Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends

by skyfrog 0 reviews

Harry Potter is about to find out that he is special and indeed not a freak

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-09 - Updated: 2011-12-09 - 697 words

Harry Potter/Xanth/Fable Haven

Harry Potter and the Circle of Friends

The Begining

Harry Potter was a normal little boy or at least so he thought. He did not really like his aunt and uncle or for that matter his baby whale of a cousin, but for the most part he thought he was normal. Well guess what he was about to find out at the tender age of five he was anything but normal.

Harry was down the street walking around the playground staying out of the house like his “family” has told him to.

I know they hate me, I just don’t understand why I mean I have never done anything to them I don’t even remember how I got here. They are always calling me a freak, and why I don’t understand because weird things sometimes happen I mean really. It seems to me know matter what it’s always my fault. I just wish someone would explain to me why?

§I am so tired§ who’s there I can here you but I can’t see you. §Wait you can understand me§ Of course I can §well then young speaker look down§ ok, all I see is a snake §well that is because I am a snake young speaker§ so you mean to tell me you can understand me
§well of course I can young speaker§ this is really weird.

§Not really weird, young speaker it’s a rare gift only a few wizards have ever had§ What do you mean wizard you mean like someone who can do magic, I am just a regular boy §young speaker you are anything but just a boy of that you can be sure, if you were as you say just a boy we would not be talking §. Ok so if I am a wizard how do I do magic. §Well that all depends on what kind of magic user you are§.

Can you tell me the different kinds of magic users, oh how rude of me my name is Harry, Harry Potter what is your name? §My name is Regulum but just call me Vipera, and to answer your question there are mages, sages, wizards, sorcerers, shamans, druids, and many more§. How do I go about finding out what I am? §That my young speaker I am unable to help you with for I am considered a youngling among my species§.

§I can tell you there are a few methods to learn to tap into your magical core, and before you go asking I will just tell you young speaker you need to meditate, but don’t block out the sounds around you listen to them try visualizing a candle or a flame and allow your magic to make it bigger or smaller and whatever you do don’t forget to breathe throughout the exercise§.

Vipera would you be willing to work with me every day in return I am sure I can find rats and frogs/toads for you to eat. §Tell you what I will find more snakes and we will all train you in what we know from the knowledge of what is passed down§. Do you think we can meet tomorrow to work on some of those methods you were telling me about? §I will meet you here tomorrow young speaker§

Thank you Vipera it has been an honor and a privilege to speak with you although a little weird and slightly un-nerving but a pleasure none the less.

Well I guess I need to get home and stay under the Dursley’s radar. Who knows once I learn magic maybe they won’t try and hurt me anymore because they will be too scared? Now I have something to look forward to, and a few things I can start to practice. I wonder if there is a school for magic users, now that I think about it I wonder if the library has any books on meditation and other relaxation techniques. Maybe I will have time to look some of them up at the library tomorrow; it will be a good place to start at least.
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