Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I was in hell, but you were my saviour.

Chapter Eight

by mcrsavedmylife44

Gerard is gone, Will Brian make a move? :O

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-12-18 - Updated: 2011-12-18 - 1216 words

Frank Pov
God. Gerard is gone, I know he will be back in, 3 hours and 48 minutes, I mean whose counting but I can’t help feel that someone is watching me. And I know who it is, no doubt about it that its him, watching me thinking about making his next move. Though I am staying with Mark in the entertainment room, he’s an okay guy, just like Gerard said he was. Wait, did he just say something?
“Hey Frank I’m just going to the toilet, I won’t be long ok?” Mark said
“erm, sure ok” I said with a smile even though I was dying inside. Panic swept over my body and I broke out in a sweat, moist all over my head and palms. Shit. What was I going to do if Brian came in here, who knows how long Mark is going to be! This is just my nightmare all over again, I thought in here I could get off the drugs and get clean and start a normal life, when I met Gerard, it seemed that could be possible, I was within reach of a normal life and Brian has came back and snatched it away from me again.
“Hey Frankie”
I jump, lose my track of thought when that voice comes close to my ear. I shivered and moved away, there he is, standing there with that smirk he always wears.
“Why you look so scared Frankie?” he says with a disgusting smile I could vomit, thinking about all the things he done to me, about how he ruined my life and how I ended up in this hell hole.
“I-I’m not scared.” I stutter, he laughs
“You don’t sound very convincing Frankie” He steps forward, I take a step back.
“Well, I gotta go now” I mumble trying to make a run for it, but it’s too late, the door is shut and locked and he is standing right in front of it. I look up, and there he is smiling at me like he has just opened a present on Christmas.
“Please could you move Brian.” I say, trying not to plead even though I feel like begging to get out and just go to my cell where I am remotely safe compared to now.
“Oh no, Frankie, I don’t think I will” He steps forward again, I step back.
“Mark, will be here soon, he has gone to the toilet, he said he would be back soon.” I say trying to sound triumphant, as if I had something over him, but it was no use.
“Oh I don’t think he will Frankie; you see I slipped a little something into his drink which will keep him on that toilet for a while”. He said between laughing.
“Well, if you do anything to me Brian, I will tell the police, we are equals here, you will get taken away from here” I say letting a small smirk come across my face as I start to feel victorious.
“Oh, but you see Frankie, you won’t because, even if I do go because you tell on me, I still have people here Frankie, who would do some bad things to your little friend Gerard wouldn’t they? I don’t think you understand Frankie, you will never win against me, I will always be better than you, and you will always bow down to me, and you know Frankie, when I want something, I won’t stop at anything to get it. You should know that by now” He said quietly but still so I could hear, I was so scared, he stepped forward, but I didn’t move, I couldn’t because he was right, I was weaker than him, I will always bow down to him no matter what happened, I had to do this otherwise Gerard would get hurt, or even worse killed, and I couldn’t let that happen, I had to protect Gerard.
“What are you going to do to me?” I said, my eyes filling up with tears
“Well Frankie, Gerard knows about what happened doesn’t he? You told him, and remember what I said if you ever told anyone?”he whispered, I looked up to see him pull out a knife
“No, please Brian, I will do anything, you can do ANYTHING to me, just nothing like that! Please! Brian please! You can’t do this please Brian please!” I say tears streaming down my face whilst he just stands there laughing slowly stepping forward, I am going to die. No, no.
I am stronger than him, I have something worth fighting for, something he will never have, love. I stand tall and wipe the tears from my face and look him in the eye, he sees my change of persona and stops laughing, his eyes full with hate and revenge.
“You can do whatever you want Brian, but don’t think I won’t go down without a fight” I say, my voice stronger than I thought it ever could be.
Brian laughed once again
“I’ll give you this kid, you never give up do you?” and with that he launched at me, he was strong, but I bit his arm and he staggered back, I kicked him in the stomach, he dropped the knife, we both ran for it, he then punched me in the face, I then fell to the floor, blood streaming down from my nose, but that was nothing, I have had ten times worse before. He gets up with the knife, I stand up once again, we both launch at one another, it was a fight full of punches and kicks until I got a hold of his hand with the knife I try to point it in his direction, he trips us up and we fell to the ground, there was blood everywhere, I stood up, I had done it, I had defeated Brian, I started to laugh and I heard banging on the door, and Gerard’s voice shouting for me. Then I heard the most terrible sound I ever could imagine, Brian started to laugh, I looked at him, there was blood all over his hands, but nowhere else, I looked down and saw my hand covering my lower stomach, I moved my hand and saw it, a stab wound where Brain had stabbed me. He stabbed me. I looked up to see Gerard at the door, crying, he ran over to me whilst I collapsed. The last thing I saw was his face, he was so sad. I had done all this for him. To protect him. Then my world went black.
OMG GUISE! I am sooo sorry I have not updated in AGES. But so much crap has gone on lately with school and the family, that I just haven't found the time, But here is nearly the last installment, the next chapter will be the last, I am happy to say that I loved writing this and I am sooo happy that so many of you have enjoyed it and it has made me more confident in writing now, so thank you all :)
R&R guys
Love you all, Anna xx
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