s shoulder, wondering what she’d been so worried about.
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