Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenage souls *FRERARD*

Chapter 7

by RainbowShredder 6 reviews

Gerard is in love with Laurie. Or is he?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-12-27 - Updated: 2011-12-27 - 1128 words

A short chapter, just so you know that the story's not dead.

I didn't believe it. Gerard and I went on so well, and now this? How did this even happen?
The tears burned in my red rimmed eyes as I trudged down the long, deserted street with my hands dug deeply into the front pockets of my jeans. I didn't know where I was going, I just walked and walked. I wished I had my iPod with me, so I could get lost in the world of angry lyrics, chords and drumbeats. But now it was only me and the calming sound of the cold wind.
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to push away the thoughts of Gerard with Laurie. I sat down on the sidewalk, bursting out in hysterical sobs. My heart ached. It ached, for real. I lay down on my back, my hands shaking as I tried to wipe the tears off of my cheeks. My life was miserable, there was no good for a gay teenage guy in New Jersey. I just wanted to end it all, and the railway wasn't too far away. But I'd promised Gerard that I wouldn't do anything stupid. And I couldn't do that to him, he was my best friend after all. But I wanted him to be more than my best friend. I didn't want anyone but Gerard - and I was willing to wait for him forever if I had to.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I slowly picked it up. 'Gerard :)' blinked on the display, and I answered.
"Frank, where are you?" Gerard said desperatly.
"Why do you care?" I muttered.
"Yeez, Frank! You're my best friend, please come back and talk to me."
"I think.. I think it's better if we, if we stop seeing eachother for a while.."
"What?! Frank, please! You said you were happy for me!"
"Yes, I'm indeed happy for you.. But I didn't say I was happy. To be honest, I feel like dying right now.. I can't see you, Gerard. Have your fun with Laurie. I love you."
I hung up and stared blankly at my phone. A tear landed on the display, and I started sobbing again. My entire body was shaking as I tried to stand up, but I ended up falling down again. My phone called again, and 'Lindsey' was the name that blinked on the display this time.
"Y-yes?" I answered, trying to sound as normal as possible. But it was hard since I choked on my breaths.
"Gerard called, and he-"
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS, LIN!" I yelled, and a lound bang was heard from Lindsey's end of the line.
"Calm down, you're making me drop my phone.." she sighed. "Let me pick you up, 'kay?"
"If you're taking me to talk to Gerard, I swear I'll ki-"
"Frank! Calm. The fuck. Down."
I sighed in defeat.
"Good. I won't take you to Gerard. You and I will go home to my place, watch a chick flick and drink loads of tea in our PJ's. Does that sound okay?"
"It's only noon." I said, smirking slightly at the way she tried to cheer me up.
"So? C'mon, Frank, it'll be great! Now, where are you?"
"Uhm," I looked at my surroundings, realizing I was near our school. "On the road behind school, you know the one that goes from the school towards the woods?"
"I'll pick you up soon." Lindsey said and hung up. I sighed and relaxed a little. She sure knew how to make me feel better.

I saw Lindsey's old battered car drive towards we, and I slowly stood up. She pulled up next to me and opened the passenger door.
"Hop in, Frank." she demanded, and smiled sympathetically as I dried my tears once again and sat down in the old leather seat.
"Things will be okay, Frankie."

"He loves you, y'know." Lindsey said as we slopped down in the couch in her room.
"If he loved me, why would he date laurie?" I questioned, and Lindsey frowned.
"Maybe he thinks that he's in love with Laurie. But I know that he loves you, deep down."
I sighed and stared out the window, watching the white clouds fly across the sky.
"But it hurts so much!" I said, and the tears welled in my eyes once again. Lindsey pulled me into a hug.
"I know it does."

Mikey's POV

"Dammit, Gerard! You are so fucking stupid!" I yelled at my older brother. He looked down at his feet in shame. "Why did you do this to Frank? To yourself?! Laurie is way more capable of hurting you than Frank. Frank would never hurt you!"
"I know that, bu-"
"But what?! You're in love with a guy you just met?!"
"Yes I am."
"No, you're not. Okay, maybe Laurie looks good and all, but fuck, Gerard! Think about Frank. Think about how Jake hurt you. He was exactly like Laurie. He asked you out for coffee, said he was in love with you - and then he slept with a girl."
"Laurie's not like him!" Gerard cried, and the tears streamed down his face.
"I'm not saying he is, I'm just saying he could be. I care about you, Gerard. And I know that Frank would be so much better for you. He loves you. Just think about it."

I walked out from my brother's room and down the stairs. I couldn't believe how Gerard exposed himself to this risk again, the risk of getting hurt.
I decided to call Meagan, the only one who could talk some sense into Gerard's head.
"What's up, Mikey?" she answered.
"Gerard's lost his mind."
"What now?" she sighed.
"He's dating this guy Laurie, but I know that he loves Frank."
"Wow. That boy sure is stupid. I'll call him."
"Great, talk to ya' later."

Gerard's POV

I was in love with Laurie. Or well, I think I was. But maybe deep down, I loved Frank more. Meagan called me and reminded me of the great times Frank and I had together, and I remembered why I fell in love with him in the first place. It was his smile, that lighted an entire room. His eyes, like delicate chocolate with green and golden specks. Just the sound of his laugh could make my day. The way he insisted that I shouldn't hide behind my fringe, that he wanted to see my eyes. He was Frank - an energetic, adorable, beautiful, amazing guy whom I actually loved.
And then I knew what I had to do.

What did you think? It felt like crap tbh. But please R&R, it makes my day! xo. Tuva
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