Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Be Mine

Chapter 2

by 30STMarissGDMCR 0 reviews

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Published: 2011-12-28 - Updated: 2011-12-28 - 494 words

[Pierre p.o.v]
Seb walked in a couple minutes after David left. I looked behind him but David wasn’t there.
I must say I was a little disappointed. I feel better when he’s around. I figured that out a couple days ago, when we, in a veeeery drunk mood, kissed. Well, he was very drunk. He doesn’t even remember it. I still remember it. Way to clearly. And I’ve been thinking about a lot. Even cried myself to sleep sometimes, just cause I was afraid of myself. I that short amount of time I’ve gone from completely straight, or at least I thought I was, to … well I guess gay. After that one night I didn’t noticed cute girls anymore, just cute guys. And mostly David. Yes… I fell in love with my best friend. Since then I couldn’t laugh at the ‘David’s got a secret girlfriend’ jokes anymore. Simply cause they kinda hurted. The other night I was actually jealous when a fan was flirting with him after a show. He wasn’t playing along, he never does, but I was still fucking jealous.

Seb sat down and took his drink.
‘hey Pierre? ’ he said to me
‘yeah’ was my very intelligent reply
‘I think David wants to talk to you’ he said and gave a little, almost invisible wink. Seb knew about it. He was there with the kiss, and he was the one that came over to my bunk when I was crying. I told him everything. I just had to get it off my chest. I’m not a person who keeps it all inside.
‘oh, okay. Guess I’ll go to him then’ I said and stood up.

When I got outside I saw David standing. Just standing and staring into nothing. He looked so beautiful in the light of the twilight. His black hair dancing with the wind, making some skin in his neck visable. Damn I just wanted to jump onto him and kiss him. But I knew I couldn’t. he would probably never like me the way I like him.
I walked towards him and when I reached him I placed my hand on his shoulder. He jumped a little and damn what was that cute.
‘Damn Pierre, you scared the hell out of me.’ He said when he was turned around and faced me. Damn he had such beautiful brown eyes. I could just stare in them for hours. Damn I wanted to do things to him now, my fantasy was going out of control, just by staring in his beautiful eyes. I couldn’t control my body anymore. I leaned forward without thinking. Since that moment a couple days ago I haven’t been this close to him any more. And now I can’t take it. I moved even closer towards him and before I realized what I was doing, I kissed him…
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