Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Turn Away

Chapter 5

by lindsaykilljoy 0 reviews

The next morning

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-12-20 - Updated: 2011-12-21 - 970 words

I didn’t know what to say to him, or what to even think. Did we sleep together? Did Brea get home safe? Where the hell was I?

I saw Gerard give me skeptical looks as he walked past me to the dresser on the other side of the room. He opened it, grabbed a shirt, and threw it on as he headed back out the doorway.

As I heard his footsteps descend down the hall I heard him shout back. “Coffee?”

“Uh yeah,” I shouted back as I looked down to make sure I was wearing clothes. I had on some black checkered boxers and a Metallica shirt that was a little too big for me. Neither of which belonged to me. “Coming.” I yelled again as I slid off the end of the bed. Before walking out, I stepped towards the huge windows in the front of the room facing the city. I peered out, seeing the bar we were at last night just a block away. Noticing how high up I was, Gerard’s apartment must have been at least on the 20th floor. After admiring the view I headed out of the bedroom.

I followed the scent of freshly brewed coffee down a narrow hall and into a bigger open room with high ceilings and barely any color. It was bright due to huge windows lining a few of the walls, and had white décor just as the bedroom did. I felt a soft shag rug underneath my feet the covered part of the cold hard wood floors. Everything in the room was neatly placed and seemed as if no one had been in there in a long while, or even ever.

“In here.” I heard Gerard call from a room to my right. I walked though the archway into the kitchen that was huge for one in an apartment. It had what looked to be new, stainless steel appliances and a giant island in the middle. I saw Gerard on the other side of the island with his back to me, pouring coffee into two white mugs.

“How many sugars?” he asked

“None please.” I replied

“Any cream?”


He raised his eyebrows a bit, seeming surprised, then handed me my cup of coffee.

“Interesting one you are.” He said taking a seat at the table behind him.

“Me? How?” I wondered.

He laughed a bit. “Well, I have never met another person who takes their coffee black besides me. Or another person who knows so much about art as I do.”

“Well the coffee thing is pretty normal to me. And we were talking about art stuff last night? I don’t remember much.” I said a little embarrassed.

He started laughing. “Oh it’s ok, I was pretty gone too. All in good fun though.”

“Well honestly,” I said, “I don’t remember anything after getting to the bar.”

“Oh really?” I could tell he found it kind of amusing.

“Yeah. So when I woke up this morning in your bed…wearing your clothes, I was pretty confused.” I sipped my coffee.

“I could imagine.”

Mhmm. So last night….” I hesitated. “We didn’t……uhm…” He knew what I was getting at.

“Sleep together?” He started laughing. “God no!”

“Oh well then…” I took a big gulp from my mug.

“Oh, Liz, I’m not saying that I wouldn’t! You’re gorgeous! Uh…“ He stumbled over his words a bit. “It’s just that….we just met. That’s all." He felt that he insulted me.

“I understand Gerard. I just didn’t know what happened last night. It’s all good.” I smiled. “But what did happen last night?” I asked.

“Well, after a couple….well, a lot of rounds at the bar we came up here. I put on some old records and we just talked. I gave you some clothes to wear and you ended up falling asleep after a while. So I put you in my bed, and I slept on the couch. That’s all.” He said.

“Well thanks for taking care of me.” I said.

He smiled. “Of course.”

I looked around the kitchen as we both kept sipping our coffee. This room was fairly plain and white too, just as the rest of the place.

I looked at Gerard.

“May I ask you something?”

He peered up from the newspaper he had been reading. Comic section. “Sure.”

“For being an artist.” I started, “Why is your apartment so…”

He cut me off. “Mundane?”

I noticed he was laughing a little. “No, not the word I was going to use….but yes. Your artwork is so bright, and colorful. How can you have such a while color palate to live in?” I was curious.

He looked around him then back at me. “Well,” he started, “For being the artist that I am, my life is already so chaotic and all over the place. And when I came home, I wanted to be somewhere that wasn’t. I needed my apartment to be an escape from the chaos I love daily and just be normal…..though I doubt having an almost completely white apartment is normal.” He laughed.

“No, but I know how you feel.” I smiled.

Just then I remember Brea was supposed to take my car home.

“Oh shit!” I said. “My friend was supposed to take my car home last night. Do you know where my phone is?”

“Over there on the counter” he said. “It fell out of your pocket when I carried you to bed last night, so it ended up there.”

I stood up from the table and made my way across the kitchen to my phone. I picked it up and slid it open.


“Oh shit.”
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