Categories > Original > Mystery > I love it how you break the mold,you'll never be controlled


by stefanabingdon 0 reviews

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-14 - Updated: 2011-12-14 - 893 words

The nice old lady at the office gave me my planner with my timetable in it,I stared at it,it’s really complicated.
“Stefan,what’s VT? and VTG?” I asked staring at this piece of paper that looked like a bunch of gobble-de-gook! I love how close we are already and I’ve been gone for 6 years and I’ve been back for about fifteen minutes…
“Okay,VT is vertical tutor and VTG is vertical tutor group. This is the day and that’s your lesson” he said,umm..wut?
“Pardon? VTG? Do you mean form?” I asked,so so confused..
“If that’s what you northerners call it,then yes!” He said,I slapped his arm. I am not a northerner.
“Holy fuck that hurt” Stefan hissed at the pain flooding through his arm. “Oh shit sorry,It was just the way I am. Hit hard or you’ll be hit…” I said,it reminded me of Birmingham,with my Dad. “Its okay,I’m sure you didn’t mean it” He said. I was on the verge of tears when I was instantly smothered with Stefan’s lovely scent as he hugged me. “Stefan sweetie,You coming Art?” Some ridiculously high pitched voice called out. Waaaaaaaaaait. “Go away Lily,I am not your sweetie. Get lost” Stefan said still holding onto me,he had a very tight grip. I didn’t want to let go of him but I had to because I looked a bit like a freak.


I had all my lessons today with Stefan some with Ashley and Dru too.
Stefan is so cute,sweet and funny. Ashley is hilarious and Dru…well he doesn’t talk much.


“C’mon Abby! I don’t have all day!” I shouted,Abby was saying goodbye to her new found friends and I was stood at the wall with Stefan. He said he would walk home with us because he only lives around the corner.

Abby elbowed my side,which felt like I was stabbed”Who’s that?” She asked,”Abby,you remember Stefan?” I said.
“Oh hi Stefan,I barely remember you but I remember Amber talking about you 24/7 and she’d never shu-” GET IN THE HEDGE. Stefan’s cheeks went red as he pulled his hood over his face.

I walked through my front door and turned to wave Stefan goodbye,he’s so sweet walking me home. I was greeted by a hug from my Mum and the smell of a fresh-out-of-the-oven cake.
“Amber,did you have fun?” She asked,”Yes,Do you remember Stefan?” I asked hoping it would spark her memory. My mum scooted around the kitchen looking for the bakers knife “Of course I do! Why?”
“Because he goes to this school,”
“You what?” She doesn’t believe me. Waaaah.
“Stefan,Ashley and Dru,they go to CTC!” I chirped. She smiled and proceeded to cut the cake “aww that’s nice"

I told my mother all about today and how lovely Stefan is.
"Oooh! I have some photos of you and Stefan dressed up as cowboys" My mum shrieked,"oh dear" GAH. Too late. The whole photo album was out and she was searching. "AH HA!" She shouted. NOOOOOOO. "This is when you two were five! Oh and look at Ashley...grumpy as ever.." I couldn't help but laugh,his face was serious and he looked so cute at the same time. "I had a big head then.." Abby burst out laughing,I'm not joking my head looked like jupiter.
"Shut up Abby,there's a photo of you naked in the bath" I snapped at her,which caused her face to drop like a penny.
I stomped up the stairs and into my room,and got changed into my comfies (pyjamas) and removed all my makeup and threw my hair up in a bun. I wandered back down the stairs and found my mum had made me a lovely hot cuppa,
"Aww,thank you! Its freezing outside!" I hugged her sat down and started sipping on my tea.
"Amber,can you get the door?"
"Fine.." I shuffled to the door with my baby pink slipper boots on and a opened it,"Hey Amber!" STEFAN! ASDFGHJKL.
"Err..Stefan! What doing here?" I stammered,I was bare-armed and the cold air from outside wasn't helping.
"Come in,it must be freezing" what the hell? He came to my house? IDIOT. I mean CUTE IDIOT.

I walked into the kitchen and he followed pulling his hood down and shaking his damp head of hair.
“Stefan,you’re like a dog!”
“woof!” he said,then giggled.HE GIGGLES OMG
“So why are you here?” I asked,”Do you want a drink?”
“Just to say hi,and I’m good thanks” he replied chewing the sleeve of his hoody. He’s so damn cute when he does that.
“Hey Amber,who was at the door?” My mum asked then froze,”Stefan!” She gasped.
“Hello Jenny,haven’t seen you in a while!” He smiled and stood up to hug my mother.
Stefan is such a posh arse he's alwa- BURP

Scrap that.

"Bit clatty.." I said waving the horrid smell away from me,"Sorry,I had a bag of chips" DON'T CARE. DON'T RUB IT IN. "Nice..."
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