Categories > Original > Romance > Fallen Angel?

Fallen Angel?

by lalatherapist16 2 reviews

BVB story, yet no BVB category. WTF Ficwad?

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Humor,Romance - Published: 2011-12-18 - Updated: 2011-12-18 - 2435 words

I set off down the foot path, not looking forward to school at all. Do to it being early fall, the mornings are still as dark as midnight here. With a sigh, I pulled my bag higher on my shoulder.

As if they were being called, my eyes lifted to the dark sky. Something like a shooting star flew across the sky in front of me, heading the same way I was.

God, let something happen to keep me out of school today. I made my wish with a hollow smile. After all my years of wishing, I still hadn't learned.

I kept on walking, my senses still shaken from the star. Something felt different now. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly.

With a shrug, I brushed it off, thinking it was my anxiety eating at me over the stupid physics test I had to take in about an hour. Until I came across a crater in the ground about a half mile away from where I'd spotted the star.

What the hell? I edged closer slowly, testing the ground with the toe of my shoe. Carefully, I tried to looking into the settling dust and into the hole.

There wasn't a rock. That's all I noticed before the ground gave way under my feet and I fell into the smoking pit. Before I could scream, arms caught me.

Strong arms. I was pushed back up to the flat ground. A boy climbed out behind me, dressed in all black. My jaw fell. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice low and gravely.

I nodded, closing my mouth. “What are you doing out here? Did you see the meteor hit?” I looked around for other people.

We were alone. “Meteor?” he chuckled and looked at me, his small smile falling. “Oh, you don't know?” he tilted his head and watched me like my cat watches birds.

“Know what?” I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes. He stared at me with icy blue eyes.

“I made this hole. When I fell.” he looked at it like it was a piece of art he was examining. “It's bigger than the ones I've seen before.”

“Wait.” I held my hand up. “Fell? Where'd you fall from?” a watched him closely. He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

“There.” he pointed to the sky. My eyes followed his finger to the heavily starred early morning sky.

“Ha ha.” I shook his arm off. “Now, where'd you really come from?” I looked into his eyes to see if he was kidding.

There was no taunting in the icy pools. “No. Really. I can prove it.”

“Prove what? That you're crazy?” I took two steps back. He smiled at my harsh words.

“I'll let that one pass, for a pretty girl. No, I'll prove that I really fell from Heaven.” he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Huge black wings sprouted out of his back. They unfurled over his head and folded back against his back. “See?” he murmured, holding his hand out to me.

My hand reached back before I could run. He smiled and pulled me closer. “Okay.” I gasped as soon as I could think. “Okay. I'm Destiny.”

He laughed, kissing my hand. “Ah, the humor! I'm Andy.” I bit my lip, looking around.

“Did anybody else see you?” I looked at the city skyline. “Probably not. This way,” I started through the trees, leaving the path behind.

“Where are we going?” he asked, curiosity hinted in his deep voice.

“Back to my place. This is the short way I take home when I don't give a rat's dick about my hair getting twigs and leaves caught in it.” as I spoke, a small branch broke off in my thick hair. “See?” I pulled it out and tossed it against a tree.

“Yes. I enjoy the ability to curse. I wasn't able to before I fell. Fuck.” he laughed. “Dick. Shit. Ass.” he laughed louder. “Ah, if only my father was here to hear me say this!” he danced through the trees behind me.

I rolled my eyes. “Right. I'll be teaching you how to actually use those words. Aw fuck my motherfucking life!!!” I shook my foot to get as much muddy water off of it as I could.

“Your mother fucks your life?” he'd frozen to stare at me. I looked at him and smirked.

“Yeah. With her rainbow dick she named Charlie.” I rolled my eyes again and stepped around the puddle. “Come on. We're close.” I held the branches out of the way and waved him forward.

“Oh my!” he gasped as he saw the huge house in the middle of the forest. I pushed him slightly when a low hanging branch grabbed at my foot.

“Shit! Sorry Andy!” I murmured as I stumbled back to my feet. He laughed and stood.

“It's okay, Des.” Des? He smiled at me. Okay, he can call me Des, I guess. “Won't your parents be confused about you bringing home a fallen angel?” he looked at the house with worry.

“Nah. My mom leaves before I do and my dad left a long time ago.” I pulled him around to the front door. He stopped at the side of the house, his hand holding tightly on mine.

“You're hurt. I can feel it.” I looked down at my body.

“Nope, I'm fine.” I looked back into his soft eyes. “What? I'm fine, Andy.” I had no idea what he was talking about.

If I was hurt, wouldn't I feel it first? “Come on. Before one of the bears comes down from the high grounds.” I pulled him again.

This time he came, his eyes burning with interest. “Bears? I've always wanted to pet a bear!” I stopped and looked at him.

“Not these bears. Trust me.” I pushed my sleeve up on my arm to show him the claw scar I'd gotten years ago. He gasped and stared at my ivory skin and the dark red gash scars against it.

“Oh. My. God!” he gasped again and grabbed my arm by the wrist. He stretched it out to get a better look at it in the dull light the rising sun provided.

His wings sank into his back as he gaped over my arm. “Yeah. They're pretty viscous.” I pulled away from his warm hands and shoved my key in the lock.

I pushed the door open and walked in. “It's nice in here. Smells like vanilla. Right?” he looked at me. “I've only smelled vanilla once. I'm pretty sure this is what it smells like.” I nodded, absently taking my key out of the door and shutting it.

“Yeah, its vanilla.” I gave him a small smile and turned to the kitchen. “You hungry? Thirsty?” I pulled out two cups.

“Um, I don't know? How can I tell if I am?” he touched his stomach. “I've haven't been hungry or thirsty for years.” he clutched his shirt in his hand. “I guess I kinda forgot!” he laughed.

“Hmmm..... I don't really know how to describe it. But when your stomach growls, or your mouth is dry, you're hungry or thirsty.” I put my hand beside his. His stomach gurgled under my hand. “Yep, you're hungry.” I smiled at him.

I moved away and started to get a box of cereal out of the cabinet. Arms wound around my waist and picked me up. “AH!!” the box fell out of my hand and onto the counter and I was spun around. “Andy. What. Are. You. Doing?!” I gasped as he set me back to my feet.

“I'm so happy you're making me feel human again!” he hugged me again. “Thank you Des!” he pulled back and smiled at me, his perfect teeth contrasting wildly with his red mouth.

I smiled back. “Glad I can help.” we smiled at each other for a moment until his stomach growled again. “Here!” I poured a bowl of cereal and milk, grabbed a spoon and gave it to him. He laughed and took the spoon in his hand.

“Um...... hold on I think I got it!” he lifted the half empty spoon to his mouth. I laughed as he poured it into his mouth.

“No!” I took the spoon from him. “Like this. Watch.” I got a spoon full and lifted it to his mouth. “Open.” he did as I said and I put the spoon between his lips. “There. Close.” he closed his mouth on the spoon.

Wait, am I standing here, feeding a fallen angel? Not how I planned to spend my day. “Okay. I got it now.” he took another bite. I watched him with mild humor as he kept eating.

It was kinda cute, in a little kid way. Teaching someone how to eat and use a spoon. I think it was really cute because he was really cute.

He danced around, the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other. “What's this stuff called? I really like it.” he took another bite.

“Life.” he dropped the spoon in the bowl. “No, that's the name of the cereal. Life.” I pointed at the box.

“Oh. Okay, I almost freaked out.” his eyes bugged. “Wait. I almost freaked out!” he laughed and put the spoon back into the empty bowl.

“And what's good about that?” I looked at him as he set the bowl on the counter. He smiled and sat in the chair across the table.

“Don't you get it? We couldn't panic, or doubt our father, or feel anything really. Blind faith, trust in someone we only see when this world turns to ruins, follow orders or be killed. That's why I fell. I'm just glad about where I ended up.” he smiled wider at me.

“So you didn't have any free will? You couldn't do what you wanted?” I set my hand on the table and leaned forward.

“Not like you humans can.” he set his hand on mine. “Like this.” he picked my hand up and held it for a moment. “We can't do this. In fact, when someone becomes an angel, they lose their....” he gestured to his pants. “I guess in exchange for their wings.”

“You don't have know?” I looked at him. He laughed.

“I do now. My wings just aren't white. They've been tainted with all the human defects and all that.” his thumb rubbed my hand slightly.

“Oh. Well, I think you'd look weird with white wings.” I said matter-of-factly as I got some soda. “Want some?” I tipped the bottle to him.

“Um, sure? Why not?” I poured some in a glass and handed it to him. He watched as I took a drink and copied my movements. “Holy father!” he took another drink. “This is good!”

I smiled. “That was actually a 'holy shit' moment.” I waved my finger at him and poured more soda in his cup. “So, what do we do about you?” I took another drink.

“What do you mean?” he looked at me. I shrugged.

“Well, if you're gonna be a fallen angel and stay here on Earth like a human, you gotta go to school, you gotta get clothes, a place to stay......” I trailed off, looking at his confused face. “Didn't you plan any of this out before you fell?”

He shook his head and took another drink. “Andy!” I took the cup from him. “This is important. I can take you shopping and get your stuff with you, but you can't stay here. What would I say? 'Oh, hey Mom, can I keep an angel? Yeah, I'll take care of him?'” he laughed. “What's so funny?”

“You won't have to do any of that, Des. I can change my clothes and as for school and your mother, well, there's a reason I wanted to fall so bad.” he stood and looked out the window above the sink.

“Which was......?” I tapped my foot.

“I didn't want to be a part of a holy army anymore. I just want to do what I want. To live down here. Ans stay here.” he looked at me over his shoulder.

“Army?” I was so lost. He nodded and moved back to where I sat. “Why would God need an army?”

“For when the world is in ruins and the demons below come to stake their claim on the torched land. We were trained to fight them back. Some of us were chosen from Earth just to be a part of it. Like me.” he waved his hands down at himself. “Do you really think I died of a natural cause this young? I was hit by a bus about twelve years ago when my legs stopped working in the middle of the street.”

“I'm sorry.” I murmured softly, taking his hand in mine. “What about your family? Do you remember them?” I pulled him to the floor, sitting next to him.

“Yes. A little, at least. If I hadn't been killed, I'd be twenty eight. My mother is still alive. Unless she went to Hell. Which I really doubt.” he shook his long black hair. “And I had two brothers and a sister, I think. I can't remember their names, though.” he closed his eyes.

“Why did they want you so bad, Andy?” I pulled him into a hug. I didn't even wait for his answer.

“Because they knew that when I died that my power would come to fruition and I'd be one of the strongest warriors they could find.” he put his arms back around me.

“What's your power?” I asked, relaxing in his arms. He laughed.

“Oh, you'll know. In time, you'll get to see it.” I pulled back, looking at his huge, beaming grin.



I'm back!!!!! Being the trouble maker I am, I got suspended!!! Yep. I gotta go back the day after tomorrow to take my finals, then I have one day off then its my birthday!!!! YAY!!!!!! Then the day after that is Christmas!!!! And tomorrow I ~gasping breath / cough~ GET TO MEET THE GUY FROM PRS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ~gasp~ HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Don't ask what I did, cause it's my little secret! And if ya wanna be in this and LOVE BVB, go ahead and audition with a review!!

Hope ya all liked it and if not, WHO THE HELL CAME IN YOUR OATMEAL?!?!?!?! Lol just kidding!!! R+R

Hugs and Fudge,
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